Can Jesus be your Savior while not your Lord also? Scripture say: NOT
Caught-up with a practice God has said not to practice?
We find this in Joshua 24:15 – “Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve.” Are you choosing your practices by what God has told us in the Bible?
The most important thing when you are rich
“I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live….” (Deuteronomy 30:19). Have you chosen Life?
Letting It Reign Until Hell Is Home
If I were to let sin reign in my body, then — what a mess. But I don’t let it. I am not “these things”. I am strong in Him. Only in Him.
Being tested to know for sure your faithfulness to God
It is a pass or fail test – what God uses on us. Where are you at with Him?
Jesus will reject many “Christians”
Jesus Himself said many that come to Him in the end times will be rejected. Wow. This is not expected! Why will He reject so many? These that He rejects are nice people, loving people. They each call themselves Christians. So much for getting to Heaven by being nice and loving! “Loving” does not save.
What God secures – You cannot “lose”
We are not saved after all these years – because we clung desperately to Him. No. We are still saved because He holds us firmly in His Hands. “I am the Door; anyone who enters through Me will be saved….” (John 10:9)
What being “saved” means
Getting “saved” by Jesus, is 100% a thing of the heart. If your life doesn’t follow your confession, then you did not get saved. Simple. Tragic for many, many who live in error.
Got a Cracked Heart?
Was your “decision” for Christ way long ago made with a “cracked heart”. Have you examined yourself lately? -2 Corinthians 13:5
Beliefs “deserving full acceptance and approval”
The Gospel is chock-full of beliefs which are “deserving full acceptance and approval”. Are your beliefs worthy of God’s approval?
Will you be turned away by Jesus?
I am so very, very concerned for you. Have you ever considered the possibility that YOU yourself will be turned-away by Jesus when you meet Him? Will Jesus say to you, “One thing you lack”, or, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me…’?
Believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Anointed One
We are saved by God when we give Him all our heart with sincerity and truth. Is that your faith? Or are you trying hard to be good enough, but …lacking one thing?
Small gods, and our great big beautiful God
Is your “god” too small? Does “he” leave you fearful about your eternity? What kind of god have you chosen? Were you ever truly born again – back when you supposedly “accepted Christ”?
Living between two opinions
Do you equivocate, living between two opinions? Isn’t it time to choose this day who you will serve, 100%?
Psalm 51 type repentance and salvation
The only humans entering heaven’s gate will be those sinners who confessed their sinfulness – and yielded their will completely (100%) to Christ in that moment of salvation.
Being 100% given-over to Jesus
Being faithful to Jesus – that is what we want, right? Being faithful – when the Rapture happens? (I really want to go on that ride!) I live for Jesus, and that is why I live with confidence. How ’bout you? Accepting Jesus- plus some other is totally rejected by Jesus. That “other gospel” faith is the road that leads to the other place, not to God’s Home Heaven.
“The God to whom I belong and whom I worship”
What kind of “god” are you now given-over to? You liken’ it? I absolutely vouch for Jesus!
Fearing God with awe-filled reverence
For those of us who have a heart 100% given-over to Jesus – it is natural to “fear” God, in the sense of: we have a heart full of “awe-filled reverence”. How we speak to others should be filled with respect and awe of God. You seeing that in you?
One thing you lack
Jesus is inviting you to come into His Kingdom. Forever! Imagine how exotic and opulent – His Place? Is that exciting – or what!? I’m looking for that! Have you visited Jesus, like the rich young ruler, and blindly held-on to your ways in the midst of all your religiosities? It is a fearful thing to consider being rejected by a damning God. How far would you go to NOT be God-damned?
Your useless way of life
I refuse to live a useless life. You know what I mean. A “wood, hay, and stubble” life (1 Corinthians 3:10-15). How about you?
God Is Asking You To Repent
So, here we are on earth, living. If you are reading this — you’re not dead yet! And God is asking you to repent. God is saying – repent now, before it’s too late to repent. What are you saying back to God?
Just beyond the veil
Just beyond “beyond the veil”, beyond this dimension where we live – there is a whole different existence prepared for us by God. And it’s eternal. Got your mind around that? For those who accepted Christ in this life — it will be totally… Awesome!
Limited Grace
Salvation in Christ is not a willy-nilly “free for all” gift bin. The Gospel of Christ is not a “come one, come all” offer by God. No. You must be born again.
Being faithful, little by little
Faithfulness is a process. We live, we try, we fail, we sin – but the faithful then repent, turn to God again, and move on in faith. The faithful are little-by-little-faithful. No person on earth is totally faithful to God all at once. They are not sinless. They are not saved in the end because they sinned less than “the other guy”. Does the way you live – show that you “love the Lord your God with all your heart”? Is your heart on the altar – 100%? Or is your heart cracked?
Accepting Jesus – Plus Some Other
Do you acknowledge the dissidence between your “want-a-be” and your whatch-ya-be? The truth is you can’t have it both ways. Salvation in Christ is what it is. God has shared His Way with us. It is not “whatever you make it to be”. Salvation is not something you make up for your own convenience. Are you saved by God? Or are you hoping your own way will be good enough?
All or Nothing
How much do you love God? You have a big heart, a deep, deep soul, lots of strength, and a huge mind! What’s in there?! Are you all for God in all of you, or …partially? What Jesus was saying here, basically, is: Your life must be totally given-over to Jesus, without reservation.
Practicing Sin, Not Following Christ
Are you practicing sin? Is there sin you constantly practice? Have you grown accustomed to accepting [“your” sin] as okay with God? Are you okay with the practices of your life? Scripture teaches us very clearly what is obviously …NOT following Christ. In fact, we are warned that “that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.” You are not following Christ if this is characteristic of you: Galatians 5:16-21.
Be a little more Christian
It seems so few know what the Bible really says about “being a Christian”. A Christian is not a name you yourself can define however you want. There is no meaning at all if anything can be whatever you want it to be. Funny one should call himself “Christian”, but say it does not matter what you believe! How rational is that? Do you know how the Bible defines “Christian”?
Fighting the Good Fight
When I accepted God´s offer of salvation, God then and there forgave me and accepted me as His child. The battle is then to maintain our life holy, strong in Him. Even after becoming a child of the King, we have the option to ¨offer our body to sin¨(Romans 6) and shipwreck this life we live on earth. Once we are His, we are then to live in a manner that pleases our Jesus Christ – our Lord.