What “floats your boat”? The preponderant evidence points to Jesus as God. How on earth does one deny Jesus? Well, it’s clear in the Bible what that is. Unbeliefism. Where are you at with this?
Quick Quiz – What are we to do habitually…according to Jesus?
Doing anything habitually is quite a challenge. We must really truly want to! What are we to do “habitually” – according to Jesus?
“Proclaimer of strange deities”
What is “your” God like? Have you engaged in thinking with Jesus? Are you a dyed-in-the-wool, uncompromising atheist, or are you an inquisitive soul? Apostle Paul was engaged in conversation by atheists about his “strange deities”. What is your impression of “dyed-in-Christ” biblical preachers?
An incomplete list of the types and prophecies Jesus has fulfilled
How many prophecies (Old Testament and New Testament) do you estimate Jesus fulfilled? Answer: A lot! Irrefutable evidence that the Messiah came to earth.
Evidence for all Jews and Goy that the Messiah came to earth
God furnished proof for us to believe in Jesus: plenty of evidence to show Himself to us, to show us the truth of the resurrection of Jesus after His crucifixion. He has shown us us the Truth, the reliability of His Word, the Bible, and so much more. Evidence is clear and speaks truth. It all behooves us to look in to it, and believe.
How Jesus loved us
Have you ever tried to think like God Almighty thinks? We are called by Jesus to be forever on a higher level. To be THERE, we must be born again, Jesus said. He loved us to such an extreme that He died to get us there.
About Evidences for faith in Jesus
A series about evidences we have — for believing faith in Jesus.
Still so dull?
Are you still so dull? What kind of fool are you – that you will not listen to the voice of God?
Scientific visualization proofs for an Intelligent Designer – God
Scientists are discovering more and more new evidences for the existence of God — and not admitting it. Graphic pictures of our DNA (top of this page) totally astound with evidence of an Intelligent Designer (otherwise known as “God”, Jesus the Messiah, Creator of all that is). There simply has to be a growing cognitive dissonance within the wise guys’ social clique.
Research God for yourself
Jump-start your God search. Use these additional research sites to explore.
The Apostle Paul’s Criticisms
What’s the difference between a critical spirit – and the Apostle Paul’s Pauline criticisms (or Berean thinking). When is criticism okay?
Making God
Are you following a god made after your own understanding – or Creator God the One and Only? Are you making “god”? Would you like to die and find yourself kneeling before a different God than the one you had been following while on earth? God is calling us to Himself. Are you seeking God?
I am a Christian because…
I am a Christian because… the Bible is too good to have been a fabrication of man. It had to have been orchestrated – by God. I am a Christian because… of tangible evidence of the divinity of Christ. He fulfilled over 360 prophecies written about the coming Messiah – way too many to have been completed by chance. Christ was God in human form. I am a Christian because…
On what do you base your beliefs?
Do you know why you believe what you believe? Do you know what is the basis for your beliefs about God? When I was a child, I had all kinds of “beliefs”. Much of what I “thought” — turned-out to be make-believe. Ephemeral. Like mist. Much of what people think – is so baseless, without […]
Do you believe in Napoleon?
For me, “Jesus proofs” are so incontrovertible, so historically accurate, SO convincing… that I have given-over my life to Him. Jesus lives today and is coming again to receive His followers up into His Kingdom. Are you ready for that?
Making God a Liar
While on earth Jesus taught about Himself, His impending death on a cross, and His plan of salvation. Jesus claimed to be God. And we have “three witnesses: the voice of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, the voice from heaven at Christ’s baptism, and the voice before he died. And they all say the same thing: Jesus Christ is the Son of God.” (1 John 5: verse 8) God is saying all of this to each of us, so clearly. If we do not believe this, we are effectively calling God a liar.
Looking For Loopholes
Where do you start in a quest to find God? I’d say: Start with Jesus. Find God in the Bible.
It is what it is: The Bible Is God’s Word To Us
Over the course of hundreds of years, the Bible was put together by God — so that we could come to believe that Jesus is God Himself come down to earth to redeem a people to Himself, the Messiah, Son of God. God put the Bible together by inspiring writers with His message. Have you read it for what it is – God’s word to mankind? It is important to not read-into-it, not remove what makes us uncomfortable, not reject portions of the Bible where it says what we do not want to hear!
If I Were a Jew
If I were a Jew, I’d really want to investigate the claims of Jesus! *He claimed to be sent from Father God. *He Himself claimed to be the Messiah. *He claimed to be the Christ, the long awaited Messiah who was to come to save and fulfill all Jewish faith. *He has the proper lineage […]
I am amazed by the lack of desire to know what is really true. You see this “unbeliefism” against Christian belief all over the internet. Many internet sites are entirely dedicated to promulgating this “unbeliefism”. Let’s look at one who is influenced totally by his unbeliefism toward the Christian faith.
Know Your Evidence
…evidences for a confident faith in Christ Jesus
Following Someone
Are you ready to meet your Maker? Have you considered the possibility that someday God might reject you? Do you truly “follow” Him?
Irrational Beliefs
Is yours an irrational faith not at all supported by evidences? Or do you have a firm, rational faith in Jesus the Godman, supplied with proofs and amazing evidences?
Fear This
There are a few things in life that you sure as Hell need to fear. Ever really thought about this?
Historical Evidences
Credible evidences are why I believe in Jesus, and follow Him instead of other gods. How about you? Have you done your research?
Who Do You Think You Are?
Who on earth do you think you are? One day we will all stand before God. If we are born again, He is our Daddy (“Abba”), and we will be home! But, whether you believe in Him or not – He is our Creator God. And He, not you, will be calling the shots. Ready for that?
Evidence. What Evidence?
God has provided us with plenty of evidence to show Himself to us, to show us the truth of the resurrection of Jesus after His crucifixion, to show us the Truth and reliability of His Word, the Bible, and so much more. Evidence is clear and speaks truth. Believe it.
GOD vs. SCIENCE -author unknown- A science professor begins his school year with a lecture to the students, “Let me explain the problem science has with religion.” The atheist professor of philosophy pauses before his class and then asks one of his new students to stand. “You’re a Christian, aren’t you, son?” “Yes sir,” the […]