Prophets, including Jesus, the greatest prophet of all – spoke the exact words of God for us. They spoke of salvation through the coming Messiah.
No New Revelations in these End Times
Are you interpreting Scripture with other Scripture – to the extreme point of even rejecting your thinking in order to stay faithful to all Scripture?
Are there prophets in the church today?
This article is an exact copy of the article with the same name: “Are there prophets in the church today?” Only the format has been edited by OMGjesus staff for easy reading online.
Pete Garcia’s Post – Eyes Wide Shut
Here we have republished only the Conclusion section (2nd half of article) of Pete Garcia’s Eyes Wide Shut, because it centers in on Pete’s message of the “eyes wide shut” condition of most churches today. Topic: the dismissal of Bible prophecy.
The Mystery of Salvation
The culminating act of God to bring salvation to all who would believe and follow Him — was the death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, the baby born in a manger, of Mary, “fathered” by God the Holy Spirit.
Pestilences are now “breaking out all over the globe”
According to biblical prophecy extremely deadly pestilences will descend on as at the scale of an apocalypse. Faith in Jesus prepares us to live confidently through whatever comes. Ready for this?
Divine Mysteries Revealed by the Godman Jesus
Isn’t it astounding to consider that God Himself has revealed future events to special prophets. Does your faith allow you to believe that? Are you listening?
Biggest prophecy of all time
What was the biggest prophecy of all time? Think about it. It is so very clear to see.
Conspiracy confirmed
You must read this by Pete Garcia. Pete has amazing insight, and – the evidences, and videos to prove it. Don’t get left behind. Fear not! Stand tall and lift up your heads in joy, Jesus said.
Virtual conference, The Last Trump Conference, hosted by Prophecy Watchers (Oct-2020)
The following presenters are in this virtual conference, The Last Trump Conference hosted by Prophecy Watchers on the Vimeo platform. Presenters. These presenters are truly biblical – the good guys: Gary Stearman (Read his BIO; of Prophecy Watchers), Jonathan Cahn (Hear his BIO; author of The Harbinger), Bill Salus (Read his BIO; contributing author to […]
About The End Times
Jesus said, “…and then the end.” Here are biblical references to the End Times, and evidences from our present day.
OT Genre Studies 2: Wisdom and Prophecy
Module 7: OT Genre Studies 2: Wisdom and Prophecy
False Prophets
“You may be asking yourselves, “How can we tell if a prophet’s message really comes from the Lord?”” -Deuteronomy 18:21. How can we distinguish the true from the false?