Be on the lookout. Watch for the world events predicted in the Bible. Jesus is returning soon.
When you see the following list of events unfolding… you will know you missed The Rapture event.
A warning from the Bible about End Times
If you missed the Rapture:
As I write this article (10/22/2020), we believe that for several years we have been inside the timeframe Jesus gave for The Rapture. But now that you have seen millions disappear – you now know you are presently in what the Bible calls The Great Tribulation period of 7 years. (Do not believe the government explanations.)
First, Apostasy, then Antichrist, then the Rapture
When the Antichrist is first revealed then… the Rapture of all true Christians will take place. Then…
A swift barrage of events will unfold in the next seven year period: (called The Great Tribulation)
- The Antichrist was “revealed” [presented to the world], but now He will begin taking charge of the whole planet
- A New World Order will be put into place as the One World Government
- A special mark on your body will be required for everyone on earth (in the Bible it’s called “the Mark of the Beast”)
- A new world order will establish draconian laws and a new economic system [dependent on “the mark”]
- Financial dealings will be cashless, connected to your special mark (on your forehead or wrist), to the extent that nobody will be able to buy or sell or have wages paid-out — unless you have accepted the Mark of the Beast
- Accepting the Mark of the Beast (whatever it’s actually called) will somehow be a complete denial of Christ
- NOTE: Do not accept the mark of the beast or you will loose the opportunity to accept and follow Christ. Not accepting the mark will be punished by death. Choose Christ as your Savior and choose a martyr’s death.
- These seven years of the Great Tribulation will be horrific. Read more about it here: The End Times Tribulation
Source: Print this now: Your Guide for after the Rapture takes place
During the Great Tribulation period, you can still find hope in Christ:
Romans 8:25-28. Hope in Christ
During the Great Tribulation period, you can still find hope in Christ. But why wait – and get beheaded for you belief?! When the Antichrist is first revealed then… the Rapture of all true Christians will take place. Get ready before that happens: Pray for Salvation now.
Jesus will return soon, just as He left
Jesus will rescue us from the Wrath to come
The coming reign of lawlessness
The Great Reset for the Beast is just around the corner
How then should we live now… believing the Rapture is just around the corner?
What will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?
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