Today I misheard a dermatologist solicitor say to me,
“Your disappointment is scheduled for this month.“
Funny. I foolishly answered “Unknown Caller….”
That call made me remember: That is actually true for the unsaved. Those who are still in their unforgiven sin… to-date are still pre-scheduled for disappointment by God Himself. Their huge feelings of more-than-just-disppointment will be real upon entering the other side. Imagine the surprise and panic.
it is appointed and destined
for all men
to die once
and after this
[comes certain] judgment
– Hebrews 9:27
Our death day is appointed by God. He knows the future. But for those who turn to Jesus – that day will NOT be a disappointment. It will be the greatest day we have ever had!

PIC: time-is-slipping | From shalominmessiah.com
“move something inside” (See note below: “Quote”)
Have you chosen Jesus yet? Have you wondered: How do I get to Heaven?
What will it take to “move something inside” you? Tomorrow may never arrive for you, so… today is the best time you might ever have to follow Jesus with sincerity and truth. He is asking you to repent before it’s too late.
He accepted my confession years ago, and I have not been disappointed at all for that. I have hope.
The love of God does not disappoint.
TOP PIC: emma-simpson-mNGaaLeWEp0. Unsplash
God is calling about your appointment. He will not disappoint.
Quote “move something inside” is in the article: His ‘un-becoming’: A tale of resurrection |By James Rainey, reporting from Berkeley. | About Jessi Fernandez, a former gang member from Los Angeles | Excerpt:
– “Fernandez has authored a singular resurrection tale that he shared over more than three years of texts, emails and visits with a Times reporter. His journey has been fraught with setbacks, occasional bouts of “impostor syndrome,” friction with a few people who treated him as unworthy and a lingering fear that he might be dragged down by his dangerous past.
– “Shorty’s death helped move something inside Fernandez.” “Sometimes,” Boyle said, “death can be the alarm clock.”
OMGj Editor Note: Brazilian novelist Paulo Coelho spoke of “un-becoming”. He is on the right track, but missing any mention of Jesus and His transforming work inside us who follow Him.
Passing on through to the other side
Why Jesus will say to some “I don’t know you”
Why will Jesus say to some “I don’t know you”
…whereas to others He will say
“well done”… enter into my Kingdom?
Confirm & Affirm why Jesus will accept me
Salvation in Christ is beyond HUGE
Was your confession accepted by God?
The Work of Salvation Excerpt: God’s Work of Salvation
God’s work of salvation was done by Jesus when He came down to earth: when He became the Godman, when He died on the cross, when He was buried, when He arose from the tomb, when He ascended back up into Heaven.
From the beginning of time, He wants all of us to be saved. And now HE is saving people from Hell — in that very moment when they first believe.
God promises – and He delivers
Jesus did not come down to earth to condemn us (Verse 17 of John 3:14-19). He does not get angry with our sinfulness [to the point where He] then angrily takes away our salvation. [Our salvation is secure in Him… if we were actually saved.]
About Evidences for faith in Jesus
Was Jesus actually God Almighty?
You cannot lose what God keeps secured for us
What God secures – You cannot “lose”
Why we never lose our salvation in Christ
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