PIC by Jandam Photography… “in over your head”
Sayings about wisdom, by King Solomon
– Extrapolations and quotes from Proverbs 8
- Wisdom defines those who are fools
- What Solomon says about Wisdom
Without wisdom, you are basically characterized as “a closed-minded, self-confident fool”, according to the wisest man ever on earth, King Solomon. According to the Bible, Solomon was never bested throughout all of history – as far as his wisdom.
He knew people well. And he went to the trouble of defining what type of person is “a fool”. (And he also went on to become quite the fool himself – listening to bad advice and siren songs of allurement to foreign women.)
Solomon said, if you are not following “wisdom”, then you are one or more of several not so wise types.
If you are not following “wisdom”
then you are one or more of several not so wise types:
a closed-minded fool
a self-confident fool
you are without wisdom
you are naive or inexperienced
you do not understand how to be prudent
you have so little “astute common sense”
you are a closed-minded, self-confident fool
you are easily misled
you do not seek self-discipline
you do not want to follow godly living
you do not speak forth truth
you speak forth wickedness
you do wickedness
your wickedness is repulsive and loathsome
you are repulsive and loathsome
your words are contrary (opposed) to truth
your words are perverted (crooked)
you are not upright,
you are not in right standing with God
– Extrapolations and quotes from King Solomon in Proverbs 8
Want to be a fool? Stay a fool? Or: Do you want to heed God’s Word, and follow the Truth? Who would want to go through all of life — and end up… still a fool?
God is calling us to Himself. Have you read about Him? Have you truly heard His call? Have you heeded His message?
Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.
– Source: Making God
Without wisdom, you are basically characterized as “a closed-minded, self-confident fool”, according to the wisest man ever on earth, King Solomon. Solomon said, if you are not following “wisdom”, then you are one or more of several not so wise types.
The secret of facing both plenty and hunger, abundance and need
The Bible is able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation
What decides and settles your burning questions?
Why believe such stupididiotic things?
Making God…making God as I want him to be
Are you ready to meet your Maker?
Contrast the wise versus the foolish:
The Good Fruit List
The Bad Fruit List
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