Are you a sheep in His fold, or are you perhaps …just a goat?
If God did it
If God did this — this “salvation” for me, will He change His mind about it? Of course not. God never changes. It’s not in His Nature to change. (Being perfect – what would need changing?) And He does not change what He promised.
Promises God makes about your salvation
We do not save our self by our own power! Salvation is by God.
Can I become saved by God, and then lose that salvation? Can I become unsaved again for any reason? If He made me born again, can He unborn me? Let’s think about it.
Why we never lose our salvation in Christ:
*This section is based on an excerpt in: What God Did for Man
1. God already forgave me in that moment in time
— so is He or any other power going to unforgive me for any reason?
2. The condemnation of God over me was already removed
— so is He going to recondemn me for any reason?
3. The Great Judge has already declared me perfect in His sight
— so is He going to undeclare His former decision for any reason?
4. God promised me eternal life if I would sincerely repent and turn to follow Him
— so is He then going to renege and take back that promise for any reason?
5. I am now living the eternal life with Him which He promised me
— so is God going to take away everlasting life from me for any reason?
6. God created me a brand new creation in His sight
— so is God going to suddenly remake me a fallen creation again for any reason?
7. God adopted me as His child
— so is God going to unadopt me for any reason?
8. God infilled me by His Holy Spirit, thus sealing my salvation by making my body His temple
— so is God going to unfill me, leave me and break His seal, break His promise, for any reason?
9. God promised that nothing would ever be able to take me away from Himself
— so was He wrong? Is God going to renege on His promise and allow some sin to remove me, for any reason?
– Source: What God Did for Man *An adaptation of an excerpt of the section “When I reconcile with God everything changes! Count the ways:”
Can I become unsaved again for any reason? The Bible answers: Hell no! Heaven yes!
Nothing is: nothing.
There is absolutely nothing
that can separate me
from the love of God:
Romans 8:35-39.
There is no reason at all to fear losing our salvation once we have sincerely repented and followed Jesus.
Your side of the equation
So you’ve got to ask yourself: Did God save me? His side of the equation is solid. God does what He says He will do. No doubt there.
But what about your side? The fear about truly being saved – is real. The fear is: did you ever get it? Will Jesus reject you because you never yielded all of you, 100% of your heart? Got a “cracked heart”?
The key here is “your sincerity and truth“. And: Are you truly following Jesus?
“No works, no salvation.”
If I pray to Jesus, but fail to make His ways – my ways, then how true was my “confession” and my promise to follow Him? How sincere was my “repentance”? How true? How sincere?
I’d say: not at all! It’s not honest, not sincere – at all.
– Source: Sincerity and Truth
Our faith is not based on doing anything to get saved. Getting saved is not merit based. But if you have nothing to show you are following Him… then you have no works and THAT shows you were never saved.
“…Faith without works is dead….”
– James 2:14-26
Because of that, we are told: Examine yourself. Have you examined yourself to make sure you truly are in the faith?
THAT is so very very important: being truly in the salvation Jesus Himself provides. Other “ways to God” (another Gospel) fail to get you right with Jesus. That’s a scary thought.
*This article is based on an excerpt from: What God Did for Man
Will you be turned away by Jesus?
About Being Apostate… following “another gospel”
Following the Jesus who was not God
Really want to entrust your eternal soul to THAT?
The Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Paul
Promises God makes about your salvation
God never changes. Never has. Never will.
Legally Damned – Legally Forgiven
Study with this series on Every believer’s new life in Christ: Ephesians 1
- Growing into our natural new life in Christ
- Every believer’s new life in Christ [Part One]
- Explaining the Basic Christian Experience [Part Two]
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