I live in a body distinctly labeled “Body by God“. What a body! I embrace this life God gave me. This is it!
“THIS is it! This is my life.
God gave it to me. Every moment.
I can do with it whatever I choose.”
– Source: This is it!
I also “Embrace the Suck” Pete Garcia article. 1 God made me this way. I embrace the fact that I need Jesus. I choose to acknowledge that I am a needy, needy soul – quite the dumbass lamb. 2
But all praise to God – I’ve been saved from darkness and I am now destined for the Light of Heaven. I am not insignificant: God Himself left His Throne to die for me. Now THAT makes me special in this universe.
“For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] [a]only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life. – John 3:16
I’ve been freed forever
“I’ve been freed forever – freed from a righteous “God Damn”.
Do you know you are free? Or are you still under the righteous damnation of God? There has always been an urgency to accept Jesus before dying, but now in these End Times, the urgency is more intense because “the end“, as Jesus called it – is just around the corner.
We are born into condemnation, and nothing takes that off us — except our “accept”, our accepting of Jesus’ salvation. Nobody nowhere no way no how… can free you from the righteous “God Damn” except for Jesus.
He’s The Man, the Godman.”
– Source: Freed from a righteous “God Damn”
Song: It is well with my soul (lyrics)
“Your life is a journey you must travel
with a deep consciousness of God.
It cost God plenty
to get you out of that dead-end,
empty-headed life you grew up in.
He paid with Christ’s sacred blood, you know.
He died like an unblemished, sacrificial lamb….”
– 1 Peter 1:18-21 The Message (MSG)
I reject what Satan says
I reject what Satan says about me here (because I’m not what he says I am).
“I refuse the talk and tunes of false religion, gaming blaming guilt, Satan-induced slanders in my mind, slave talk, foisted robes no longer mine, damning me for where I used to live. I’ve been redeemed by the One and Only Jesus Christ, Maker of all that is. I refuse to stay and play his games.
I’ve fallen, tripped-up, messed-up, I’ve acted like I’d never been born again. But I then repented, turned around, confessed it to God… and He set me back on a solid rock.”
– Source I’m not what he [Satan] says I am
God lives in me
In this temporary body there is a place where my soul resides, where my spirit is. I’m always there.
God lives in me, there. It’s up to me to keep watch over my soul, my spirit, keep it fit, keep it clean, keep it well. Life in Jesus is all about Him. I refuse to “opt out“, to give in to sin. I don’t let it beat me down.
do not let sin reign
in your mortal body”
–Romans 6:12
“Followers of Christ do not practice sin as their way of life. It is a sham, a real sham, sham sham sham, to pray to Jesus for salvation – and at the same time go on living a life that is clearly against what God has called us to. You might fool all of us, but not God.” – Source: Opting Out
What you are, what you have
In 1847 Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote about an unassuming, exemplary woman. She wrote about what I would call: a scale of active faith (NOTE: a faith which God will reward accordingly).
a scale of active faith
(1) doing something, (2) doing much, (3) do all they can.
She points out that few of us ever really assess what we are, what we can actually do for Christ:
“Many Christians are satisfied if they are doing something —others wish to feel sure that they are doing much; but few admit the obligation, or make serious efforts, to do all they can.
Very few seem to have made any practical estimates of what they have to give to Christ, or to be inquiring, with deep solicitude, how it may all be employed in his service.”
– Source: by Harriet Beecher Stowe. First appeared as an introduction to a book written by Christopher Dean and published in 1847 [May 12, 1847, p. 75.].
Are you satisfied with what you are, for Christ? Are you enough like Christ yet… in your journey to be more like Him? And with what you are capable of doing for Christ – have you admitted your “obligation” (as Stowe put it) “to do all [you] can”? What are you hoeing?
It’s good to look into my soul every once in awhile, and admit exactly how well I am doing.
1 John 3:1-3
verse 3 And everyone
who has this hope
[confidently placed] in Him
purifies himself,
just as
He is pure
(holy, undefiled, guiltless).

Missionary (my Mom) with a group of Peruvians in 1950’s Peruvian Andes …serving with confidence
Many Christians are satisfied
if they are doing something
—others wish to feel sure
that they are doing much;
but few admit the obligation,
or make serious efforts,
to do all they can.
