Pushed to conform
With so much evil growing, it is getting more and more difficult to think like God thinks. In these End Days, or, as Jesus put it 1 in Matthew 24:14 “…and then the end“… We are being pushed to conform our thinking to the way of the world.
The Rich Mindset of God
God is so high above us. If you stick to your own level of thought you’ll never make it to Heaven. You have to think like God — in order to get saved.
How you doing with that? Do you think as God thinks?
Or are you arguing for the ways of rebellious, unrepentant folk? Can you lovingly share with them how Jesus loved us enough to suffer and die for us on a cross?
A person will never think to get saved if he-she does not think like God. Are you conforming your thought — to the world? Or are you working with God to conform to His thinking?
Think like God
From the get-go we need to think like God — even just to get saved! (What sinner will naturally turn from what they regard as “good”, to a God that demands repentance!) And then throughout our life we must resist the pressure to think like our family, friends and neighbors who are totally overwhelmed by “the world” — and into it.
- We need to think like God in order to simply comprehend our need of a Savior.
- We need to think like God in order to discern His Ways from the ways of life which God condemns.
- We need to think like God in order to work with God on changing the way we think.
Paul wrote:
2 And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs],
but be [a]transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes],
so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you].

Those who push us to conform
As this passage teaches us: the will of God is different from what the world wants us to believe. 2 God is “good and acceptable and perfect”.
God is easy, light-handed, gentle
Go with it. He never is wrong. He will never fail. He never lies, palters, nor dissembles. You can’t go wrong following Jesus!
Being faithful little by little
God’s Think
Get over it: the world is wrong-headed, full of an erroneous “think” that is contrary to the realities God has established. Why go with that?
Loving the world
The world makes its own idols to serve, small gods. Don’t fall for them. Our God is the real thing, bigger and awesomely strong. Much bigger.
Stand strong in Him, and allow yourself to “be [a]transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes]….” (Romans 12:2)
I can stand strong, strong enough to “[successfully] stand up against all the schemes and the strategies and the deceits of the devil.” See Ephesians 6:10-18…verse 11.
– Source: Yes I can! I can stand strong
Your metamorphosis
“Metamorphosis” is what it means to “be transformed”. 3 “Metamorphosis” is a “process that leads to an outward, permanent change” in us.
The Christian is a brand new type of human being. We are no longer “mere humans“.
See: Who I am in Christ
Our metamorphosis was such that Christ totally and permanently changed us – by God. We are brand new, not just whitewashed and made to look better. And God is presently preparing us for the moment we start living in His Home Heaven.
See: | What God does to prepare you for Heaven |
| Your “new leaf” …once you have repented |
When a person truly “gets saved” – he/she is immediately transformed at that precise moment of time. The transforming power of God in our “inner man” begins huge, and slowly gets bigger and bigger, little by little as our permanent change grows towards maturity.
See: Have you “come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God”?
Transformation is a process. How are you processing that, yourself? God is at work in you!
| The non-stop work of God inside you and me |
| Is this you? – 1 Thessalonians 5 |
| Salvation in Christ is beyond huge |
Truth divides good people
When you know the Truth from God, it propels you to share it.
Many quote this partial quote, “The truth will set you free”. But we should quote the whole verse. Jesus actually said:
John 8:32 AMP
And you will know the truth
[regarding salvation],
and the truth will set you free
[from the penalty of sin].”
In a recent article appearing on Rev310.net:
“The truth …needs to be plainly stated. I’ll start with the burner on low and turn up the heat as I go. I think I’ll lose some of you before you’re done reading this.
As Jack Nicholson’s character thundered in the movie, A Few Good Men,
“You can’t handle the truth!”
But hey – that’s the nature of truth. It always divides.”
– Source: The Left Will Love the Antichrist| By Steve Schmutzer. – on www.Rev310.net
With all the hate and harsh words and rejection of others these days — we must sharpen our focus of love on others, on all others. Love them into the Kingdom.
God forgives all wrongdoings of all repentant sinners, no exception. Even the unrepentant deserve the love of Jesus shown to them.
God loved the whole world – even when yet in their sins. Shouldn’t we?
As the Holy Spirit does His work in us, we can pray for each other in this way:
“…may the Lord cause you to increase and excel and overflow in love for one another, and for all people, just as we also do for you;
13 so that He may strengthen and establish your hearts without blame in holiness in the sight of our God and Father
at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all His [a]saints (God’s people).
“Take heed, keep on the alert;
for you do not know when
the appointed time will come.”
– Mark 13:33
What we will be like – in God’s Home Heaven
Small gods, and our great big beautiful God
Heaven will be awe full and law less
The Kingdom of God is very exclusive, very luxurious, very special
Gonna Be Worth It!! With lyrics – Sung by Rita Springer (on YouTube) “…I don’t understand Your ways…” “…pulling me into Your ways…” Also a good video with this same song: Worth It All!! video by espaytons
Your “new leaf” …once you have repented
Act in love towards all peoples
Doing one act of love at a time
Got social justice flowing – from your insides?
Do Justice, Be Kind, and Walk Humbly with your God
Rely on the Spirit of God in you
God forgives all wrongdoings of all repentant sinners, no exception
Does it matter – what you believe?
God is easy, light-handed, gentle
If we do not think like God Almighty thinks
The Left Will Love the Antichrist| By Steve Schmutzer. – on www.Rev310.net *An truthful (accurate) assessment of the world as it is today
The End… as Jesus predicted it
Why “the end” Jesus foretold is now
Why look into biblical prophecies
Jesus volunteered to give us signs that would usher in the End Times
Prophecy Update 2022 from raptureparty.net…
A false church (with biblical references): The Pope’s true Catholicism and his new Chrislam one world religion
Excerpt: “It is official – Chrislam has now been codified and ratified. The Human Fraternity document created by Pope Francis and financed and promoted by Mohamed bin Zayed of the UAE was adopted by the 7th World Religions Congress of the Human Fraternity as of September 18, 2022.”
See: the Pope’s press release invoking blessings upon Klaus (the Klaus Schwab who pushes for a new socialist world government): Message of His Holiness Pope Francis to Prof. Klaus Schwab.
See: Waiting may get you beheaded – sooner than you think
- Matthew 24:14 |14 This good news of the kingdom the gospel will be preached throughout the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end of the age will come.”
- What the world accepts and practices
See: Palter and Dissemble – from Merriam-webster. - See BibleGateway Footnote: Romans 12:2 From the Greek word meaning “metamorphosis.” It refers to the process that leads to an outward, permanent change.
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