I think. You think. We all think. But, what does God think?
Thinking is necessary. But what if your “think” is not God’s “think”?
Then your “think” will end so very badly when you reach That Day of Judgement, quivering before God in the realization that it is His Think that rules the heavens, not yours. Not yours, not mine, not your mother’s nor your father’s, not your neighbor’s, not Mohammed’s, not the Hindu’s, not the Confuscianist’s, not the agnostic’s, not Hawking’s, not any natural born human’s.
According to Google: The world’s faithful… account for 83% of the global population; the great majority [of whom] fall under twelve classical religions—Baha’i, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism. …. – Google
Then there are the Druze, Gnostics, and more…. There is a lot of thinking going on. See: 20 largest religions and their number of believers.
With so much thinking going ’round, there is bound to be some error in there. You think? So much thought that is diametrically opposed to the other’s. So who do you believe?
The origins, of our belief
It is of utmost importance that we check-out the source, the origins, of our belief. Do you know it?
I have delved deeply into the origins of many beliefs about God. And I have become convinced that Jesus is truly “the Way, the Truth, and the Life”, as Jesus put it (John 14:6).
I have placed my total allegiance in Him. He is the One.
What about you? Do you know what you know? To what or to whom do you give it all up for? Why?
What Matters
Read about God’s “think”. What you think – matters. How you act it out – matters more. It will seal your eternity – with Him, or without Him.
What you think. What you think – your “take” on it all, is not as important as what God thinks. You think?! If God is in control of the universe, what importance does what you think have? Really! Do you really think that what you think will change the course of what God thinks?!
That´s what you think!
What God thinks. God has spoken to man – through the Bible. And He is the One that made it all happen. Doesn’t that sort of trump us all? Shouldn’t the Truths of God take precedence over whatever it is that we play around with in our minds?
– Source: The Damning God
Your think or His?
“…it is His Think that rules the heavens, not ours”
I think. You think. We all think. But, what does God think? Thinking is necessary. But what if your “think” is not God’s “think”? Then your “think” will end so very badly when you reach That Day of Judgement, quivering before God in the realization that it is His Think that rules the heavens, not yours. Read about God’s “think”. What you think – matters. How you act it out – matters more. It will seal your eternity – with Him, or without Him.
Does it matter – what you believe?
What God Wants …Excerpt: If I am serious about the salvation message of grace by Jesus, I will totally immerse myself in His ways, let Him change my ways.
Like a cloth being dyed 1, I will take-on the colors of God’s choosing. I am daily seeking to change my colors for His colors, and become a more complex and rich design of His, not my own. Less of me and more of Him.
God can change “our colors” – as easily as He has made all the animal colors. To vividly see the richness of God’s colors and designs, like how He creates a beautiful tapestry of our life, as He alone has done with the animal kingdom, click here: The best painter is definitely GOD.
“The best painter is definitely GOD”
– Ideas & Fun (Facebook page)
Does it matter what you believe?
Believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Anointed One
When it comes to God, who wants mere opinions? …Excerpt: When talking “God” and “Truth” – I really do not care what you think. You should not care what I think. What matters is “what God thinks”. What has God revealed to us down through the ages? Erroneous thinking proliferates with mere opinions.
The Bible is the standard for Christian thought and practice. Not me. Not you.
Imagine what “being saved” has meant to you
Balancing out my faith with my practice
Who in hell do you think you are?
Our perfect God and our response to Him
Discernment When Interpreting | Source: Is “Heaven Is for Real” for Real?: An Exercise In Discernment | by T. A. McMahon | thebereancall.org.
Trace your God back to the origins of your faith
How to Study the Bible: Study Guide
Our unmitigated God Excerpt: What you think – has no affect on what God thinks. God is unmitigated.
What is the synonym of mitigate? allay, alleviate, assuage, ease, help, mollify, palliate, relieve, soothe.
Words Related to mitigate: abate, lighten, moderate, soften, temper. cure, heal, remedy. amend, correct, emend, fix, mend, rectify, reform, repair. -Source: Merriam-Webster
Evidences Showing Us that Jesus is Messiah
Long before His birth prophets spoke of Jesus the Messiah
About Evidences for faith in Jesus
So, God sent His Son into the world. Do you know why?
God spoke through prophets and Jesus – the greatest of all
Evidence for all Jews and Goy that the Messiah came to earth
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