We are still living in the period of time called “the first things” (Revelation 21:4). The mystery of what God wants for us – has been made known to us in the Bible. Are you following His will? In the midst of all the uncertainties of living these days, our trust must always be placed in God’s Hands. There is no better option.
What we will be like – in God’s Home Heaven
In God’s Home Heaven, we will all be: living in incorruptible, immortal bodies…loving God forever “with all that we are”.
Two roads to die for
Life is full of choices. You know? The biggest choice we all make, one way or another, is: Are you going with God?
The message of salvation spoken by Jesus to Paul
Jesus spoke this to Paul on the road to Damascus – one short verse that explains the Gospel of salvation in Jesus, in Acts 26:18.
Maintain yourself faithful – out of loyalty to Christ
If we face death because of our faith in Christ, we can be confident knowing that He is with us all the way. He alone is our hope. “Fear not.” At the moment of our death – we put on Immortality.
About Heaven
A series about Heaven. What’s it going to be like? How do I get there?
God’s Fantastic Home – for those who follow Him
What He told us Heaven is going to be like for those who follow Him (1-12): We will all be changed. –Luke 23:39-43; 1 Corinthians 15:52. Heaven is built by God. – John 14:2-3. Heaven arrives without prior notice. –2 Peter 3:10. Heaven is so fantastic – it is inexpressible. –2 Corinthians 12:4….
Heaven for us – starts when we die
Heaven for us – starts when we die. Heaven is joy and goodness everywhere – always – where only the goodness of God surrounds us.
Christ secured our eternal home
Christ secured our eternal home. Jesus paid it all – so we could be forgiven of all these sins, all our past, all that separates us from The Most Holy God. What’s not covered? He’s got it all covered, penalty paid. We just need to humbly get together with Him and plead His grace upon us.
Heaven is where – earth is behind us
Heaven is where – all the earth experience is behind us — without the enemies of our soul to wreck everything
Our two homes
All our life we deal with the complexities of “owning” two homes: “the home of the body” and our “home with the Lord”. What predominates your living from day to day? Jesus promised as He was leaving earth, going away in the clouds – that He would prepare a place for us in His Home – called Heaven (John 14). Read: Jesus will return soon, just as He left
Flesh and blood absolutely cannot inherit the Kingdom of God
So you want to go to Heaven. The Bible tells us so much about God’s Home Heaven. God created us inside a physical world. Here we are limited by time and space. But Heaven is in the spirit world dimension where Father God dwells.
Time as it really is
The time it takes to go from earth to God’s presence – is faster than instant. There is no waiting around in the next dimension for earth time to finish, no midway point of gathering, no Purgatory. It will be an instantaneous experience for all mankind that ever lived. At the moment of death, our soul instantly leaves…
About Death and Dying
…a series about death and dying Just beyond the veil December 10, 2018 Just beyond this dimension where we live – there is a whole different existence prepared for us by God. And it’s eternal. Got your mind around that? “beyond the veil“. thefreedictionary.com: …in a mysterious or hidden place or state, especially… Filed Under: […]
At death – we put on immortality
In God’s Home Heaven, we who followed Jesus on earth — will all be truly INVINCIBLE, living in incorruptible, immortal bodies – like Jesus had when He was resurrected. v50 “Now I say this, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God….”
We overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us
All our life we will feel the pains of this world. That is a reality. After all, we are still human. The difference is: we have hope in Christ…way before He implemented Creation – His plan was always to “redeem” us back to Himself, to bring us to His salvation, to give us His strength and encouragement in this life
As we are raised up we will be given an “incorruptible” (everlasting) new body, like Christ’s resurrected body. Christ was the first, and we are next
Heaven. What’s it going to be like?
Heaven. What’s it going to be? Many say, I can only imagine. Well, not really – because we can really know, not merely “imagine”. The Bible tells us a lot about Heaven.
First day in heaven
I’ll do this for a million years – in Heaven.
Works of the flesh
Galatians 5:19-21 Now the practices of the sinful nature are clearly evident: they are sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality (total irresponsibility, lack of self-control), idolatry, sorcery, hostility, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions [that promote heresies], envy, drunkenness, riotous behavior, and other things like these. I warn you beforehand, just as I did previously, […]
Pleasure and bad behaviors we love to fall for
We love simple pleasures. Don’t we? Life is good. God is good. The problem with pleasure is: Not all pleasure is of God. Jesus said we need to clean our insides – so that our outsides can then live-out worthy behavior. Pick a sin – any sin – and discern where you are at. Judge yourself all day long. Romans 12:2.
His due sentencing
Did you know that we are all due to appear before The Judge of All to receive His holy justice, His due sentencing? Sure as hell – what is due to God is “owed at a certain time”, a time of God’s choosing. And that time is upon death. Your strength of will cannot help you avoid His due sentencing. Ready?
Starting-up after life
When we start “the after-life”, things will heat-up for some of us, but things get really cool for the rest of us. If you know what I mean. Jesus predicted “the end” (Matthew 24:verse 14), and He’s showing us signs of the times in order to give us a heads up.
Heaven will be awe-full and law-less
Heaven will be …filled-up full with unending awe of the One-and-Only, the wonderfully awesome God, and …filled-up full with overflowing love that voids any need for laws. Love will rule inside our insides. The peace of God, in Heaven, will surpass our present ability to understand that realm.
My best day here
“Now” is good – so immediate… so absorbing. Demands so much attention. I practice being here – now. That’s good. Heaven is so…”later”, so not-pressing, so very “out of sight – out of mind”, so abstract. I am here now, but I want to be more aware of where I am going when I die. Where are you going when you die?
Just beyond the veil
Just beyond “beyond the veil”, beyond this dimension where we live – there is a whole different existence prepared for us by God. And it’s eternal. Got your mind around that? For those who accepted Christ in this life — it will be totally… Awesome!
Some sweet day!
Some sweet day I’m a goin’ home! I’ll fly away! Wow! What a day that will be. I have hope. Anyone on earth can have hope and joy everyday – through Jesus. He carries me. He is “the lifter of my soul.” What about you? Have you drawn close to God? Whoever you are, no matter what you’ve done with the privilege of your existence – today there is hope for you in Jesus.
It’s Time
Time, by God, is totally different from time as experienced by man on earth. Time will be no more — in heaven. Heaven will be a Timeless Infinite Continuum.
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty
The Reaper comes – you know not when. He’s coming soon for you.
Don’t wait too long. Turn to Christ.
It’s best to bow right now.
Was Graham right -or- Hawking?
Who was correct? Graham -or- Hawking? Billy said “I’ll be in heaven in the future life”, whereas Hawking postulated there is no afterlife, saying heaven “is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.” “One thing’s for sure: Both of these men now know the truth of what happens after death.” – Robin O’Hare […]
The Entrance Into The Eternal
Ever wonder what it will be like to arrive at The Entrance into the Eternal, to actually be standing in front of the very entrance? All who are born again will joyfully enter with gratefulness, and will be received with great joyfulness. You coming?