PIC: Grape-Vine.moritz-knoringer-vUm5EWWuteM-unsplash
Why we never lose our salvation in Christ:
**This is an adaptation of an excerpt from: What God Did for Man
1. God already forgave me in that moment in time
— so is He or any other power going to unforgive me for any reason?
2. The condemnation of God over me was already removed
— so is He going to recondemn me for any reason?
3. The Great Judge has already declared me perfect in His sight
— so is He going to undeclare His former decision for any reason?
4. God promised me eternal life if I would sincerely repent and turn to follow Him
— so is He then going to renege and take back that promise for any reason?
5. I am now living the eternal life with Him which He promised me
— so is God going to take away everlasting life from me for any reason?
6. God created me a brand new creation in His sight
— so is God going to suddenly remake me a fallen creation again for any reason?
7. God adopted me as His child
— so is God going to unadopt me for any reason?
8. God infilled me by His Holy Spirit, thus sealing my salvation by making my body His temple
— so is God going to unfill me, leave me and break His seal, break His promise, for any reason?
9. God promised that nothing would ever be able to take me away from Himself
— so was He wrong? Is God going to renege on His promise and allow some sin to remove me, for any reason?
– Source: What God Did for Man *An adaptation of an excerpt of the section “When I reconcile with God everything changes! Count the ways:”
The rest of the story of the thief on the cross
Legally Damned – Legally Forgiven
What God secures – You cannot “lose”
Can I become unsaved for any reason?
The Security of the True Believer
When I reconcile with God everything changes!
Practicing Sin – Not Following Christ
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