This article is based on the 2020 comment by Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark. (8/20/2020),
“Donald Trump is living rent-free inside the heads of all these Democrats”
There’s a whole bunch of ornery characters taking up space inside ya’lls head. True? Or False?
Good or ornery
As good ways of thinking and acting can “get in our head” for good (Romans 12:6-21; Ephesians 4:24-32), there’s bad and ornery already inside our insides working for evil (2 Corinthians 12:20-21; Galatians 5:19-21). I’m workin’ to conform to the good ones (Romans 12:2; 1 Peter 1:14).
Freeloaders are up there
Maybe you don’t even know the freeloaders are up there. But know this: they are. (Maybe you’ve even invited them in and made them comfortable in there!) It’s part of being alive. Even as believers, all peoples have old nature creatures residing in that often unexplored cavern of our soul on top our neck.
Sometimes I catch one, some particularly bothersome, ugly creature streaming from my soul – coming out from deep inside of me. They scare you? Scares me (Romans 1:18; Romans 2:5; John 3:36).
I know without a doubt I’ve been made brand new by Jesus – on the day He saved my soul. (You been saved? I’ve been saved – born again. Never again will I be condemned by God. You know that too?) But the Bible says I’ve got a battle to be fought every day with the flesh I still walk in.
The Flesh is clambering
The works of the flesh are always clambering for release, wanting to set my soul on fire. Sometimes I fail, and let one loose. (Oh marvelous grace that forgives!) More and more now, however, I don’t let it. I stand strong, ready, steady and able.
And God is able to make all grace [every favor and earthly blessing] come in abundance to you, so that you may always [under all circumstances, regardless of the need] have complete sufficiency in everything [being completely self-sufficient in Him], and have an abundance for every good work and act of charity. – 2 Corinthians 9:8
We can stand strong
Because I look to Him each day – I know that, yes, I can stand strong. There’s ‘nothin’ I can’t handle, if I keep my eyes on Him. In 1 Corinthians 10:13 God promises that nothing will come our way that is too big for us to handle. We can stand up against it, whatever it is — or else He will provide a way of escape.
“God is my refuge and strength, an ever present help in times of trouble.” (Psalm 46:1)
Do not fear, I will help you – Isaiah 41:13
I’m happy to know things are soon to change. I’ll be relieved of all these freeloading old nature creatures soon, I know:
One – because I’m old and nearing my ending breath, but also,
Two – “the end“, as Jesus put it, is just around the corner and I’m hopin’ I get to be in that fantastic event called the Rapture!
But until then, every day’s a battle I gear-up for …to win. I armor-up (Ephesians 6:10-18) …to win.
If I were to let sin reign in my body, and I let some rent-free bothersome, ugly creatures out – what a mess there would be. But, as any believer can say:
now that I am following Jesus,
I can choose
to “put on”
what is natural to me as a child of the King.
Try playing the Identity Game. Who do you identify with, truly? Examine yourself: see if you are – or are not – truly saved. Be ready for the Rapture soon to come.
To identify a soul truly yielded to Christ takes more than merely looking at them. Salvation is a thing of our hidden heart – the invisible sincerity factor, the unseeable truthfulness factor. – Source: The Identity Game
“…you can know if you yourself are born again, or not. Others cannot see into your heart, but you can.
“Have you examined your life closely – to prove that you truly match-up with Christ, or not – your beliefs, your standards, your “causes”, your lifestyle, your habits, your voting record, who you cheer, who you condemn, who you revile, who you support with time or monies or votes…?” – Source: Making God
Pop Quiz: Is there a whole bunch of ornery characters taking up space inside ya’lls head. True? Or False? Answer: here.
There’s a whole bunch of ornery characters taking up space inside ya’lls head. Are you feeding them?
This is natural for us so put it on
Yes I can – I can stand strong
If I Were To Let Sin Reign In My Body
We are inside the timeframe Jesus gave for the Rapture
Print this now: Your Guide for after the Rapture takes place
First, Apostasy, then Antichrist, then the Rapture
When Christians disappear and you wonder why
My best day here – it’s not even on the graph of heaven’s pleasure chart.
Answer to the Pop Quiz above: True
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