What types of love exist? We find them in the Greek language and in the New Testament. Very varied loves!
What knowing the Bible does for you
If we know our Bible, we will know Christ, acknowledge Christ, and recognize Christ. We will know what saves us and what does not. We will be more and more like Christ. That’s a great thing.
If we do not think like God Almighty thinks
What happens when we do not think like the God above? Are you reading the Bible in order to know what He wants from you?
What happens when you do not know what the Bible says on a matter?
Do you know what the Bible says? If we are to go to Heaven, we must know the message of God for us on earth. Makes sense to me.
What escapes your notice?
It’s easy to miss some realities around us as we plow along, full-speed ahead. It’s good to pause and see what escaped our attention.
The gullibility of the common person
Scripture warns us to be discerning. Ask: Is this from the Bible? Are you kidding me?! You really think I can’t see through that teaching? What about this passage here…?
When it comes to God, who wants mere opinions?
When talking “God” and “Truth” – I really do not care what you think. You do not care what I think. What matters is “what God thinks”. What has God revealed to us down through the ages?
Conspiracy confirmed
You must read this by Pete Garcia. Pete has amazing insight, and – the evidences, and videos to prove it. Don’t get left behind. Fear not! Stand tall and lift up your heads in joy, Jesus said.
The Great Reset… collection of articles and videos about these End Times
“Investigative reporting on globalism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism and where politics, culture and religion intersect” – LeoHohmann and other End Time news
Words used by false teachers
This article, A glossary of new apostolic reformation terminology, is by Rick Becker over at his site, Famine In The Land. Becker’s content is shared here with the intent to further warn the Church about false teachers. Words make a difference. And these terms used by NAR teachers are leading people into false teachings.
Scientific visualization proofs for an Intelligent Designer – God
Scientists are discovering more and more new evidences for the existence of God — and not admitting it. Graphic pictures of our DNA (top of this page) totally astound with evidence of an Intelligent Designer (otherwise known as “God”, Jesus the Messiah, Creator of all that is). There simply has to be a growing cognitive dissonance within the wise guys’ social clique.
Research God for yourself
Jump-start your God search. Use these additional research sites to explore.
Ask the questions where you’ll get the truth
Funny how we tend to believe what we’re going to believe – no matter what others say. Been there? The same is true with our beliefs about God. Eternity at stake! Why not inquire more deeply and seek to know the truth about God? Dive in, there is plenty of evidence to convince a sincere mind. After all, we’ll spend an eternity with our belief!
Looking For Loopholes
Where do you start in a quest to find God? I’d say: Start with Jesus. Find God in the Bible.
Know Your Evidence
…evidences for a confident faith in Christ Jesus
About Jesus
Jesus declares He is God in 7 “I am” Statements. Read-up more at these recommended sites.
Research God
There are many who have researched Jesus – before you. Their efforts will save you a lot of time in your research. Here are some results: Research God for yourself How Heretics Help Establish the Historicity of Jesus. From ColdCaseChristianity.com; by J. Warner Wallace … a Cold-Case Detective, a Christian Case Maker, and the author […]
Research Accurately
Never forget that “researching” is all about finding the truth about a matter. Be careful not to get caught-up in the process and forget what is really true. Do you want what is real, or just a vapor in the wind? One factor is data, another is opinion, theory, and so-called “conclusions”. So much “intelligence” wasted […]