The Rapture was an integral part of the faith for the early church. It is still a basic tenet of the faith. Are you yourself looking forward to The Rapture with great anticipation?
Jesus saves and Jesus condemns
Are you “saved”? This is more than important: Reconsider your life. Get it together. Get truly saved …because nothing less is acceptable to Jesus.
My terrors in the dark place
Sometimes I live in terror of the dark place. The horror of rejection by my God. I waver and am flooded with old fears. What if Jesus is not Lord and Savior of my sin drenched soul? Where is that safe sweet spot?
How you can know you are a Christian
The final frontier is just ahead. Ready for it? Do you know you are a Christian? Are you really really sure? Be sure – read the Bible.
That moment of death
There is a place
where turning back’s a choice no longer
Hell is waiting but Jesus calls
What will it be for you?
Say you Heaven or say you Hell
Getting old?
This series by John Wyatt is terrific. Wyatt gives insights about our ending days as senior folk. Check out this four-part series: Running the Final Lap
As dead as a doornail
We will never ever be “as dead as a doornail”. You’ve heard the expression?
The way everlasting
Hell of a place – Hell. Ready for that? But wait – Jesus died to make a way to Heaven!
The Redemption of God
The Pawn Shop analogy – where what is lost absolutely must be redeemed. You been redeemed?
Passing on through to the other side
When you pass away, you pass through a doorway, sort of, and — whoops, there you are, ready or not… kneeling before God. You have reached your final destination — a timeless realm prepared by God. Ready for that?
Oh haunting fear of death – be gone
Are you fearful of death? What does the Bible tell us about it?
Those who kill the body
“Do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that have nothing more that they can do.” Rather, “fear the One who, after He has killed, has authority and power to hurl [you] into hell.” Yes I can – I can stand strong.
He’s got this
Whatever it is that you’ve got troubling you, “He’s got this!” When I find myself in times of trouble, I turn to Jesus.
Seeking and Pursuing Death
How are you “doing” your life? It’s only one life. Got anything going for the next one… just beyond the veil?
What man can live and not see death? – Psalm 89:48
“What man can live and not see death?” (Psalm 89:48) Death is quite the non-respecter of peoples. We die. That’s it, for earth time. Done. Finito. But there is One who has had victory over death.
Why we fear
Fear breaks the dams in my gut. Ever felt fear – like vise grips tightened over your heart? Felt red raw fear? Solutions are not “Automated Jesus Answers”. Each fear I have, I have to deal with — each time. I deal with them, anew. The Lord is with me at all times, so, really: What have I to fear? What have I to dread? Philippians 4:4-7.
Two roads to die for
Life is full of choices. You know? The biggest choice we all make, one way or another, is: Are you going with God?
Maintain yourself faithful – out of loyalty to Christ
If we face death because of our faith in Christ, we can be confident knowing that He is with us all the way. He alone is our hope. “Fear not.” At the moment of our death – we put on Immortality.
About Heaven
A series about Heaven. What’s it going to be like? How do I get there?
Heaven for us – starts when we die
Heaven for us – starts when we die. Heaven is joy and goodness everywhere – always – where only the goodness of God surrounds us.
The reality for us now
The reality for us now is “Christ has in fact been raised from the dead”. The mystery of the Gospel has been revealed – and fulfilled by the Messiah
1 Corinthians 15:12-58. Resurrection verses
Death and Resurrection verses of 1 Corinthians 15:verses 12-58.
About Death and Dying
…a series about death and dying Just beyond the veil December 10, 2018 Just beyond this dimension where we live – there is a whole different existence prepared for us by God. And it’s eternal. Got your mind around that? “beyond the veil“. …in a mysterious or hidden place or state, especially… Filed Under: […]
At death – we put on immortality
In God’s Home Heaven, we who followed Jesus on earth — will all be truly INVINCIBLE, living in incorruptible, immortal bodies – like Jesus had when He was resurrected. v50 “Now I say this, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God….”
He who raised the Lord Jesus will also raise us with Jesus
If we keep our eyes on Jesus, we have nothing to fear because He goes before us. I fear no evil because He is with me.
Trophimus I left sick at Miletus
Sometimes we get sick. And sometimes prayer, as earnest as you can be, leaves us not-healed. What’s with that?
He will live among them and He will wipe away every tear
The Rapture is first. But then Jesus will return again 7 years later to defeat His foes in the Battle of Armageddon. At that time He will establish a new order on earth. The dawning of a new order by God!
Feeling insignificant?
It’s all so senseless looking, worthless, waste – and yet there is one ray of light, a hope for now, today, tomorrow
When we face difficult times in our life
God is my hope, my encouragement, my confidence. When we face difficult times in our life, the follower of Christ finds hope and encouragement in the words of God to us – the Bible. God Himself is our hope, our encouragement, our confidence. “We overflow with confidence in His promises.” Romans 15:4-6 4 For whatever was […]
Death was just a doorway
How will you behold the face of God? Will it be with confidence in righteousness, or in terror because of sin?