Here he comes, riding THE COVID RESET of all resets throughout all of history: The Beast is just around the corner (Read: Revelation 13:11-18). Today is November 17th, 2020. Later down the road, after that day of “reset” has happened, know then that you were warned.
Read: The Great Setup,
by Jonathan Brentner; Nov 14, 2020.
Read daily news. It’s happening right before our eyes.
Also: Read this article, a secular look at the Great Reset,
“Own Nothing And Be Happy”: The Great Reset’s Vision Of The Future
Authored by Colin Todhunter via Off-Guardian.org,
re-published by Tyler Durden; Fri, 11/13/2020
Events are moving fast – way too fast for me. You might want to print out instructions now, as a guide, in case you don’t know what’s up – after the Rapture happens!
My Hope is in Christ
It is a fearful thing, for sure, to consider all the tribulations earth is in for soon. Life is changing. Who could have predicted that a virus would usher-in the End Times!
But the true followers of Jesus have a hope beyond all fears. Our hope is in Christ and His promises. It is He that sustains us through anything. I live with confidence, even now. How about you? Read: More than Conquerors – In Christ
Because our eyes are on Jesus, and because we live our lives toward holiness, we will be ready to wear the holy robes of God (by His righteousness) when Jesus returns to take us home. God’s home, Heaven, is where our true citizenship is held – by God Himself.
His passport to Heaven is in our hearts – because He rules the thrones of Heaven and He rules the thrones inside all of us, His Body. Have you given the throne of your heart to Jesus? Read: Be a little more Christian
The Tares are known to God
Don’t worry about the tares sitting beside you in the pew, inside your church. They are known as counterfeits already – by God. He has not been fooled, ever. He knows those who are His, and those who are not – those who fake it.
If you are one of the tares, a faker: time is short in which to repent of your foolery. The time is now. God is asking you to repent.
It really is urgent: Get born again, now, Jesus is saying. What are you doing with your time? It’s time to think of eternal values. Don’t go on slowly killing time.
Are you ready this moment to kneel in person, before your Savior? As believers, we who follow Jesus can be confident living in these times, because Scripture tells us God is at work behind the scenes and things are happening according to His plan. “Ours is not to worry why or when, but look to Him to win in the end!” As Luke tells us, if we believe His Word, then we should…
31 …[strive for and actively] seek His kingdom….
32 Do not be afraid and anxious, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
35 “Be dressed and ready for active service, and keep your lamps continuously burning. 36 Be like men who are waiting for their master
39 “But be sure of this, that if the head of the house had known at what time the thief was coming, he [would have been awake and alert, and] would not have allowed his house to be broken into. 40 You too, be continually ready; because the Son of Man is coming at an hour that you do not expect.”
– Luke 12:31-59
Not to worry. God is in control. Might as well post a sign: God at work.
Source: – The Antichrist is soon to be revealed to us
Scripture about the Beast
Revelation 13:11-18 Good News Translation
11 Then I saw another beast, which came up out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb’s horns, and it spoke like a dragon. 12 It used the vast authority of the first beast in its presence. It forced the earth and all who live on it to worship the first beast, whose wound had healed.
13 This second beast performed great miracles; it made fire come down out of heaven to earth in the sight of everyone. 14 And it deceived all the people living on earth by means of the miracles which it was allowed to perform in the presence of the first beast.
The beast told them to build an image in honor of the beast that had been wounded by the sword and yet lived. 15 The second beast was allowed to breathe life into the image of the first beast, so that the image could talk and put to death all those who would not worship it.
16 The beast forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, slave and free, to have a mark placed on their right hands or on their foreheads. 17 No one could buy or sell without this mark, that is, the beast’s name or the number that stands for the name.
18 This calls for wisdom. Whoever is intelligent can figure out the meaning of the number of the beast, because the number stands for the name of someone. Its number is 666.
