What really truly is necessary for you to be saved? Jesus gave us His parameters. There are limits to His grace. Don’t get shut-out because of them. His mercy is huge, so today – all on earth still have a choice to make. The day of “it’s too late” is just around the corner!
Those who like it but don’t live it
God wants us all to be saved. But He requires we back up our talk with our walk. Are you a posing as Christian? Got the Chutzpah of a Wannabe? Are you living for Jesus, or for …something else?
Ever grasped that feeling of being wrong with Jesus?
To be wrong with Jesus is the worst. You can’t be in a worse position with God. It matters. You will never be happy in that state. So think about it.
God makes Himself “real” to us
We actually get a LIFE, a brand new life — when we turn to Jesus. This new life takes us where we want to be after death.
What saves you
What really truly is necessary for you to be saved? Jesus gave us His parameters. There are limits to His grace. Don’t get shut-out because of them. His mercy is huge, so today – all on earth still have a choice to make. The day of “it’s too late” is just around the corner!
What following Christ is NOT
To say “I’m following Christ” – that’s easy to say. But, in the vernacular, “You is or you ain’t!” What is your practice? The Bible explains what is “following Christ”… and what is NOT.
Can I become unsaved for any reason?
There is no reason to fear losing our salvation once we have sincerely repented and followed Jesus. But you’ve got to ask yourself: Did God save me? His side of the equation is solid. God does what He says He will do. But what about your side?
Freed from a righteous “God Damn”
John (3:18-21) discusses the topic of being God damned: Being freed or not being freed – from God’s condemnation. Do you know you are free? Or are you still God damned?
What is necessary to be saved
Folks! You can NOT fake it with God. He knows your heart. Faking = Still lost. You can talk like/smell like/pray like/look like/act like/dress like/preach like/give money like/claim church membership like/go to church like… but if your heart is not genuinely His, “with all your heart…”, then you are not saved. You are a God damned “believer”. ‘You must be born again.’
What Jesus Taught
Do you know Jesus and what He taught? It is important to know in order to actually follow Him with all your heart. It is too easy to contradict Him… and begin to be against Him. Where are you at?
Faith and Works
Without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6), but faith is incomplete without works.It is true: faith alone is the requirement for salvation. But faith without works is dead. Works alone cannot save (Ephesians 2:8-9). Turn to Jesus with all that you are, all that you do.