The increase of evil in the last days
Bible prophecy predicts that evil will spread greatly in the last days. In Matthew 24 Jesus spoke of
“the beginning of birth pangs
[of the intolerable anguish
and the time of unprecedented trouble]”
(Matthew 24:8).

It is apparent to many that we are in that predicted period of birth pangs now. What we are seeing and hearing in current news… is so filled with horror that many fall prey to “Cognitive Dissonance“, covering their eyes and ears, like as to bury their ostrich heads in the sand.
See: We are now in birth pangs times – and then the end
Introduction: The gate is opening, and the snakes of the Evil One are entering. It’s happening, folks. See the world events lining-up with what Jesus Himself predicted, along with the Apostle Paul. If we don’t die of one of the COVIDs, or poor health, some evil or an errant Mac Truck, we just might live into the Rapture! Look into Jesus’ predictions here with me. The Bible predicts these events that we can right now see in the news! Times are controlled by God, and those times are here upon us.
The Apostle Paul spoke of Jesus’ prophecy, talking about the currently restrained Antichrist’s “unlimited seduction to evil” and “the deception of wickedness:
“…unlimited seduction to evil and with all the deception of wickedness for those who are perishing….” – 2 Thessalonians 2:10
7 For the mystery of lawlessness
[rebellion against divine authority
and the coming reign of lawlessness]
is already at work;
[but it is restrained]
only until he who now restrains it
is taken out of the way.
8 Then the lawless one [the Antichrist]
will be revealed
and the Lord Jesus will slay him
with the breath of His mouth
and bring him to an end
by the appearance of His coming.
– 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8
When “He who now restrains it” is taken off the planet
When “He who restrains” is taken off the planet, along with all believers, then the Antichrist will be unrestrained. Even now the horrors of today… give us cognitive dissonance to the extreme. Imagine the horrors of evil then! Unrestrained evil humans!
Read at any of these sites and you get a growing horror of realization that things are NOT as they would seem:
EncouragingAngels.org/new-blog: Dumb Unto Death
NaturalNews.com: BOMBSHELL: Vaccinated adults under age 60 are dying at TWICE the rate of unvaccinated… the vaccine DOUBLES the deaths from all causes November 23, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
NaturalNews.com: Cancer expert says U.K. seeing spike in “non-covid deaths,” nobody willing to call out vaccine elephant in the room November 25, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
FoxNews.com: Multiple countries take swift action to halt travel from South Africa over ‘heavily mutated’ [nu] variant
Censored.News: New CCP Virus Variant Confirmed in Belgium, First Case in Europe By 21
Brighteon.com: Videos – https://www.brighteon.com/channels/hrreport
Fearfully evil, dark things are happening now.
‘Severe’ Adverse Reactions And Mass Death From mRNA COVID Vaccines ‘Virtually Guaranteed’; See other articles about Former Pfizer VP Dr. Michael Yeadon | May 20, 2021 By CFT Team
- FOUR TIMES more vaxxed people are dying than unvaxxed… depopulation effects are kicking in and the bodies are piling up – NaturalNews.com November 21, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
- “The vast majority of reported covid deaths – 82 percent, according to the data – are occurring after people get their injections.”
- “Back in September [2021], the Office for National Statistics reported that almost everyone that month who tested “positive” for covid and died was “fully vaccinated”.”
- “If the Covid injection was 90% effective in preventing death, why are ‘vaccinated’ people currently dying at a ratio of 4,8:1 to ‘unvaccinated” people?” asks The Exposé.”
- “The ‘vaccines’ are destroying people’s immune systems – causing an immunodeficiency disorder, similar to AIDS, but vaccine-induced. The correlation is unequivocally clear but corporate media is not reporting it.”
- “More of the latest news about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” damage can be found at ChemicalViolence.com.”
- How Black Is the Darkness of Evil? From AgendaWeekly.com. MKUltra to the COVID Conspiracy. (Search MKUltra on YouTube.)
