Are you misrepresenting God with your practice of spiritual gifts? Oftentimes the pewsitter, the apostle, the prophet, the teacher… misrepresent God. Do you know what they do?
What knowing the Bible does for you
If we know our Bible, we will know Christ, acknowledge Christ, and recognize Christ. We will know what saves us and what does not. We will be more and more like Christ. That’s a great thing.
If we do not think like God Almighty thinks
What happens when we do not think like the God above? Are you reading the Bible in order to know what He wants from you?
What happens when you do not know what the Bible says on a matter?
Do you know what the Bible says? If we are to go to Heaven, we must know the message of God for us on earth. Makes sense to me.
The Old Testament is still Truth for today
The Old Testament (OT) is still true today. It is an integral part of our Christian faith. It still teaches us what God established.
Being an “evangelical” in today’s wild and wooly ungodly culture
Evangelicals take God at His Word – as recorded for us in the Bible. Don’t believe what the ungodly say about evangelicals. What do they know?
Think about it. Have you strayed from the truth?
The “godly truth” You got it? The truth that is godly? It takes a lot of careful thinking to keep safe the “godly truth entrusted to” us who follow Jesus. 1 Timothy 6:20-21 The Apostle Paul tells us we must constantly be discerning, like a judge with a gavel, passing judgement right and left — […]
Jesus saves and Jesus condemns
Are you “saved”? This is more than important: Reconsider your life. Get it together. Get truly saved …because nothing less is acceptable to Jesus.
“By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error”
How can we know a teaching is truly from God? John gives us a simple test we can use. Want to follow God Himself, or some heretic false teacher?
Comments From Watching Roundtable: Brown & Storms vs. Peters & Osman American Gospel
We are to teach sound doctrine! Not weird stuff. Here are Comments copied from the youtube video presentation, Roundtable: Brown & Storms vs. Peters & Osman. American Gospel – with Justin Peters, Jim Osman, Michael Brown, and Sam Storms |
Old Sarge Comments on Charismatic practices
We need great discernment about the NAR-type Charismatic churches such as Bethel in Redding, California. “Charismatics need a better hermeneutic as much is not based on good interpretation of a passage.” Do you want God’s message, or your own?
Verify Jesus. Verify, verify, verify
There is an immense amount of “Fraudulent truth” out there (as in “erroneous”). It is pervasive, threatening to inundate “real truth”. What difference does it make? Are you discerning the difference?
Replace simplistic rhetoric with compassion
A natural tendency is to wax and wane. Over time we can begin to be insensitive to others, and rationalize away our failures. We may be averse to honest self evaluation. We may redefine our “sin” and behavior – and negate the fact that we have actually changed.
Changing what God started
Changing what God said Does God need you to change what He said back in the Old Testament? Have you changed what God started? Really want to do that? God said doing so has eternal consequences. Satan was the first to cast doubt on what God said: Now the serpent was more crafty (subtle, skilled […]
The Gurus in Christian Churches
Is your church pastor actually a guru? Churches are not “Christian” when they are following mere traditions they themselves established, when they are subject to guru apostles and prophets.
Teaching about Jesus the Messiah
It is a real bummer to suddenly find you are off the path you thought you were on! Bummer. I hate that! We deviated. With God – that can be an eternal bummer. I would hate that forever! Are you staying true to God’s message in the Bible?
Jews in these latter days of the end
Are you looking to God in these latter days, the days which Jesus called “…the end”? Do you read the Scriptures that God has provided for us to know Him?
The Nature of Biblical Speculation
Do you follow good hermeneutical principles when reading the Bible — in order to have solid biblical truth to follow? Or are you speculating frequently as to what Scripture might be communicating to us?
Who is this Jesus of Nazareth?
Who was the real Jesus Christ anyway, the One they call Jesus the Messiah? Let’s see Jesus as the Bible reveals Him.
Pete Garcia’s Post – Eyes Wide Shut
Here we have republished only the Conclusion section (2nd half of article) of Pete Garcia’s Eyes Wide Shut, because it centers in on Pete’s message of the “eyes wide shut” condition of most churches today. Topic: the dismissal of Bible prophecy.
Does God give new revelations or is the Bible enough?
False prophets, false apostles and false teaches are constantly adding their own words to their church doctrines, as if God Himself spoke them. And they claim their own words are equal to Bible words. Are you speaking your own words as if they are God’s words!? That was forbidden to do by God. Give it up – repent, and turn to what God really has said… in the Bible.
The gullibility of the common person
Scripture warns us to be discerning. Ask: Is this from the Bible? Are you kidding me?! You really think I can’t see through that teaching? What about this passage here…?
The music hook of today’s apostates
Music by Bethel, Jesus Culture, Hillsong, and Elevation – hooks uninitiated church folk into false teaching churches. Beware.
Words of Mere Men Are Not God’s Words
Mark 7:7 “They worship Me in vain [their worship is meaningless and worthless, a pretense], Teaching the precepts of men as doctrines [giving their traditions equal weight with the Scriptures].” You’d think it would be quite obvious, you think? When church leaders announce that they speak directly from God, they instantly become a bonafide false prophet if their words are later shown to be wrong. False prediction = False Prophet. Easy.
The Dangers of Consorting With Error
To be faithful to Christ, we cannot mix Jesus plus something. It’s like mixing water with oil. That’s a messy mix. There is contradiction and opposition between the two.The same goes for anything in life: To stay true and faithful to Jesus we absolutely must deny that which denies Christ.
Disappointing Mistakes of Don Stewart’s “35 Common Mistakes”
See The Fig Tree video at – by Pete Garcia. Pete made this video as a response to the Don Steward/Tom Hughes YouTube presentation titled: Something Big Is Happening!
Always Biblical from my soul
Who are you, really? Are you that self-made free spirit, an independent, a liberal, a conservative? How would you label yourself? How about finding a more biblical label?
Is the Rapture this week… on Sept 26, 27, or 28 – 2022?
The Rapture may come within the next few days. Be sure you have been granted entrance into the Eternal – before the Rapture happens!
Defining who is a false teacher – versus – just a dumbhead who got it wrong
Who is a false teacher, as contrasted with just a dumbhead who got it wrong? God is against the false teacher, but He forgives dumbheads like me who sometimes get it wrong. What is your definition of “false teacher”?
Why listen to a false teacher?
Who would bother listening to Adolf Hitler speeches in order to get his “good stuff”?! Why go to false teachers… for anything?
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