God forgives sins by His holy, holy justice
He who raised the Lord Jesus will also raise us with Jesus
Even if you die – you will live
Jesus will return soon – just as He left
Print this now: Your Guide for after the Rapture takes place
Road Sign: God is at work up ahead
We are pressured in every way – but not crushed
We are now in “Birth Pangs” times, and then – The End
The Great Reset… collection of articles and videos about these End Times
Quote from: No Privacy, No Property: The World in 2030 According to the WEF Antony P. Mueller; Online Publish Date: December 8, 2020, by mises.org
“The World Economic Forum (WEF) was founded fifty years ago. It has gained more and more prominence over the decades….”
“The main thrust of the forum is global control. Free markets and individual choice do not stand as the top values….”
“…Individual liberty and private property are to disappear from this planet by 2030.” 1
A comment (anonymous): “I think this person is saying is that he/she is following the guidelines of the World Economic Forum by Klaus Schwab, who wrote a book and has coerced world leaders to believe in his future vision. Thank God the global populist movement is getting stronger everywhere.”
On Dec 10, 2020, at 12:52 AM, [anonymous] > wrote:“In this idyllic new world of [Klaus Shwab], people have free access to transportation, accommodation, food, “and all the things we need in our daily lives.”“A universal basic income in a cashless society would provide the conditions to impose a social credit system and deliver the mechanism to sanction undesirable behavior and identify the superfluous and unwanted ”That would be the superfluous and unwanted people.This is truly scary. Above are two quotes from the first article. But I have a question for whoever dreamed up this utopian paradise. If in the idyllic new world of [Klaus Shwab], if people have access to the basic necessities for free, a basic income, and not able to own anything, why should anyone work? There is no point to it. And if no one works, how are they going to provide all these goodies. It takes labor to produce all this. There is an answer, of course. The answer is that in order to receive all these goodies, which someone must work to produce, your labor will be directed by the government. You will work where you are told when you are told. And, in order for this to be remotely possible, you will also be told where to live.There are two, and only two incentives that make people act – reward and punishment. Socialism uses punishment, where people do the minimum it takes to avoid punishment. Capitalism, on the other hand, uses reward where the harder you work, the greater your reward. That is why socialism always fails and capitalism always works.This becomes much more possible if Biden is president.If you would like some idea of how this is all going to turnout, read or reread George Orwell’s “Animal Farm”. 2Amazon books– “George Orwell’s timeless and timely allegorical novel—a scathing satire on a downtrodden society’s blind march towards totalitarianism”OMGjesus comment: It is interesting what the Pope wrote to Klaus in 2014 – always the diplomat, about as clear as mud about what the Bible has to say.See the Pope’s press release invoking blessings upon Klaus (the Klaus Schwab who pushes for a new socialist world government): Message of His Holiness Pope Francis to Prof. Klaus Schwab.Prophecy Update 2022 from raptureparty.net…
A false church (with biblical references): The Pope’s true Catholicism and his new Chrislam one world religion. Excerpt: “• It is official – Chrislam has now been codified and ratified. The Human Fraternity document created by Pope Francis and financed and promoted by Mohamed bin Zayed of the UAE was adopted by the 7th World Religions Congress of the Human Fraternity as of September 18, 2022.”
- “The World Economic Forum (WEF) was founded fifty years ago. It has gained more and more prominence over the decades and has become one of the leading platforms of futuristic thinking and planning. As a meeting place of the global elite, the WEF brings together the leaders in business and politics along with a few selected intellectuals. The main thrust of the forum is global control. Free markets and individual choice do not stand as the top values, but state interventionism and collectivism. Individual liberty and private property are to disappear from this planet by 2030 according to the projections and scenarios coming from the World Economic Forum.”
- Animal Farm is an allegorical novella by George Orwell, first published in England on 17 August 1945. The book tells the story of a group of farm animals who rebel against their human farmer, hoping to create a society where the animals can be equal, free, and happy. Wikipedia
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