– An adapted excerpt from: There is a broad road that says heaven but goes to hell
Welcome Home
It will be a “Welcome Home” in Hell for sinners, God damned on earth, by Holy God, then officially from His Courts as The Judge Eternal, on that soon coming Judgement Day event in the heavens.
Hell is for unrepentant sinners
They are those who thought they would “wing it“, those who deceived their own minds with philosophies and religions of man, those who followed “another gospel” – lured away by false teachers, those who warmed church pews but lacked “one thing”, offering Jesus a divided heart, not 100% for Jesus. I refuse to live a useless life – you know what I mean..?
Choosing to maintain a dichotomous heart – they refused to bow the knee to Jesus. Those who merely flexed, barely bent the knee, gave a slight genuflection to seem respectful, but did not bow their heart completely – with both knees in total submission to Almighty God.
When the great war of Armegeddon is over and done, and the thousand year “Millennial rule of Christ” ends (Revelation 20:2-7; 2 Peter 3:8), then all the dead will be made alive once again, once dead and gone, they’re gathered by God, alive again, before the Courts of God — and Judgement Day happens.
None who were born again on earth will be there That Day – not even one, only all the God damned of earth together for their day in Court before The Holy Judge. Yes, they get their day in Court. What a day in Court they will have.
Are you ready to escape That Day? Or will hell be your home forever? There is a Way to get away. One Way. Jesus is that Way (John 14:5-7). Only Jesus. As God Himself, He said it Himself, for all to hear:
“I am the way, and the truth, and the life.
No one
comes to the Father
except through me.”
– NET Bible
Heaven has room for all humankind
There is still room for you in Heaven. (Happily, God has “vacancies”.) But so sadly few there be, that go far enough in their spiritual journey to actually give themselves 100% to Jesus. He is a jealous God (Exodus 34:14). What He requires of us is that we give our soul to Him completely, exclusively.
Because we are still in our weak fleshly body, His salvation does not require 100% faithfulness, nor 100% sinlessness, nor 100% obedience all the time, nor 100% perfection and maturity! Thank you Jesus! But He requires a heart given-over to Him 100%.
Salvation is a matter of the heart
We do not loose our salvation when we fail our Savior. But He is not our Savior if our heart is anything less than 100% His. Sinners without Christ have a heart problem. Their heart is divided. There’s always that “One thing you lack” (verse 21 of Mark 10:17-31). They have a dichotomous heart that cannot commit 100% to following Jesus.
It’s all or nothing – 100%
God Is Asking You To Repent – 100%
Being faithful, little by little
There is a broad way that seems right. But what it seems to be is not what it really is. It “is a broad road that says Heaven, but goes to Hell.” Sin always says a good thing. It talks a good talk. It attracts us to go that way. Sin promises Heaven. But the road it leads down is the highway to Hell.
Fortunately, while on the highway to Hell – you always have an opportunity to turn and go another way. The tiny road to Jesus presents itself every once in a while.
Usually, however, sojourners never give it a second look, quite oblivious to what Hell holds for them up the road.
– Source: Going To Hell?
Are you on the road to Hell, or have you turned your life around – and chosen Jesus?
Faith is not
a philosophy you spout about,
but rather
an allegiance you live about
with all your heart.
– Luke 10:27
– Source: It’s all or nothing
Today is your day to reconsider your life
Every day is your chance to choose to follow Jesus. But THIS DAY, today, may be your last. And tomorrow?
If you have no tomorrow,
and you let THIS DAY pass…
your chance to choose salvation in Christ
expired with you. 1
No “dibsies” on Heaven 2

Source: politico.com
Once you are dead and gone
Once you are dead and gone without Christ, there will be no first dibs – second dibs, no entitlement, no rights, no suing God, no lien you can sue for, no insistent demanding, no demands whatsoever that you can make, no supplication, no privilege for anyone, no rank to pull, no importunity, no cajolery.
But I imagine there will be a lot of “if only I had…” regrets, screams of horror and loss, deep deep in the pit of your stomach – gut punch pain, kidney punch remorse. Maybe some pompous fool will blurt-out, “Now, hold it just one second here….” But I doubt it. The reality of God’s reality will be all consuming.
– An adapted excerpt from: There is a broad road that says heaven but goes to hell
Why Believe Such Stupididiotic Things?!
About Being Apostate… following “another gospel”
The Chutzpah of Wannabe Christians
Seduced Evangelicals …Commentary on Paul Young and his book, The Shack, from WND, with quotes from the author of the book: Burning Down ‘The Shack’: How the ‘Christian’ bestseller is deceiving millions, by James B. DeYoung (Paperback – June 1, 2010)
The Kingdom of God is very exclusive, very luxurious – very special
God forgives sins by His Holy Holy Justice
What God has going on with us here on this planet
The Wonder of the Birth of God
Being 100% given-over to Jesus
It’s all or nothing – 100%
God Is Asking You To Repent – 100%
Being faithful, little by little
What man can live and not see death? – Psalm 89:48
Armageddon And The Second Coming Of Christ – article at bible.org
Don Lemonites on Judgement Day
Why you are an idiot …IF you say there is no God
Want it – to know it. God’s message to us
- expire: to emit the last breath; die. – Google
- “dibs” is a popular slang phrase in the U.S. used to refer to a claim over or first right to some object. The only catch: A person has to utter the term or call “dibs” before anyone else in order to defend that claim.
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