Every once in a while, I must confirm why Jesus will accept me. I love to ask others: Why will Jesus accept you into His Holy Kingdom? What’s your answer to that?
Imagine what “being saved” has meant to you
There was a point in my life where I was lost for eternity. I am amazed what salvation has meant to me. What about you?
Slander and gossip
Got slander in you? Gossip once in awhile? Are you trying to be compassionate, putting down sinners with love?
When a person accepts Christ as Savior and Lord, a transformation journey begins. We start “un-becoming” (un-doing) what we were before Christ — and little by little “conforming” to Jesus. Our previous conforming to the world “pre-Christ” starts getting un-done as we begin our journey with Christ. Has that been your experience?
I run to win! Christ did. Do you?
What is due to Jesus, because of what He has done for you? He died for you, for me, for all sinners alike. So – what should be our response to Him?
Christ secured our eternal home
Christ secured our eternal home. Jesus paid it all – so we could be forgiven of all these sins, all our past, all that separates us from The Most Holy God. What’s not covered? He’s got it all covered, penalty paid. We just need to humbly get together with Him and plead His grace upon us.