The “so-called ‘foolish” plan’ of God is far wiser” than any plan of ours, you know? Do you know God’s plan for eternity?
Imagine what “being saved” has meant to you
There was a point in my life where I was lost for eternity. I am amazed what salvation has meant to me. What about you?
Fear the Wrath
Are you afraid of dying? The truly born again need not fear the wrath of God.
Consequences of Supporting Evil
Supporting evil actually has one consequence before God. Can you guess what it is?
Forgiveness for evil deeds done
Time and tide are relentless. So are the many relentless Old Testament prophecies happening right now – but not in the way most thought they would be fulfilled. Are you ready for “the end” that Jesus spoke of? Take Jesus’ Challenge.
What God does to prepare you for Heaven
In that moment in time when we first believed in Jesus – God did very specific acts to us, on our behalf, thus making us viable for His Holy Kingdom. Have you been made “viable”?
The reality for us now
The reality for us now is “Christ has in fact been raised from the dead”. The mystery of the Gospel has been revealed – and fulfilled by the Messiah
Forgiveness By God
Anyone at anytime with sincerity and truth – can find forgiveness in Jesus for anything. The key word there? Sincerity. God sees the thoughts and intents of our heart. No foolin’ with God.
Jesus Saved Me
Because I have been born-again, transformed into a new creation, I am not a mere human, but rather — a brand new type of creation of God. I hope you also have been born again, re-created by God. You can be if you respond to God. It’s not too late… till it’s too late.