*This article is written in the context of the article: Exposing a dichotomous heart
Three Imaginary Scenes… showing how politicians get you to vote for evil. This is what is happening in the politics of today – as it has for many, many years. If you are a citizen, then you are involved in this scene, as a voter.
Do you realize
how you are being manipulated
to vote-in evil agendas?
NOTE: I hate race distinctions. Totally. So I am giving these scenario people some weird, fake combo skin colors for effect.
Scenario 1: (This is a bit extreme – but you get the point)
Purple Pedofile: I’ll write into law $10 million dollars for your favorite agenda right now, IF you vote for us, and, give me your legal rights to your youngest child.
You: (In your heart you are screaming: “No way on earth! Go to hell. You are evil. The money is from Soros. I’m sure it is!” But you waiver, and say: Well, it’s all totally legal, right? Okay. I want that money voted-in right now, though. All of it! I’ll send my wife to the hospital of your choice, and abort our little girl for you (they say she’s just a fetus, merely bone and tissues.) Is this afternoon okay?
Scenario 2: (This is a bit extreme – but the Democrat Party actually does this through its “platform”.)
Green Lesbian: We will give you lifelong free open office visits to any doctor or hospital any day, IF you vote for Homosexual Marriage, and all the Homosexual Rights that they want. Oh, and you will vote for… all Transgender Rights – even for preschoolers.
You: Well, healthcare is so, so important… and who am I to hinder free expression of their love for each other. They should be as free as possible. I believe in freedom! Ok. Will do. Where do I sign?
Scenario 3:
Black/white/purple/sort-of brownish/and greyish person of color Politician: IF you vote for all our Platform, we will add-in some things you are worried about: we will cut military spending so not so much evil can be brought down upon innocent civilian terrorists by American soldiers (collateral damage), but we’ll have to raise your taxes just a little, and we’re making some great trade deals with dis-advantaged, third-world “poor countries” (which, if truth were told, will make it a little bit less advantageous for American businesses).
You: Okay. I’ve voted your way for so long. I never did like that other party’s platform. I’m still yours, even though you are not really the same party anymore. I hate to change parties just because of principles. And I hate Trump anyway. So, sure, even though I’m not in full agreement with you, I’ll vote for your party again.
When voting, the question is: What would Jesus vote for? What would Jesus do?
- Are you defending the views of “the world, the flesh, and the Devil” by how you vote?
- Are you voting for a party because they give you what you really want, even though many agenda items are evil in Jesus’ eyes?
- Do you hate Trump so much that you will vote-in the opposition and all their evil agendas?
See: Conflicts Because of Opinion
Have you created your own version of Jesus? Scary thought. Are you following real Jesus, or defending agendas which Jesus actually condemns?
Do you know the Bible well enough to even know what Jesus taught? How does one follow Jesus – if they do not know:
- where exactly Jesus is going with His agenda,
- what He believes,
- what He loves and hates?
Conforminitis (Romans 12:2)
Have you slowly, over time, caught a malaise? I call it “conforming-itis”… conforming to the ways of the enemies of our soul.
Are you forgetting this about their ways, that “…these do not come from the Father, but are from the world”? (1 John 2:16)
- What would Jesus vote for?
- What did Jesus believe was “righteous” – as opposed to “unrighteous?
- What was “evil” according to Jesus?
- What did Jesus say was “not of God“? Answer: to habitually live a life characterized by sin
1 John 3:9
No one who is born of God
[deliberately, knowingly, and habitually]
practices sin,
because God’s seed
[His principle of life, the essence of His righteous character]
remains [permanently]
in him [who is born again
—who is reborn from above
—spiritually transformed, renewed, and set apart for His purpose];
and he [who is born again]
cannot habitually [live a life characterized by] sin,
because he is born of God and longs to please Him.
“Love of the world” (1 John 2:15; 2 Timothy 4:10) was denounced by Jesus. You into that? This can become an habitual practice.
Love of the world, when it is a part of the thinking of a “professing” Christian:
…involves being “in agreement with” two diametrically opposing sides: loving Jesus, AND also holding to and defending “the world” to which Jesus has expressed opposition.
– Source: Exposing a dichotomous heart
Keeping it. Loosing Him. The rich young ruler (Matthew 19:20) kept his one thing that Jesus said was keeping him from faith, and he left Jesus, sad, and still lost in his sins. He lost-out with Jesus.
– Source: God Is Asking You To Repent
One thing you lack
The rich young ruler was turned-away by Jesus. Jesus said to him, ” One thing you lack….” What is more important to you than following Jesus’ own statements, His teachings? Will you be turned-away just like that?
Excerpt from the article: Our unmitigated God
You ever try to change a wild bull’s behavior out in the field? You ever try to change the size of a mountain peak, or shape a block of iron with your bare hands? You ever try to stop a hurricane in its fury – while on a ship far out in the open seas?
Not a chance. It will never happen. You cannot mitigate that behavior, that humongous size, that hardness, that fury. They have unmitigated force and strength.
God is unmitigated. 1
Ever thought of that? The God who put together the Bible – has unmitigated force and strength, love, mercy and grace, holiness and justice. It will never work to tell God, “Lighten up!”
Nothing mitigates this God. Absolutely nothing will ever soften, mollify or “fix” Him.
What you vote for – can reveal whether you are following Jesus for real, or choosing to reject what Jesus stands for.