- Government’s Greatest Tool: False Flag Attacks (https://agendaweekly.com/governments-greatest-tool-false-flag-attacks/)
- False Flag Definition: “A horrific, staged event – blamed on a political enemy and used as a pretext to start a war or enact draconian laws in the name of national security.”
- False Flag Definition: “A horrific, staged event – blamed on a political enemy and used as a pretext to start a war or enact draconian laws in the name of national security.”
- Conspiracy! by Pete Garcia. Sep 9, 2021; 11 min read
- Here come the tattoo marks – Scientists want to stamp children with invisible ink to prove they’ve been vaccinated | November 15, 2021 | Ethan Huff
- This, and other such tech inventions, are ready to implement The Mark of the Beast – now.
Jesus predicted an increase in loveless people because of the increase of evil:
“Because lawlessness is increased,
the love of most people will grow cold.”
– Matthew 24:12
Aggravated assault from 1999-2018:
Aggravated assault is up from 911 cases in 1999– to 807,000 in 2018, according to FBI stats (ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s). That is an increase of 806,000 in 20 years, or an average of 40,000 more per year for 20 years. That is an 88,484% increase over 20 years. That has got to be assault by common, loveless people (not just repeat criminals). That says it all.
“Los Angeles Police Chief Michel Moore told the Police Commission Tuesday that the city has experienced a 50% increase in shooting victims this year compared to the same period last year.”
The evil of government
Not only is the evil of individuals increasing, but the evil of government is increasing – exponentially.
See: Conspiracy confirmed.
Fearful things are being done, purposely, by the powers that exist. Our response to the fears of today:
“Fear not.” Trust in the God who holds the universe in His Hands. Hope in Christ.
Jesus’ big end time prophecy
This chapter, Matthew 24, is Jesus’ big end time prophecy. Matthew 24:22 is a startling prediction by Jesus:
“And if those days [of tribulation]
had not been cut short,
no human life would be saved;
for the sake of the elect
(God’s chosen ones)
those days will be shortened.”
– Matthew 24:22
I think we can easily see, now — exactly how all life on this planet could be “ended”. We can see why it will be necessary for God to intervene “for the sake of the elect” (Matthew 24:22).
Is it possible that “those days will be shortened”…
because of COVID? Medical experts are saying that the side effects of mRNA “vaccines” (started in 2020) could soon kill massive amounts of people. News says “PRESS SECRETARY FOR ISRAELI PM: VACCINATED PEOPLE NOW DYING, AND GOING TO HOSPITAL VERY SICK”
- because of nuclear wars on the horizon (between the USA vs China, or China vs Korea/Japan/Australia?)
because of AI, or …some form of the darkness of evil
These things are truly here now, and happening.
Stepping-in to an authoritarian regime
The One World Order, or, what Christians see in the Bible as the Antichrist and The Great Tribulation, has the tech tools necessary, and the abject evil hearts… to step-in now with its predicted authoritarian regime.
Only the timing of the Holy Spirit, “the one who now restrains it”…is between us and the Rapture! Our hope must be in the faithfulness of Jesus.
What we are seeing and hearing in current news… is so filled with horror that many fall prey to “Cognitive Dissonance”, covering their eyes and ears to the facts. When “He who restrains” is taken off the planet, along with all believers, then the Antichrist will be unrestrained. Imagine the horrors of evil then! Unrestrained evil humans!
We are now in birth pangs times – and then the end
The evils of End Times evil players
28 Now when these things begin to occur, stand tall and lift up your heads [in joy], because [suffering ends as] your redemption is drawing near.”
8 You too, be patient; strengthen your hearts [keep them energized and firmly committed to God], because the coming of the Lord is near.
Unrestrained sinful sinful humans
Unrestrained sinful sinful humans
How then should we live NOW – believing the Rapture is just around the corner?
The wrath of God and His indignation
The end… as Jesus predicted it
Rely on the Spirit of God in you
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