How do you know Jesus is returning to earth some day? We know because Scripture speaks on the topic. Jesus Himself said, “…I will come again and take you to be with me….”
The Dangers of Consorting With Error
To be faithful to Christ, we cannot mix Jesus plus something. It’s like mixing water with oil. That’s a messy mix. There is contradiction and opposition between the two.The same goes for anything in life: To stay true and faithful to Jesus we absolutely must deny that which denies Christ.
Why look into biblical prophecies?
About believing with confidence, “with a sense of longing and eager expectancy” in the midst of a world going mad.
It is bare open
The other day a man walked through the door of a bar in the countryside. I could see where his heart was, deep inside him, because a well-beaten path led back to his own door. His heart was bare open, plain to see. Our hearts are laid bare open by …the evidences smeared all over the course of our life.
God’s Think
I think. You think. We all think. But, what does God think? Thinking is necessary. But what if your “think” is not God’s “think”? Then your “think” will end so very badly when you reach That Day of Judgement, quivering before God in the realization that it is His Think that rules the heavens, not yours. Read about God’s “think”. What you think – matters. How you act it out – matters more. It will seal your eternity – with Him, or without Him.
Make judgements all day long
In modern day English, the Bible does not say, Do not judge. I hear this a lot. But what the Bible actually means is, “Do not condemn others”. We are to be known by our love, and love is not condemning. Come on Christians! Don’t be known by how condemning you are of those around […]
Genuine Or False
Are you genuine? “The real thing?” If Jesus put you on trial, would there be enough evidence to prove you guilty of being a born again Christian?!
Discernment When Interpreting
T. A. McMahon wrote: The critical issue for discernment is not “how it works” but “what is being communicated.” We have to be vigilant to always see the full counsel of God’s Word (Acts 17:10-11) so that we don’t get on some false rabbit trail.
Reckless Faith
Neo-orthodoxy denies the essential objective basis of truth — the absolute truth and authority of Scripture. Is this your type of “christianity”? It is actually a pseudo-Christianity.