Do you plan to take your hate, your ways, your views – to Heaven? Have you thought that through? How would that play-out, exactly?
That moment of IF when you choose your own thinking
When you keep on blindly walking directly down the road as always, you have missed the crossroad God provided for you. Will you choose to Turn from – Turn to…Jeus? Choose wisely. Decide to follow Jesus.
What you think and practice as compared with what Jesus thinks
The way you think (as in your worldview, your political leaning, your personal outlook on things) shows your agreement or disagreement with Jesus, or your rejection of what Jesus taught. If you reject His teaching, then, does that mean you reject Jesus Himself?
Being pleasing
Getting born again established my identity. I am a child of God now. Rejecting sin is a part of my identity. How ’bout you?
Transgenderism as seen from the Bible
What is Transgenderism? What is Transgenderism – as seen from the Bible?
Put down sinners… with compassion and love?
We are all so sinful. Incomplete. But there are many today who say sin is irrelevant. They say they are not sinning. How odd. Sinning is so common. I sin. You sin. What’s with this?
What leads to godly living
Have you discovered what leads to godly living? Are you pursuing that?
They were not really of us
Scripture reveals that there are many fakers of faith in Christ. “They were not really of us”, John says. We must discern who these fakers are. “Don’t judge the book by the cover.” See them for what they really are: wolves in sheep’s clothing (Matthew 7:15).
Sin is not the issue in salvation
Salvation in Christ is not essentially about sin. God does not save you because you throw away your sin, or because you are able to stop sinning. Salvation is about your yielding to Him in repentance. Big difference.
As if your mindset is protected by God
PIC: Chicago1Ray.twitter Are you living as if your mindset is protected by God? Convinced of it? Is your thinking following God’s Think? Think again – might save you an eternity of regret. A worldview that conflicts with His You may have played in church since a toddler, but that does not translate into God accepting […]
Think like God Almighty
God is so high above us. If you stick to your own level of thought you’ll never make it to Heaven. You have to think like God — in order to get saved.
Beliefs “deserving full acceptance and approval”
The Gospel is chock-full of beliefs which are “deserving full acceptance and approval”. Are your beliefs worthy of God’s approval?
The Dangers of Consorting With Error
To be faithful to Christ, we cannot mix Jesus plus something. It’s like mixing water with oil. That’s a messy mix. There is contradiction and opposition between the two.The same goes for anything in life: To stay true and faithful to Jesus we absolutely must deny that which denies Christ.
Satan’s progressively degenerate agendas
Here is a list of Satan’s Ways. You oppose them, right? Or do you? Are you morphing for Satan and his ways?
God forgives all wrongdoings of all repentant sinners, no exception
I’m still a workin’ more on being more consistently kind, more helpful, more tender-hearted, more forgiving. How ’bout you?
My Sparkling Clean Soul
A “soul” is invisible, of course, so nobody can actually “see” one. But the Bible tells me we all have one. My soul is inside my insides, deep within my being. That is where I run my life, sort of my command center. And I “see” my soul sparkly clean when I confess my sins and Jesus washes me thoroughly.
Being 100% given-over to Jesus
Being faithful to Jesus – that is what we want, right? Being faithful – when the Rapture happens? (I really want to go on that ride!) I live for Jesus, and that is why I live with confidence. How ’bout you? Accepting Jesus- plus some other is totally rejected by Jesus. That “other gospel” faith is the road that leads to the other place, not to God’s Home Heaven.
0% Soon
iFacts online are no longer real “facts” when truth no longer matters. I realize now the real reason the world changed the meaning of the word “tolerate”. “For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound… and accurate instruction [that challenges them with God’s truth]; but wanting to have their ears tickled [with […]
My Happy
I can always find something to make me unhappy. Never failed me yet – this unhappy thing. As they say, “If it’s not one thing, it’s another.” It can always make me unhappy.
Pleasure and bad behaviors we love to fall for
We love simple pleasures. Don’t we? Life is good. God is good. The problem with pleasure is: Not all pleasure is of God. Jesus said we need to clean our insides – so that our outsides can then live-out worthy behavior. Pick a sin – any sin – and discern where you are at. Judge yourself all day long. Romans 12:2.
God takes care of sinners
We all sin. The allurements of the enemies of our soul entrap us with sin, saying, go that way. The message of Christ says, repent, turn this way. “I am the way, the truth, and the life….” We struggle not to sin. So, what kind of sinner are you?
What sort of person are you?
What sort of person are you? Are you being diligent to be the sort that God wants? My focus is going to be on eternity with God!
The Rich Mindset of God
The Bible introduces us to the rich mindset of God. The Bible was shaped over hundreds of years by God inspired writers – prophets, and apostles. The Bible is showing us the mindset of God Himself.