What was the biggest prophecy of all time? Think about it. It is so very clear to see.
Forget about it
What do you do with the sins of your past? Paul says, I am continually, consciousely, purposely forgetting all those things of my past, what is behind me. I leave them back there, behind me. And now — I press on.
Faking It
Jesus warned us not to be dishonest with Him. You can NOT fake it with God. He knows your heart. You must be genuinely born again.
The message of salvation spoken by Jesus to Paul
Jesus spoke this to Paul on the road to Damascus – one short verse that explains the Gospel of salvation in Jesus, in Acts 26:18.
Saying no to Jesus is a dead faith with dead works
God calls His followers to reject sin (2 Corinthians 7:1), all that He calls “sin”, and press on to our upward calling (Philippians 3:12-14). Fake faith does not fool God.
It’s all about Christ
There is nothing more pressing, nothing more important at any time in your life – than to “be right with Christ”.
The Gift by His Precious, Undeserved Grace
Oh how marvelous – His grace towards us, sinners all. When it comes to repentance for salvation – Jesus is all inclusive. He will accept any truly repentant sinner of any vile stripe. You name it, He will forgive. But His is a limited grace. Don’t try to squeeze-by in His courts of justice.
Being wrong
“8 Billion people can’t be wrong!” “On the contrary, billions of people CAN be wrong!” Reminded me of just how many people will be affected when Jesus suddenly surprises them, actually coming back just as He said He would. Are you ready for that day, or will it surprise you all to Hell?
About Prayer
We pray because God cares, and He hears what we say. The beginning of prayer is the purifying of our spirit. All that self-talk we all engage our minds in throughout the day? “Talk it” to God. If I take my eyes off Jesus… I become unbalanced in my soul. I take refuge in God… There is no better way to deal with life. The number to call for repair in all areas is: P-R-A-Y-E-R
Jesus is Creator God
So why on earth not? Why on earth NOT believe in Jesus – and follow Him closely, intensely, with all that you are? What else do you have going? What else on earth is worthy of choosing – above Jesus?
We must seek after God
Peace within our own boundaries is not guaranteed. It is so important in these days that we all draw near to God, and pray. We must seek after God, while He yet can be found.
Tolerating evil
If you tolerate bad behavior, you in effect are condoning the bad. The Bible says here that the person who practices or permits or tolerates evil (evil = that which is not of God) cannot possibly be a true follower of Jesus.
Farther along we’ll understand why
There is so much that I just do not understand. Why this, why that…? I refuse to refuse Jesus Well, rather than blame God, rant and rage, or refuse to fall-in-line with certain difficult teachings of Jesus… I have chosen to trust that God understands more than I. I refuse to refuse Jesus. Are you […]
His due sentencing
Did you know that we are all due to appear before The Judge of All to receive His holy justice, His due sentencing? Sure as hell – what is due to God is “owed at a certain time”, a time of God’s choosing. And that time is upon death. Your strength of will cannot help you avoid His due sentencing. Ready?
This is Salvation in Christ
It’s a very simple message from God, actually – what He expects of us. His message is to all of us — us sinful, willful, rebellious, self-centered creatures. God is asking you and me to repent.
God takes care of sinners
We all sin. The allurements of the enemies of our soul entrap us with sin, saying, go that way. The message of Christ says, repent, turn this way. “I am the way, the truth, and the life….” We struggle not to sin. So, what kind of sinner are you?
One Human Race
We are actually all together one race. Is anyone reading the Bible – and actually trying to follow Jesus – with love for others?
God forgives sins by His Holy Holy Justice
What do you know about God, the most holy in the universe? Our Holy Holy Holy God was (and is) so opposed to anything not holy – that He volunteered to die in order to be able to save us all – you and me. THAT is truly the biggest Wonder of the Universe. God came to earth as a man, Jesus! His holy system of justice demanded holy justice. So He Himself went to the cross.
Staying Alive
The faithful have a faith that is staying alive day by day. Through all our struggles, we keep our eyes on Jesus, saying yes to Him and saying no to sin – following Him by faith.
About past sins and being forgiven now
The very clear message of Christ is that sinners can be changed when they repent in sincerity and truth, choosing to become God’s true followers. You can have all your sinful past forgiven by God, and be totally accepted into His Forever Family immediately, both here on earth now – and in heaven where we are declared forgiven in His Courts. Don’t be fooled into hell by thinking your sin is legitimate before God.
Oh How Marvelous
Marvelous grace. To a sinner, what else could be so marvelous? God’s grace, that “un-merited” bestowing of a blessing on me. Just because of Him. Just because He chooses to do so within His Heavenly legal system.
I am a Christian because…
I am a Christian because… the Bible is too good to have been a fabrication of man. It had to have been orchestrated – by God. I am a Christian because… of tangible evidence of the divinity of Christ. He fulfilled over 360 prophecies written about the coming Messiah – way too many to have been completed by chance. Christ was God in human form. I am a Christian because…
Repentance in the Bible
Let’s nail-down the meaning of biblical “repentance”. What is it – really?
God Is Asking You To Repent
So, here we are on earth, living. If you are reading this — you’re not dead yet! And God is asking you to repent. God is saying – repent now, before it’s too late to repent. What are you saying back to God?
God eventually gives you a free rein
Come close to God – before He can not be found. “He will let you find Him.” It’s your choice. However, eventually He will release you to walk your own way. He will stop trying. And soon, it’s too late.
Hell Fire Insurance
I have really tried to, but can’t seem to find in the Bible any reference to “Hell Fire Insurance”. Have you? Actually Scripture points to an entirely different policy.
The Righteous Person
The righteous person is the one that seeks and submits to the will of God. It’s not the perfect one, but the ones who seek Him and submit to Him.
Mars Hill
Acts 17:10-34 …examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so Paul at Berea 10 The brethren immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Berea, [a]and when they arrived, they went into the synagogue of the Jews. 11 Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, [b]for they received the word with […]
Oh regret
What is your regret? Have you repented? Truly turned…?
Jeremiah 7 – Warning to Repent
The warning from Jeremiah to repent.