Matthew 24:45-51…the foolish servant
There is a place assigned for “hypocrites”. Jesus said: that place is for the ones who think they are faithfully serving The Master, but they are not. They are not faithful and true. The hypocrite is the one that “eats and drinks with those habitually drunk.”
The lifestyle of the false believer
To put this in the context of today: the evil slave is the professing believer in Jesus who lives and moves habitually without a care about the return of Jesus.
He/she (the “evil slave”) says in his/her heart,
‘My [c]master [d]is not coming for a long time,’ 49 and he begins to beat his fellow slaves, and he eats and drinks with those habitually drunk” (verses 48-49 of Matthew 24:45-51).
It’s in your heart
With this description by Jesus – it’s kind of easy to spot yourself. Do you see it now? Maybe you are this one that
- may be in good-standing with your local church
- you know the proper words and songs well enough
- you’ve maybe prayed “the prayer” of forgiveness
Outwardly you’ve got this “Christian thing” down pat… but you actually are saying in your dichotomous heart:
- Jesus isn’t coming soon
- The church can make do without me getting involved
- I’m healthy and strong and …not leaving this earth anytime soon
- I can get away with habitual sins while Jesus delays His return
- I can pick-up a few bad habits
- It’s okay if I indulge myself with the good things of life: forget about the needs of others around me!
- I can get away with mistreating others less fortunate – no problem!
- I’m good!
Jesus did not promise when He would return for us. But He promised He would. Jesus Promises an End Time Rapture.
Jesus did not
promise when
He would return for us.
But He promised He would.
We all have a life to live. Are you living it faithful? Or are you the Hebrews 6 “believer”?
51 and he will
[f]cut him in two
and assign [g]him a place
with the hypocrites;
in that place
there will be
weeping and gnashing of teeth.
– Matthew 24:51
“…make damn sure 1
you are
truly saved.
If not, you are truly damned.
– Source: Why do church
“and he will… assign him a place with the hypocrites”
– Verse 51 of Matthew 24:45-51
Maintain yourself faithful – out of loyalty to Christ
About staying true & faithful to Jesus
How far will you go to stay faithful to Jesus?
Why “the end” Jesus foretold is now
Jesus Promises an End Time Rapture
The Absolutely Scintillating Resurrection-Rapture Moment
What we know about the Rapture
List of References to the Rapture… a Bible study on the Rapture
“Escape all these things that are going to take place“
“I will protect you from the time of testing” (Revelation 3:10-11)
Hating is life changing – eternal life changing. Scary thought.
Hell by God …a series about Hell:
Going to hell? | Hell is home | Not afraid of hell | Hell’s Quotes | Hell is real | and more.
Babies do not have civil rights
- “damn”. an advert meaning: extremely, very, highly (Babylon.com) – Source: Hell by God.
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