Most people believe there is a God. What about you?
Who is your god? Is He truly the God of the Universe? Or, have you just sort of ended-up with this made-up creation of yours that you call “my God”? Or maybe you’ve allowed some other people to sort of lure you into their version of god?
What you think. What you think – your “take” on it all, is not as important as what God thinks. You think?! If God is in control of the universe, what importance does what you think have? Really! Do you really think that what you think will change the course of what God thinks?!
That´s what you think!
What God thinks. God has spoken to man – through the Bible. And He is the One that made it all happen. Doesn’t that sort of trump us all? Shouldn’t the Truths of God take precedence over whatever it is that we play around with in our minds?
Source: The Damning God
If I end up following some “god” of my own making – how stupid will that be in the end when I am face to face with the One who is really God?
What a crock
– having no religious affiliation.
God has dealt the cards.
You are either all in, or you’re all out.
It’s all or nothing.
Make a choice.
Is your thinking (“it’s all okay”)
leaving out the One True God?
If so, then you are living on the dark side.
God will never share His Throne with “other gods”.
Think about that.
“What a fool I would be, to merely make my earth days my focus, when my eternity is so much longer. Why waste my eternity by living my earth days in sin, unforgiven, not ready for heaven!” – Source: The Life of Keith
So, who is this God who would die on a cruel cross on our behalf? Who is this God of the Bible – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the One in three (three entities in one God: “God in three persons”)? There is only one God of the Universe. What is He?
Who is this God?
God is Holy,
far far away from what we are like. Don’t underestimate who He is. Do your research. Find out what God has revealed about Himself. After all – who are you? You are merely a mud man, a puny human created by Him.
God is eternal.
He has existed since …forever. Can you wrap your mind around that? God is far and away bigger than we can grasp.
God as man.
God downsized into being a human, Jesus. He became a man in order to be able to legally forgive us.
“Without His Holy Justice edict of “forgiven in Christ” — we all remain God-damned. But through Christ – God can legally justify us enough for His Holy presence. What’s enough? No blemish at all. Think you’ve got that covered yourself!?” Source: from the article God as man – the short version
“I want to know what Jesus thinks. Father God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, the great God three-in-one! God is in charge. He created all. Why would one not want to know what Jesus thinks!” -Source: What Jesus Thinks
God is active on planet earth.
He did not say “Poof” as He passed on into the further reaches of His Universe. He loved each of us, you, me — even before He created us, uniquely “you”, uniquely “me”.
The Hand of God
The Hand of God is evident all around us. It is up to us to investigate and prove Him for ourselves. Choose Jesus. He is there. He wants to be a part of your life, every day, all the way.
God has revealed plenty.
Look around. Then you’ll say “Oh my God….”
- See Him through all the evidence He planted for us to know Him.
- See Him through what He has created.
- See Him through His revealed Word – the Bible.
If you opt out now, you will have no excuse for yourself on That Day, in His Courts as you kneel, on your knees, before a Holy, Holy God, the Lord God Almighty.
Are you right on the edge of trusting Him forever?
It is God’s word that fills us with light – not any of the multiple, vain, man-made philosophies cooked-up to make us feel wise (Zephaniah 3:4; Luke 11:52; John 8:47; 2 Corinthians 2:17; Philippians 4:8; 1 John 4:6). Our made-up ways are dark.
Jesus is saying here: “Be careful.” Wake up! That light in you — what is it, really? If it is not coming from Me [God Himself], then your “light” is actually darkness, no matter how smart you are. Your thinking is totally devoid of the One True God. Your life is then filled with the dark.
My faith is from the Author and Finisher, Jesus (Hebrews 12:2). Is yours?
Source: Is your light actually darkness?
Read more about God:
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty
God as man – the short version
Does it matter what you believe?
Is it possible for God to be free?
-Source: Is God Free?
“In having a will God is free in making choices. But He does all these things outside of what we can fully understand with our limited minds and our limited understanding…”
- He knows everything about me – Job 31:4;
- He can measure the heavens and knows the earth – Jeremiah 31:37;
- He knows everything that is secret – Matthew 6:4, 8, 18;
- He knows everything about everything – 1 John 3:20;
- Who can resist God’s will? – Romans 9:19.
God as man – the short version
Is it possible for God to be free?
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty
Does it matter what you beleive?
Is your light actually darkness? “Jesus said this about light and darkness…”
How much is heaven worth to you?
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