Your soul is the most important part of you, you know? It is eternal.
The mentality of it’s “here today and gone tomorrow” is a loser. The soul is not “gone tomorrow”. It is you. And you are eternal, created by God for eternity. You will live forevermore.
Value your eternity
If you value how you will live in eternity — never trust your soul to anyone else but Jesus Himself. He is the Eternity Maker. The Maker of all that is. And He wants you to live with Him eternally in His Home Heaven.
That other place is reserved for hypocrites and rejectors. They think they are so smart! But they are fools.
So, what kind of fool are you…? The fool says in his heart:
- I will focus all my energies on my 70+ earthly years, and leave to chance my million-infinite-years.
- I am so egocentric that God will just have to get in line. Forget God.
- I am all there is, all I care about. What does “god” have to do with anything?
- I have, and am, everything I need. God has never helped me with anything. What god?
- Life is tough enough as it is! Why add some “god” to my mess!?
- If God exists – why hasn’t he shown himself to me? He hasn’t said a word to me!- Source: What a Crock – Having No Religious Affiliation
See: | Tomorrow |
| Seeking and pursuing death |
| Will you be turned away by Jesus? |
| Want to be wise? |
“Undecided” is not a valid choice. Being “undecided” in the middle of a road with cars racing toward you – is a dead end.
Fools are those who don’t give a thought to His God Damn. Have you put some real thought into this? The gullibility of the common person is rampant these days.
“Rejectors” (all those “who will not recognize Me as Messiah”) will not be in God’s Home Heaven. How very huge the bummer.
– Source: Jews and anyone who rejects Jesus
See: The Bummer
Where have you put your trust? …In what do you trust?
1. Trust in your professor?
See: Why Believe Such Stupididiotic Things?! |
“Trading with all the kingdoms on the face of the earth” – Isaiah 23:17 |

Hell will be populated with impudent, stubborn, erroneous thinkers.
2. Trust in your own thinking?
See: Accepting what God rejects | You serving two masters? | Are you “contrary” – not conforming to the Gospel? |
3. Trust in the apostate preacher down the street?
See: About Being Apostate… following “another gospel” |
4. Trust in the obviously ungodly?
See: Accepting what God rejects | Still sneering | Satan the Deceiver | Satan’s progressively degenerate agendas |
“Who’s sneering now?”
(Jude 1:10; Acts 17:30-31)
5. Trust in the Bible? In what it says?
See: Why the Bible | The Bible is the standard for Christian thought and practice. Not me. Not you. |
“Seeing as how God is our Maker, He sort of knows exactly how things go. You think? He made us! He gave us this life. As His privileged creations, it behooves us to learn what’s the best way to live it! His Word shows us “the best ways”, how to live this life well.”
– Source: Living the good life – with courage and confident hope
Research God
Find the truth in the Bible. That’s where it’s at. Don’t stay befuddled and besmirched. Hell-dwellers will finally know exactly what is what. They will know “nothing but the truth”. We could even say, “They will know the damn truth.”
Being God damned in hell is to be forever damned forever without God without joy without happiness devoid of God’s goodness without any good thing (since God is good)
forever doomed in gloom defeated beaten always restless never satisfied never content never calm never relaxed never rested empty devoid of future good
unfulfilled in everything living an existence compared to burning in a lake of fire and have no friends no friendship no spouse no love no good feelings no sexual arousal no sexual fulfillment only frustration only lust
no blessings from God whatsoever forever no peace only sorrow only despair no hope no escape no second chance no forgiveness from God or anyone no pardon
– Source: Being God Damned
Reach out to God. He is easy, light-handed, gentle.
God is a very loving God. He went so far as to send His only Son, Jesus Christ, to earth… in order to provide a way for us to get out from under His due Justice. We can receive His grace instead of His Justice – if we follow Him in His ways. – Source: Fear This
Small gods, and our great big beautiful God
God is easy, light-handed, gentle
About Evidences for faith in Jesus
The dangers of consorting with error
Consequences of supporting evil?
Is yours a sound doctrine that Jesus will approve?
Are you “contrary” – not conforming to the Gospel?
Excerpt: Are you intellectually contrary to what the Bible teaches? Contradicting Jesus with how you live throughout your day? You a contrarian, not willing to conform to what Jesus taught?
What a Crock – Having No Religious Affiliation
What Jesus Stands For Excerpt:
If Jesus taught for it – then He is for it still.
If Jesus taught against it – then He is against it, still.
How ’bout you?
– Source: What Jesus Stands For
About Being Apostate… following “another gospel”
Following the Jesus that was not God
The gullibility of the common person
Flesh and blood absolutely cannot inherit the Kingdom of God
Promises God makes about your salvation
Living the good life – with courage and confident hope
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