Mike Oppenheimer says: During these times I also experimented with various religions and the occult. We thought we were becoming enlightened. Then…Johanna spoke and I was relating to a lot she had experienced, especially in regards to the Ascended Master “Jesus”. Then she spoke about another Jesus – the true Jesus of the Bible, which came as a total shock. I never thought there could be false Jesus’ parading around as the real one. They were only Jesus by name but not the One who is God come in the flesh. We heard the gospel explained and dedicated our lives to the Lord, repenting and asking Christ to forgive us.
Trace your God back to the origins of your faith
When it comes to God and your faith: What’ you got? I’ve got real, actual, tangible, historical and scientific evidences for my faith in Jesus. Jesus wins-out over all other contenders.
Mormon Polygamy and God
The reason why the Mormons practiced polygamy in the first place was because of a belief that Joseph Smith had about God. It is known that Joseph Smith had 34 wives.