What kind of thinking person would reject God in order to stubbornly spend one short lifetime for dubious pleasures here, when God offers non-stop eternal life with Him, all the goodness of the Creative Designer Himself – in His forever Kingdom? Really? Reject Him for this wisp here? Only a fool. Not me. Now that I belong to Jesus — I’m livin’ it to the max!
Imagine You, the Perfect Person
Are you striving to be more and more like Christ every day? Seeing more good fruit?
Timeless Infinite Continuum
Time is not forever. We each will have time end. Time’s up! My last breath will stop, and time will be no more, for me. I will pass in a flash from time – to eternity, where time will be no more. The next dimension we will go to – is timeless. God has revealed to us many glimpses into eternity and His plan of the ages. God and His Heaven, and His angels – are in heaven’s dimension of a Timeless Infinite Continuum. Earth’s time is contained totally within our dimension, outside the Timeless Infinite Continuum of heaven. Earth time: It’s like a spinning toy top….
Life Is Short
Life is short. As they say, “First you’re born, then you die”. If you get all the way through the maze, you realize it was not a long path. Heaven or Hell. There are only two alternatives for us after life on earth: Be with God forever, or be without God forever. It´s your choice. Which one have you chosen?
Simple View of Life
Creator God is holy: He cannot abide with less, anywhere.So, way back in time, God of Heaven created a Plan of the Ages. From the very start – He knew we would fail to be the people of perfection He wanted. So, even before the actual creation, He had a plan as to how He could legally forgive sinners. His own Son would become a legal “stand-in” to take our place in Heaven’s courtroom.And the rest is history!
Windows Into Heaven
Jesus taught that there is a physical place called “heaven”, or “paradise”. It is actually way beyond what we know as “physical”. Imagine heaven. See it from Bible “windows”, the perspective of what He told us Heaven is…
Going To Hell?
The highway to hell is quite a ride. But it’s hectic, with all kinds of stops and twists and turns. There is a tiny road along the way, however, that leads to God. It shows-up periodically on the highway to hell. It tends to catch sinners by surprise, because most don’t give a damn about God, and haven’t really considered traveling by any other road. They don’t like change, and most-all their friends are going to hell anyway, so they say. Heaven is always just around the corner if you choose to take this tiny road. It is a choice. It is, however, one choice amongst many.
Me, When I Die, Forgiven
Do you know what will stand in the Court of God in His Holy Kingdom? What will not? God shows us in the Bible – what’s what. What we think, well, how can that count for much in His infinite knowledge?
Me, When I Die, still in sin
What difference does it make – who I am when I die? An eternal difference!
The Damning God
These days everyone has their own idea of what life is and what we are doing here. We sing “what’s it all about?” Have you stopped, in the whirlwind of your life, to think about God? God has spoken to man – through the Bible. And He is the One that made it all happen. Doesn’t that sort of trump us all? Shouldn’t the Truths of God take precedence over whatever it is that we play around with in our minds? The damning God …and the forgiving God: One God. Have you been forgiven by God?
Letter to Danny
We are continually bombarded by the fiery darts of the Evil One. And when these little pricks hit us, we need to put-out the flames, quickly. Doubts, depression, feelings of inadequacy, troubles, unruly kids…, when they come at us, we “have to declare” the truths of God, and we have to choose Truth over lies.
Inexplicable Joy
Heaven is a joyful place. That is hard for me to imagine… Everywhere I look around me, I see so many problems, issues and unresolved conflicts. But in heaven, they won’t exist anymore. There will only be joy because my sins have been paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ. One of the main things that describes being in heaven is JOY. The word “joy” has a much deeper meaning than just happiness. To be happy can change so quickly. It can come and go in a moment. But joy…
No Faith In Heaven
Faith will not be necessary in heaven. Faith and hope will be ¨done away¨with (1 Corinthians 13:v8). When we finally are brought into His Kingdom, instead of on this earth with His Holy Spirit, then we will have Him, not just merely faith and hope.