Better times are coming… when Jesus returns, this time to rescue us from the coming wrath of God (Luke 21:36; Revelation 3:10-11; Revelation 1:3). But oh how I remember those romantic dreamy days back in the 60s and 7os when I was young. (Yes, I really was!)
Those romantic dreamy days back in the 60s and 7os
Those “warm summer afternoons on the grass” feelings. Good feelings. They were deep down in my soul. It seemed like thebetter days had come. Better feelings. Carefree days. I never gave a thought to loosing them.
We just knew we would always “walk in the rays of a beautiful sun”. Hope was in the air. “Things are gonna get easier” hope. It really was like as if “love was in the air”. (Quotes from: O-o-h Child)
– Toby Keith – Lyrics – Listen: We Were In Love
“ready to rock
there was a fire down in our souls,
And all the whole world had to stand still, then turn around us
‘Cause that was the deal
And oh how those nights went flowing like wine,
When I was all yours and you were all mine
Under summer skies when dreams where too young to die
the days that our hearts were forever young”
– Toby Keith – Lyrics – Listen: We Were In Love
Those days were “Peaceful Easy Feeling” days.
I was inspired and it all lifted me higher (Lyrics) than I thought I could go (Listen: Your Love Keeps Lifting Me – higher and higher” by Jackie Wilson). Easy peaceful songs were the tone of the days, back then, and my life was invincible:
“Never My Love” The Associations on The Ed Sullivan Show
“Cherish” – The Association – Live Concert from 1979…
How do you think love will end? Never my love.
When you were all mine. And we were in love… “Under summer skies when dreams where too young to die”
O-o-h Child …(Lyrics) Things are going to be easier
Your Love Keeps Lifting Me – “higher than I’ve ever, been lifted before” | Lyrics | Listen | Jackie Wilson:
I can stand up and face the world
“You raise me up….” | Lyrics | This more recent song embodies the ’70s. Sung here by Martin Hurkens. 1
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas
You raise me up to more than I can be.
The world was a mess, and the war was a mess – back then. Friends served and some died.
But, the mood of the nation was nothing like today’s overbearing sense of pending doom from the Wuhan Virus (New York Post: Letter confirms Wuhan lab’s COVID-19 leak was funded by US taxpayers), looming threat of China, a looser’s economy, draconian mandates, and a runaway leftest Biden government. Today we are truly living through our tunnel of sorrows.
Yet, in Christ we have hope. Better times are coming… when Jesus returns.
That “Peaceful Easy Feeling” is ours when we live by faith (2 Corinthians 5:7), not by what we see and hear in the news of the day.
“I run to win! Christ did. Do you?” Are you finding perfect peace?
I am living “my eternal life” right now, in the sense that this world is not my home, “I’m just a passin’ through” (Song by Jim Reeves… “This World is Not My Home” 1962 with Lyrics). My treasures are safe in Heaven. How ’bout you?
– Source: I run to win! Christ did. Do you?
Gonna Be Worth It!! Rita Springer
1 Peter 5:7
“…casting all your cares
[all your anxieties,
all your worries, and
all your concerns,
once and for all]
on Him,
for He cares about you
[with deepest affection,
and watches over you very carefully].
This Hope we have – and what this hope does
Be full of joy – because of this…
What joy and exhileration – soon
More Than Conquerors – In Christ
The secret of facing both plenty and hunger, abundance and need
The Gift by His Precious, Undeserved Grace
The coming wrath of God: Luke 21:36; Revelation 3:10-11; Revelation 1:3
Jesus Promises an End Time Rapture
Jesus Returns to Earth Twice in the End Times
Living through our tunnel of sorrows
Being wise in a very unwise world during these End Times
- “You Raise Me Up”. Martin Hurkens sings it. “He always had a dream of being an opera singer. Instead, he became a baker. The Dutch baker’s daughters wanted to help him realize his lifelong dream and entered him in the reality TV talent show “Holland Has Talent” back in 2010. The 58-year-old “paparotti” won legions of fans and the competition!”
The music was written by Secret Garden’s Rolf Løvland, and the lyrics by Brendan Graham. Song is also sung notably by Josh Groban.
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