Are you misrepresenting God with your practice of spiritual gifts? Oftentimes the pewsitter, the apostle, the prophet, the teacher… misrepresent God. Do you know what they do?
When you are wrong and just don’t get it
We know what Jesus believes. Do you agree with Him? He gave us a choice to make. Are you good with what Jesus said about being “wrong”?
Understanding “wrong”
Do you understand the severity of being wrong when you stand before the Judge of Eternity? We know what Jesus believes. Do you agree with Him?
We are the odd creature, are we not?
A good habit for me in the mornings is to discuss “me” with God. It’s a cleansing thing from Psalm 139:23-24. Odd how some can go all their life with “whatever” and never strain-out the gnats.
Fake faith gets you nowhere you want to be
If the core of your being rejects parts and pieces of what Christ taught, then you have a fake faith – with no salvation. Think about that.
Keeping sin AND getting God’s Holiness also
Be careful as you approach God. You might be doing evil – and not know it (Ecclesiastes 5:1). Do you legitimize your favorite sin as approved by God? Legit sins. What a deal that would be! Live anyway you want, but… just try to be very loving. God is so loving He’s sure to accept us, right?
Take a Stance on Homosexuality – like Jesus did
Anything contrary to God’s expressed will has to be carefully avoided. Homosexuality, for example, is pushed nowadays as “okay by God”. But actually, it is listed in the Bible right beside many other practices that are not pleasing to God. Temptation towards any sin is NOT sinful. But, if we practice a sin, then we deny Christ. Want to please God in all you do?