PIC: Little dumbhead doggie on a horse. By JANDAM.photography
What I rather really want to do, is get ready for Jesus to Rapture me up. I want to make the most of my time left. I aim to make my every hour count big time. But what? What am I inclined to do instead?
It seems I dither dodder MirWeb: dodder – shilly-shally – vacillate.
I’d rather be a fiery hot glowing Rapture-Ready Watcher, eh? I want to be ready!
I think I see clearly what is going on in the world. Firrrightening, actually. But what to do? I dither dodder, shilly-shally, fritter life away MirWeb. What’s with that!?
Are you a lackadaisical airhead, a dim bulb doofus dolt ditherer like I am at times? Putting it off? Running helter-skelter like a little dumbhead doggie on a horse – without purpose? Why now? The time is short. Jesus is coming. What are you thinking?
What I rather really want to do, is get ready for Jesus to Rapture me up. Instead it seems I dither dodder, act the lackadaisical airhead, a dim bulb doofus dolt ditherer.
What God does to prepare you for Heaven
Being tested to know for sure your faithfulness to God
What knowing the Bible does for you
What happens when you do not know what the Bible says on a matter?
What you think and practice as compared with what Jesus thinks
If we do not think like God Almighty thinks
Tolerating others and being biblical
Can you really see what is going on in the world?
About The End Times: Research this site-search “Prophets and Prophecy“
Five big-time events coming soon – The Bible’s Chronological Order of 5 End Times Events before the Millennium:
We are now in “Birth Pangs” times, and then – the End
The Antichrist is soon to be revealed to us
First Apostasy, then Antichrist, then the Rapture
When Christians disappear and you wonder why Introduction: One day soon, Christians will suddenly disappear off the face of planet earth. What will that mean for you? This is happening soon, so let’s talk about what to do.
Six different types of wrath – from God | By Mondo Gonzales (Co-host at Prophecy Watchers) | | This post is an excerpt from Does the Wrath of God Begin After the 6th Seal is Opened? | Published on rev310.net
The coming reign of lawlessness
Christ’s Spectacular Millennium
The Tyranny of Technocracy “A new type of global governance is taking form….” – Source: endtimestruth.com
What we know about the Rapture
Becoming fiery hot, glowing, Rapture Ready Watchers
Normalcy bias says – “Rapture can’t happen now”
Jesus will rescue us soon from the Wrath to come
When Christians disappear and you wonder why Introduction: One day soon, Christians will suddenly disappear off the face of planet earth. What will that mean for you? This is happening soon, so let’s talk about what to do.
Jesus Promises an End Time Rapture Excerpt: Jesus presents believers with a great hope for the predicted End Times. We will escape the pouring-out of God’s wrath. Jesus said He will rescue us so that we escape that wrath (1 Thessalonians 1:9-10; Luke 21:36; Revelation 3:10-11). We will be Snatched by God. Hallelujah!
I will protect you from the time of testing
Omega Letter Community: The Ascendancy of Evil – by Jack Kelly at RaptureReady.com; Omega Letter
Jesus returns to earth twice in the end times
Print this now: Your guide for After The Rapture takes place
Will you be “accounted worthy” to escape all these things that shall come to pass?
Why we are understanding so many prophecies now
“The first things” (our time now) of Revelation 21:4
Background to 5 Big Time End Times Events Coming Soon
What God has going on with us here on this planet
When we face difficult times in our life
JD Farag: The Great Reset – Controlled Demolition for a New World on HarbingersDaily.com
Virgins, Talents, and Judgement
When we face difficult times in our life
Be cautious and active in faith
Maintain yourself faithful – out of loyalty to Christ
This Hope we have – and what this hope does
Significance – What Jesus gives
When on earth I’m done and gone
Holding to beliefs “deserving full acceptance and approval”
One minute away from the Kingdom of God
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