Based on an article by Brandon Gillespie | an associate editor at Fox News. Follow him on Twitter at @brandon_cg.
Unborn human life
Civil libertarians are frequently screaming and sometimes violent about their civil rights (“the nonpolitical rights of a citizen“). Yet their stand for abortion basically states: Babies do not have civil rights. What what what?! Today they want abortion to be legal even as the helpless one travels out of the womb! How barbaric is that?
I thought libertarians believed in “equality”? Yet they totally deny that unborn babies have ANY civil rights. That’s not even close to “equal rights”. They want to kill it. If they wait a few months – it is ALWAYS a human baby. What are they thinking? Unbelievable.
Of course they put no belief whatsoever in “biblical rights”. Yet many so-called “Christians” support abortion.
Abortion is not biblical, by any verse. God will hold the unrepentant responsible. Thankfully God’s forgiveness is always available to all of us on this planet, no matter our the vile, vile sins we commit.
When lawmakers were concerned about protests, Comedian Samantha Bee declared, “How dare Republicans demand civility as they strip away our civil rights?” She does not want to be civil. She believes in commiting violence on others, apparently?

BabyBorn.at11Ounces.theepochtimes.com-Baby-Audrey-South Bend, Indiana.2022-08-31
So, Bee, isn’t that what Roe vs Wade did to babies – strip them of their civil rights? Babies in the womb presently (May 24, 2022) have no civil rights. They get killed on-demand.
“Our broken, corrupt Supreme Court cares more about a cluster of cells than it does about the actual people who live and breathe and exist in our country,” Bee continued ranting. “We know abortion rates won’t drop. The only difference is that people, especially people of color, especially people living in poverty, will die.” – Comedian Samantha Bee in her May 19, 2022 episode of her TBS show “Full Frontal.
Doesn’t she know that most of the millions of American aborted babies are – “babies of color”? What rights do they have presently?
“The Supreme Court is going to force you to have that baby.”
– Comedian Samantha Bee; May 19, 2022
A “cluster of cells”
Actually, the Supreme Court wants the law to say: Do not kill the unborn baby. That law will force you NOT TO KILL the baby. That is called a civil right to child protection.
Bell redefines the baby’s “life” as a “cluster of cells”. She asserted “the Supreme Court cared more about a “cluster of cells” than “actual people”. Amazing how life looks different when you merely redefine the word. Why aren’t babies “actual people”? They even “look like” actual people shortly after conception. And all born-babies, somehow, naturally become human children, 100% of the time.
She is predicting women will “die” as a result of having babies. (Samantha Bee) How strange: that a woman, after all these centuries, must kill her unborn baby, because now modern liberal women fear they might die from childbirth.
Aborted unborn humans
Bee said,
“you’re just a few weeks away from
having fewer human rights.
“How …horrible life is to become
for a lot of people.”
Must I remind you that the unborn are the ones with “fewer human rights”? Millions of aborted unborn humans are the ones who were never given a chance to even have a life, not even just a “horrible life”. They all had a horrible death. Some are even born alive – and then viciously killed.
Human baby civil rights should begin here, at conception:
Psalm 39:13
Amplified Bible
“For You formed
my innermost parts;
You knit me [together]
in my mother’s womb.“
Isaiah 44:2
“This is what the Lord who made you
And formed you from the womb, who will help you, says,
‘Fear not, O Jacob My servant;
And Jeshurun (Israel, the upright one) whom I have chosen.”
Children, even the unborn ones – have a right to live. You think?
Kermit Gosnell is not an ‘outlier,’ pro-life advocates warn; others are killing babies born alive
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