“I thank God and my wife, family and friends, for mercy, forgiveness, and patience with me. Thankfully God is not finished with me yet!
Whether it be one more hour, or three more decades… I am ready for that crossing of the threshhold of eternity! But until that final moment in time, I am pressing-on, living in the now, making the most of what God puts before me. I´m makin´time! Making time count.”
– Source: This is it!

My missionary Mom, Patricia Swift – Rugged riding in the Peruvian Andes cr1949
“Nobody nowhere
no way no how…
can free you
from the righteous
“God Damn”
except for Jesus.
He’s The Man – the Godman.”
– Source: Freed from a righteous “God Damn”
I then repented,
turned around,
confessed it to God… and
He set me back
on a solid rock
– Source I’m not what he [Satan] says I am
Fools are all around, a dime a dozen, coming in many shapes and sizes. We do not have to be one of them!
“That Day” will be the reckoning day for all fools! Be smart with your life before you don’t have one. Accept Jesus now – and you will experience your happiest day ever.
– Source: Divine Mysteries Revealed by the Godman Jesus
Life is a huge choice. It’s either Your Way or God’s Way. What will it be for you?
“Discover God’s Word to man. Find out what God has done in history. Don’t get left behind in the ages to come after this short stint on earth.
– Source: Your Way or God’s Way
I embrace this life God gave me. I also “Embrace the Suck” (the difficulties). It’s up to me to keep watch over my soul, my spirit, keep it fit, keep it clean, keep it well. Life in Jesus is all about Him. I refuse to “opt out”, to give in to sin. I don’t let it beat me down.
Song: It is well with my soul (lyrics)
Divine Mysteries Revealed by the Godman Jesus
Living through our tunnel of sorrows
“The first things” (our time now) of Revelation 21:4 …Once in Heaven we may refer to this time (in the past tense) as “the former order of things” which passed away.
Being a Temp in our temporary tent
Embrace the Suck, by Pete Garcia at rev310.net
I’m not what he [Satan] says I am
I am not the sum of all my sins
Freed from a righteous “God Damn”
Legally Damned – Legally Forgiven
This hope we have – and what this hope does
The non-stop work of God inside you and me
1 John 3:1-3
verse 3 And everyone
who has this hope
[confidently placed] in Him
purifies himself,
just as
He is pure
(holy, undefiled, guiltless).
Is this you? ……conduct becoming of a true, maturing Christian. A somewhat lengthy study of 1 Thessalonians 5
I run to win. Christ did. Do you?
Yes I can – I can stand strong
Oh to be like the Tewksbury Institute floor maid
Ephesians – With Dr. Peter Larson…Bible study with Dr. Peter Larson
God forgives all wrongdoings of all repentant sinners, no exception
Forever forgiving – for God’s sake!
Rely on the Spirit of God in you
How to Live On Christ – by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Being 100% given-over to Jesus
What we will be like – in God’s Home Heaven
- Definition per Pete Garcia of rev310.net: “Embrace the suck” is military slang for one to willingly accept the suffering, hardships, and inevitable difficulties in order to make the best of the situation. It’s very much the mindset encouraged in order to make it through things like Ranger School, Special Forces Assessment, BUD/SEAL school, and other rigorous military schools designed to break you.” – per Pete Garcia of rev310.net.
- Our Battle
In our battle against sin, our only strength is “in Him”. I may think myself to be quite capable and intelligent, but when it comes to the spiritual world, I am just a dumbass lamb, totally incapable of victory against a lion.Imagine yourself as a lamb in the scrub-brush, alone, and a hungry lion comes out from behind a boulder – right in front of you! The lamb has no defensive abilities whatsoever.
The same is true of us as believers in our fight against sin: apart from our Shepherd, the Holy Spirit and His strength… we are incapable of victory. Our only hope is to yield to His working in our life. Moment by moment – we must abide in the Spirit, full of His power in us. THEN we are invincible. But only then.
Ephesians 6:10 …be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.
Yes I can – I can stand strong.
– Source: The Dumbass Lamb.
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