The Rapture was an integral part of the faith for the early church. It is still a basic tenet of the faith. Are you yourself looking forward to The Rapture with great anticipation?
Shrink back? Not a chance!
Salvation in Christ is a sure thing — because God Himself saves us. THAT is a sure thing!
He’s got this
Whatever it is that you’ve got troubling you, “He’s got this!” When I find myself in times of trouble, I turn to Jesus.
Pestilences are now “breaking out all over the globe”
According to biblical prophecy extremely deadly pestilences will descend on as at the scale of an apocalypse. Faith in Jesus prepares us to live confidently through whatever comes. Ready for this?
Today is your last day – and Hell is home tonight
The following scenario is only broadway theater. But the story is true for some tonight. You die tonite, at one minute to midnite. And… you’ve said no to Jesus.
What is “sound doctrine” and what is “a different doctrine”?
Believe in the Name of Jesus – and you will be saved. “A whole lot of “accepting” is going on there in that moment in time… “when you (if you did), or I, said, “I accept Christ as my Lord and Savior”. Are you aware of what-all it actually requires to truly “accept Christ”? Who do you believe?
The Kingdom of God is very exclusive, very luxurious, very special
Entrance into God’s Home Heaven is going to be – Oh so very amazing! Wonderful! But getting there is difficult. Frankly, I doubt you ever will. What do you think?
This Hope we have – and what this hope does
If we genuinely have this hope within us, we will be actively cooperating with the Spirit of God to become purified. You that?
Feeling Insignificant
Feeling insignificant — there is a reason I don’t shrink into a dark hole of waaah (where they “call whine-one-one” for a “wahmbulance”). What could become despair, is slowly drawn to hope….
The reality for us now
The reality for us now is “Christ has in fact been raised from the dead”. The mystery of the Gospel has been revealed – and fulfilled by the Messiah
We overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us
All our life we will feel the pains of this world. That is a reality. After all, we are still human. The difference is: we have hope in Christ…way before He implemented Creation – His plan was always to “redeem” us back to Himself, to bring us to His salvation, to give us His strength and encouragement in this life
As we are raised up we will be given an “incorruptible” (everlasting) new body, like Christ’s resurrected body. Christ was the first, and we are next
Run with endurance and active persistence the race that is set before us
“run with endurance and active persistence the race that is set before us” – Hebrews 12:1 All the runners run There are many ways to run a race. We can run to win, or we can unconsciously run to lose. Are you winning in your race? “seize the prize and make it yours!” The Christian […]
One Human Race
We are actually all together one race. Is anyone reading the Bible – and actually trying to follow Jesus – with love for others?
Feeling insignificant?
It’s all so senseless looking, worthless, waste – and yet there is one ray of light, a hope for now, today, tomorrow
Even if you die, you will live
For the unbeliever – death is the portal to an instant appointment with The Judge, God Himself. For the believer – death is the portal to Heaven. “Even if you die, you will live”, Jesus said.
When we face difficult times in our life
God is my hope, my encouragement, my confidence. When we face difficult times in our life, the follower of Christ finds hope and encouragement in the words of God to us – the Bible. God Himself is our hope, our encouragement, our confidence. “We overflow with confidence in His promises.” Romans 15:4-6 4 For whatever was […]
Heaven will be awe-full and law-less
Heaven will be …filled-up full with unending awe of the One-and-Only, the wonderfully awesome God, and …filled-up full with overflowing love that voids any need for laws. Love will rule inside our insides. The peace of God, in Heaven, will surpass our present ability to understand that realm.
The privilege of my existence
You ever stop to think about your existence? Wow! What a privilege to have been created. What a privilege – that God Himself cares about me, about you. I have hope. Anyone on earth can have hope and joy everyday – through Jesus. He carries me. He is the lifter of my soul. (Psalm 3:3) […]
Romans 8:25-28. Hope in Christ
“…if we hope for what we do not see, we wait eagerly for it with patience and composure.” – Romans 8:25-28
Hope in Christ
Imagine a personal friend so close he is available instantly. Anytime anywhere he will help you with anything on your mind.
Some sweet day!
Some sweet day I’m a goin’ home! I’ll fly away! Wow! What a day that will be. I have hope. Anyone on earth can have hope and joy everyday – through Jesus. He carries me. He is “the lifter of my soul.” What about you? Have you drawn close to God? Whoever you are, no matter what you’ve done with the privilege of your existence – today there is hope for you in Jesus.
Was Graham right -or- Hawking?
Who was correct? Graham -or- Hawking? Billy said “I’ll be in heaven in the future life”, whereas Hawking postulated there is no afterlife, saying heaven “is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.” “One thing’s for sure: Both of these men now know the truth of what happens after death.” – Robin O’Hare […]
I have hope
…I have hope – because God is good. He will not let me down. I am a brand new creation in Christ! Excerpt… Lamentations 3:verses 20-26 Amplified Bible (AMP) 20 My soul continually … is bowed down within me. 21 But this I call to mind, Therefore I have hope. 22 It is because of […]
You thought that I was just like you
“You thought that I was just like you.” – Psalm 50: verse 21 It all seems so right. God must be just fine with who I am and all I do. A few things might not be right, but God will “get over it” just like I do with things I don’t like. Right? Well, […]
A God Damn
Have you ever tried to grasp the deep intensity of God’s feelings against your sin? Do you know how much He hates sin?
God Is Not Distant
God is not some far away, distant-from-you, dis-concerned bubble of energy, inside some aura of mist on a mysterious planet far far away in a different galaxy. Star Trek might lead one to believe that! But the Bible says that Creator God created us to walk and talk with us, to commune with us, like He did with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:8).
Peaceful Easy Feeling
What an incredibly peaceful, easy feeling I have in my inner soul. The Bible tells me I am right with God. I have been born again. I am a new creature now, changed by God, made brand new — and I have nothing to fear, for God is my Savior. There is nothing more I need, for God Himself has made me His child.
I am sorry for your loss, Tom
Just wanted to express my condolences. I am so sorry for the recent loss of your wife, Tom. Jesus Christ assures me that when I leave this earth, I am instantly in the presence of God, at peace, with joy everlasting.
Hell Is Home
Hell is home for the walking dead. You ain’t leavin’ this home.
Salvation Is A God Thing
Salvation is not what you make of it. Getting right with God is something only God does. He has particular expectations. Salvation comes from Jesus.