“…greater is he who is in you than he who is in the world. – Verse 1 of 1 John 4:1-10
Jesus is stronger… and that is why I win in the end. I will be living in God’s Home Heaven – forever wild and truly free.
Beloved, don’t believe every spirit,
but test the spirits,
whether they are of God…
4 You are of God, little children,
and have overcome them;
because greater is he who is in you
than he who is in the world.
– Verses 1 & 4 of 1 John 4:1-10
Jesus is stronger and He wins in the end. 1 And because I am in Christ I am stronger than all the enemies of my soul, and I win in the end.
This world is not my home! That is why…
I live with confidence
I am not afraid of death
I cast aside fear. God is my refuge and strength
I do not allow sin to reign over me
I have exceedingly vibrant joy in my inner soul
Although I am not perfect, I have, growing in me… “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control”
I converse with my Savior all throughout my day
I make it my aim to do everything I do – with all my might, and – for the glory of God
Source: Never Again
This article was inspired by 1 John 4:1-10 and Don’t Ring The Bell
Why all my pain and sorrow, my sickness and worries
Living through our tunnel of sorrows…and coming out vibrant on the other end
More than conquerors in Christ
I run to win. Christ did. Do you?
My sparkling clean soul It happens when I pray for cleansing.
Cleansing: 2 Corinthians 7:1; Jeremiah 15:19; Titus 3:5; John 13:10; John 15:3.
About past sins – and being forgiven now
He who raised the Lord Jesus will also raise us with Jesus
Entrance Granted Into the Eternal
Heaven. What’s it going to be like?
- “The good news is manifold.
First, having read the end of the “Book” I can assure you we have won in Christ Jesus!
Secondly, as sin abounds so does the grace of our God (Romans 5:20) and the darkness of this age only makes His Gospel light shine even brighter.
Third, as always we are called to keep our eyes focused upon Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2) regardless of our temporal situation.”
– Rev. Bob Liichow of Discernment Ministries International in his article: Perilous Times Have Come.
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