We find this in Joshua 24:15 – “Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve.” Are you choosing your practices by what God has told us in the Bible?
Understanding “wrong”
Do you understand the severity of being wrong when you stand before the Judge of Eternity? We know what Jesus believes. Do you agree with Him?
Letting It Reign Until Hell Is Home
If I were to let sin reign in my body, then — what a mess. But I don’t let it. I am not “these things”. I am strong in Him. Only in Him.
Consequences of Supporting Evil
Supporting evil actually has one consequence before God. Can you guess what it is?
Getting Into The Miraculous
Have you so, so wanted “the miraculous”, that you swallowed the whole lie, hook, line, and sinker… the ultimate Bethel Bill deception of following a Jesus who was not God? Scary thought.
The Gift by His Precious, Undeserved Grace
Oh how marvelous – His grace towards us, sinners all. When it comes to repentance for salvation – Jesus is all inclusive. He will accept any truly repentant sinner of any vile stripe. You name it, He will forgive. But His is a limited grace. Don’t try to squeeze-by in His courts of justice.
Jesus warned us not to be dishonest with Him
Are you seeking to justify your thinking before your end day? God told us clearly what is good, and what is not. Are you listening?
Calling out false teachers
Part of the mission of Christ’s followers is to teach the way of Christ – and to warn when someone is teaching “another gospel” different from what was written by the faithful early church. “Warning” about false teachers and false teachings — is a good thing we do. It is what “a good servant of Christ Jesus” does.
Acting Wickedly
The Judge of All will define what is “wicked”. Not me, not you. The Bible is Gods’ Word about Himself and all His ways.
Playing With Sin
Sinners who accept sin, who conform themselves to their flesh – in whatever form, remain under condemnation still. If you struggle with sin, that means you are not accepting of it. You are rejecting sin but finding your flesh overwhelming. Born-again followers do that. There is a difference between being a sinner – versus living in sin. All born-again believers are sinners, but they have rejected sin by turning to Christ. They have been freed by God – from condemnation.