“Moving away from Christianity” does not happen overnight. Drifting away happens year by year, decision by decision. Have you drifted?
“A piece in The Atlantic makes the case that Americans are not just moving away from Christianity; religious fervor is being replaced by political fervor. The article cites a Gallup poll that showed that church membership in the U.S. in 1998 was at 70 percent. Two decades later, it was at 50 percent.
According to the article, “As religious faith has declined, ideological intensity has risen. … As Christianity’s hold, in particular, has weakened, ideological intensity and fragmentation have risen. American faith, it turns out, is as fervent as ever; it’s just that what was once religious belief has now been channeled into political belief.”
This has deepened divisions between Americans.
Is it any wonder that American society is starting to feel the effects of this spiritual drift?”
– The Western Journal; article by Elizabeth Stauffer June 2, 2022 at 4:14pm
Moving away?
Where are you at with your faith? Do you have a strong faith in Jesus? Do you stand for what Jesus stands for, or …have you given it up?
Jesus is all the world to me. How ’bout you?
The return of Jesus is imminent. Is your faith enough for Him? I plan to stand for Jesus – through to the end.
As people continue to loose their faith, it leads me to ask: What about you? Is your faith truly in Jesus?
Outward religion but inward… everything unclean
Saying no to Jesus is a dead faith with dead works
How much is Heaven worth to you?
People of Faith and What They Did
Run with endurance and active persistence the race that is set before us
Maintain yourself faithful – out of loyalty to Christ
Divine Mysteries Revealed by the Godman Jesus
Stand tall and lift up your heads in joy, Jesus said
There comes a time to stand for Jesus, or deny Jesus
I would rather stand with God and be judged by the world. Yes!
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