This is not an article to denigrate “Charismatics”. This is a resource for Charismatics to learn exactly what the Bible says about charismatic practices. We are to (2 Timothy 2:15) study the Bible so we can be “accurately handling and skillfully teaching the word of truth.”
How Jesus loved us
Have you ever tried to think like God Almighty thinks? We are called by Jesus to be forever on a higher level. To be THERE, we must be born again, Jesus said. He loved us to such an extreme that He died to get us there.
Being like Jesus
Being like Jesus is impossible. It’s being what nobody on earth can be… without being born again, born from above. You there?
The Door to Heaven
It’s no ordinary door – that Door to Heaven. Have you opened it, seen what’s what in God’s Kingdom?
What being “saved” means
Getting “saved” by Jesus, is 100% a thing of the heart. If your life doesn’t follow your confession, then you did not get saved. Simple. Tragic for many, many who live in error.
Really want to entrust your eternal soul to THAT?
In whom do you trust? In whose hands is your eternal soul? What system of faith have you chosen? Do you really, really want to trust your eternal soul to THAT?
Jews and anyone else who rejects Jesus
Are you one of those who is so gullible that you believe evil Satan’s lies? Or, instead, have you believed our holy, holy, loving Jesus? The consequence is a world of a difference.
Consequences of Supporting Evil
Supporting evil actually has one consequence before God. Can you guess what it is?
The rest of the story of the thief on the cross
The simple story of the simple salvation all of us can have in Christ. Read about it in Luke chapter 23. The implications come alive watching the linked video.
Jesus said, “Good answer! Do it and you’ll live.”
“What do I need to do to get eternal life?” He [Jesus] answered, “What’s written in God’s Law?
Take a Stance on Homosexuality – like Jesus did
Anything contrary to God’s expressed will has to be carefully avoided. Homosexuality, for example, is pushed nowadays as “okay by God”. But actually, it is listed in the Bible right beside many other practices that are not pleasing to God. Temptation towards any sin is NOT sinful. But, if we practice a sin, then we deny Christ. Want to please God in all you do?
God is easy, light-handed, gentle
Find blessed quiet for your soul in Jesus. You can trust Him. He is gentle and kind.
Beliefs “deserving full acceptance and approval”
The Gospel is chock-full of beliefs which are “deserving full acceptance and approval”. Are your beliefs worthy of God’s approval?
Holding to beliefs “deserving full acceptance and approval”
Are all your beliefs based on a solid Christian biblical base – the Bible? Or, what?
Jesus said, “These Scriptures are all about me!”
All throughout the 39 books of the Old Testament (the Jewish Tanak) the Messiah is referred to. And Jesus said, “These Scriptures are all about me!” He claimed to be Messiah.
The Great Water Down of Jesus’ Message to us all
Watering down the message of Jesus leaves one with no salvation at all. Is your faith the real thing – straight from Jesus through Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Paul? Anything less will not get you through the Pearly Gates.
The Redemption of God
The Pawn Shop analogy – where what is lost absolutely must be redeemed. You been redeemed?
Believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Anointed One
We are saved by God when we give Him all our heart with sincerity and truth. Is that your faith? Or are you trying hard to be good enough, but …lacking one thing?
The one-off offer Jesus makes to everyone
Jesus is offering everyone on the globe a one-off offer. You can take it or leave it. Up to you. I sure recommend you think long on this. Jesus can save your soul for all eternity.
Be fools for Christ
Christians are seen as fools by the world. Quote from Antonin Scalia.
Oh haunting fear of death – be gone
Are you fearful of death? What does the Bible tell us about it?
The Mystery of Salvation
The culminating act of God to bring salvation to all who would believe and follow Him — was the death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, the baby born in a manger, of Mary, “fathered” by God the Holy Spirit.
Jesus Was The Christ, The Messiah Sent From God
The New Testament shows us Jesus was the Christ. Want to be a believer? Read the Bible!
Spiritual drift
As people continue to loose their faith, it leads me to ask: What about you? Is your faith truly in Jesus?
Divine Mysteries Revealed by the Godman Jesus
Isn’t it astounding to consider that God Himself has revealed future events to special prophets. Does your faith allow you to believe that? Are you listening?
Loving Jesus Less
It’s rather easy to see “if we love Jesus less”. Have you looked into your soul lately? Salvation in Christ involves truly following Christ. To cherish platitudes, to parrot doctrines, to relish Christian fellowship, to love the feelings of worship and prayers to God, to serve Him – even to be nice… is not what God requires for salvation.
Being receptive
Are you open to having God reveal Himself to you? Or: Have you built your walls to shut Him out, refusing to hear-Him-out — stonewalling Him? Are you narrow-minded?
The Kingdom of God is very exclusive, very luxurious, very special
Entrance into God’s Home Heaven is going to be – Oh so very amazing! Wonderful! But getting there is difficult. Frankly, I doubt you ever will. What do you think?
Be careful who you follow
“What’s in a name?” A “Jesus” who is not the Jesus of the New Testament, of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Paul… is not the Savior who saves us for all eternity. Be careful who you follow.
Believe in the Name of Jesus
Believing “in the name…” means you believe in “all that Jesus Christ is and does”. Where are you at on this spectrum? Truly saved — almost but not — going to Hell for sure.