“If God were your Father
[but He is not],
you would love
recognize Me…”
– John 8:44
Think about it. Your vote shows:
- your principles
- what you believe in
- who, in your heart and mind, you are following
- what evils you are willing to accept because of your prejudices
IF you say you have been “saved”, that you are “given-over” to Jesus, that you have chosen obedience over rebellion, THEN “your life will surely show it”: Your loves, your innermost place, what you put strong effort into, your thinking… your voting. They will be against what Jesus was against. Right?
If you are saved, THEN, ALL that you are (heart, soul, strength, mind – Luke 10:27), and all you do (voting, etc)… is focused on pleasing your Savior, right? We sin and fail Him, but the true believer confesses sin, rejects sin, and follows Him anew.
Holding-back on Jesus
Jesus knows your heart. He sees your innermost thoughts. When you came to Him for salvation – He knew (as He always does) if you were holding-back, like the rich young ruler who Jesus called-out. I suspect that many who now vote for evil agendas, have always been holding-back on Jesus.
Just saying certain words – does not save you. Just being anything but sincere and truthful is way NOT what Jesus expects.
Jesus is not okay with us
concurring with the Enemies of our soul
accepting Jesus as Savior.
It’s not happenin’ folks.
Let’s play the IF game.
Was there a true salvation or not? YES or NO.
- YES or NO: IF a man gets back off his knees after saying “the sinner’s prayer”, and then goes out and murders his mother. (*That’s obvious, right? Not so obvious for some.)
- YES or NO: IF you go to church on Sundays, and then serve the Mafia Monday thru Saturday, killing, stealing, maiming, and such. (*That’s obvious, right? Not for some.)
- YES or NO: IF you profess being born again – but you vote for the evil agendas Jesus opposes.
Are you following Jesus? Do you think you are born again and choosing Jesus’ teachings, agreeing with His worldview? Are you singular of mind? Or are you duplicitous? (definition of duplicitous)
Can you say this?
I Voted for These and fully support the implications:
- Abortion: Yes, I voted to allow fetuses/babies, the most defenseless on the planet, to be skewered alive
- Facilitating Homosexual Lifestyles: Yes, I voted in favor of laws that facilitate same sex agendas
- Homosexual Marriage: Yes, I voted in favor of same sex “marriage”
You really think Jesus would say this today?:
- Go ahead and kill your unborn baby, Liz.
- Go ahead and marry your boyfriend, Jack. You too, Jane – go ahead and marry your girlfriend.
- It’s perfectly part of my will for you to practice same sex sex.
If you voted for these, think again. Jesus would surely NOT vote for those agendas. The Democrat Party of today (August 2020) pushes these, but Jesus would not.
If your voting shows you love and agree with Jesus: your actions agree with “following” Jesus.
If your voting shows you disagree with the teachings of Jesus: you are not following Jesus.
It will never work
to tell God,
“Lighten up!”
Source: Our unmitigated God
Jesus died to save us from a dichotomous heart. Jesus is not okay with this combo:
Entering God’s Kingdom
He does not offer that combo plate called His and “Theirs”. Never did. Never will. He said very clearly: No substitutes. You cannot counter-offer with My Plan for Salvation.
It’s not happenin’ folks. Jesus told us who will and who will not enter His Kingdom. His plate is a singular item: rejecting the world to accept Jesus as Savior. It’s one or the other – not both, not “His Way and….”
Did you know that Jesus never accepts a dichotomous heart into His Kingdom? Ever thought about that? Could it be that you are dichotomous? Have you examined yourself lately?
– Source: Exposing a dichotomous heart
Still think you’re saved because you said “a sinner’s prayer“, you still go to church, and you have done all the right things? But you are Concurring with the Enemies of our soul!? You are following the world’s agendas?
How’s that gonna’ go for you at The Pearly Gates? I really am worried for you, bro’. Scary verse:
Matthew 7:21
“Not everyone who says to Me,
‘Lord, Lord,’
will enter
the kingdom of heaven,
but only he who does
the will of My Father
who is in heaven.
Being wise in a very unwise world during these End Times
God forgives sins by His Holy Holy Justice
Excerpt: You ever try to change a wild bull’s behavior out in the field? You ever try to change the size of a mountain peak, or shape a block of iron with your bare hands? You ever try to stop a hurricane in its fury – while on a ship far out in the open seas?
Not a chance. It will never happen. You cannot mitigate that behavior, that humongous size, that hardness, that fury. They have unmitigated force and strength.
God is unmitigated.
Ever thought of that? The God who put together the Bible – has unmitigated force and strength, love, mercy and grace, holiness and justice. It will never work to tell God, “Lighten up!”
Nothing mitigates this God. Absolutely nothing will ever soften, mollify or “fix” Him.
- What is the synonym of mitigate?
allay, alleviate, assuage, ease, help, mollify, palliate, relieve, soothe.Words Related to mitigate: abate, lighten, moderate, soften, temper. cure, heal, remedy. amend, correct, emend, fix, mend, rectify, reform, repair. – Merriam-Webster
- What is the synonym of mitigate?
allay, alleviate, assuage, ease, help, mollify, palliate, relieve, soothe. Words Related to mitigate: abate, lighten, moderate, soften, temper. cure, heal, remedy. amend, correct, emend, fix, mend, rectify, reform, repair. – Merriam-Webster
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