IF you are “in Christ”, everything is new for you. Your name can go on every line in this list below! Test yourself. Maybe there is more to your Christian life than what you are experiencing.
Every believer’s new life in Christ [Part One]
Because God is extreme to the nth degree – God requires an extreme type of relationship from us. Once we get born again, we will continue growing deeply, naturally, into further maturity in Christ. The wonder of passing from being “God-damned” to being “marvelously saved by Jesus”. Oh how marvelous this journey!
We know what Jesus believes. Do you agree with Him?
It was quite the mystery of the universe. Sin had destroyed the lovely Garden of Eden relationship Adam and Eve had with Creator God. So God established a “covenant of forgiveness”, a system of sacrifice whereby His followers could be forgiven.
But it was obvious that we on earth could not go on for all of eternity sacrificing lambs for the forgiveness of sins. What did God have in the works? It remained a mystery for centuries. And then, finally, according to His perfect timing, He revealed the answer.
What a privilege God gives us
It cost God to make us His children of privilege. Jesus made this privilege possible for all who come to Him – not just to some, but to all peoples. Some do reject Him (Hebrews 4:6). Their choice. It is a choice, to receive Him or not. Have you accepted salvation in Christ?
Living between two opinions
Do you equivocate, living between two opinions? Isn’t it time to choose this day who you will serve, 100%?
Psalm 51 type repentance and salvation
The only humans entering heaven’s gate will be those sinners who confessed their sinfulness – and yielded their will completely (100%) to Christ in that moment of salvation.
Heaven. What’s it going to be like?
Heaven. What’s it going to be? Many say, I can only imagine. Well, not really – because we can really know, not merely “imagine”. The Bible tells us a lot about Heaven.
There is a broad road that says Heaven but goes to Hell
Where’s the real road to heaven? There is a broad way that seems right. But what it seems to be is not what it really is. It “is a broad road that says heaven, but goes to hell.” Sin always says a good thing. It talks a good talk. It attracts us to go that way. Sin promises heaven. But the road it leads down is the highway to hell. Are you on the road to hell, or have you turned your life around – and chosen Jesus?
The Bible is “able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation”
Do you want to know how to get right with God? The Bible was given to us by God – so we could know Him and follow Him.
So, God sent His Son into the world. Do you know why?
In the justice system of God’s Throne, humankind has been condemned eternally because we all fall short of His perfection. How could God allow sin into His Holy Kingdom? Because of that, in order for God to forgive any person, a provision had to be made for His justice to legally redeem any fallen person.
One thing you lack
Jesus is inviting you to come into His Kingdom. Forever! Imagine how exotic and opulent – His Place? Is that exciting – or what!? I’m looking for that! Have you visited Jesus, like the rich young ruler, and blindly held-on to your ways in the midst of all your religiosities? It is a fearful thing to consider being rejected by a damning God. How far would you go to NOT be God-damned?
Print this now: Your Guide for after the Rapture takes place
This can be your Guide for After the Rapture takes place, “The Rapture Guide”. There will be several signs you can see to know you were left behind.
What’s your problem?
The Good News is that God accepts anyone and everyone that truly repents and follows Him with sincerity and truth. The Bad News is: there is no way your way will get you past the pearly gates. We must go through “The Door”, Jesus!
This is Salvation in Christ
It’s a very simple message from God, actually – what He expects of us. His message is to all of us — us sinful, willful, rebellious, self-centered creatures. God is asking you and me to repent.
The ABCs of Salvation
Are you ready to meet your Maker? Here are three steps to salvation in Jesus.
Yielding your will to God
“…he [who is born again] cannot habitually [live a life characterized by] sin, because he is born of God and longs to please Him.” –1 John 3:9 You can’t get much clearer than that: “cannot”. Too many professing “Christians” are just plainly not “reborn from above”. They are not really saved. They are into habitual […]
God forgives sins by His Holy Holy Justice
What do you know about God, the most holy in the universe? Our Holy Holy Holy God was (and is) so opposed to anything not holy – that He volunteered to die in order to be able to save us all – you and me. THAT is truly the biggest Wonder of the Universe. God came to earth as a man, Jesus! His holy system of justice demanded holy justice. So He Himself went to the cross.
The Fool Says
So, what kind of fool are you…? Remember the popular song saying this? “What kind of fool do you think I am?”
Signs of an unrepentant heart
The unrepentant heart makes excuses for sin (vile things before God). What do I support – that is “not of God”? …in my personal practices, in my politics, in my relationships, in my mind and heart? We rationalize so well, we fool ourselves! What does your life “evidence”?
Pray for salvation
Excerpt from the article: God Speaking Repent now. There is no magic formula or speech. Just speak your heart to Me, sincerely and truthfully. I can hear your voice. I can hear your thoughts. Direct your heart to Me — something like this: Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner. I believe you […]
Sincerity and Truth
Was there sincerity in your repentance? Was there truth? Is there fidelity to Jesus in your faith?
Born Again. Reborn from above
Getting “born again” is found in several references in the Bible. Jesus Himself said, “You must be born again.” Have you?
Measuring Your Net Worth
…be careful how you build on Jesus, our foundation How do you prepare your wealth to survive a disaster? Where are you safeguarding your wealth? Do you put your wealth into “wood, hay, straw” type of quality? Well that won’t work. That “treasure” will get all burned up! You’ll end up with nothing in the […]
Puny humans
Quotes about mere puny mud-men and women of clay – us.
Hell Fire Insurance
I have really tried to, but can’t seem to find in the Bible any reference to “Hell Fire Insurance”. Have you? Actually Scripture points to an entirely different policy.
The Security of the True Believer
When we, anyone, comes to God with sincerity and truth, giving Him all that we are, bowing our heart to Him in confession and repentance of sin – we are saved, redeemed, and given eternal life in that very moment. He saves us – not we ourselves.
Our Life As God Sees It. Ephesians 2:1-10
*Capture each part of the process of being made alive in Christ. Here the passage is broken into its separate phrases and nuanced truths …explained here by the Apostle Paul in Ephesians chapter 2, verses 1-10. Ephesians 2:1-10 Amplified Bible (AMP) 2 “And you [He made alive when you] were [spiritually] dead and separated from […]
No Tolerance for Error
God is not sloppy nor wishy-washy. God is not a slacker with low standards. God is very sure of Himself! After God sent His only Son, Jesus, into the world to die as a man on your behalf… do you think He will tolerate a life lived “ho-hum” for Him?
A God Damn
Have you ever tried to grasp the deep intensity of God’s feelings against your sin? Do you know how much He hates sin?