Evil has been beating good frequently ever since the Creation of our tiny earth world. It just did it again (January 7, 2021). Evil won the day.
Big, evil events have often splattered history:
- Eve fell for the Serpent’s lies
- Adam fell for the seduction of Eve’s greed and envy
- Man’s wanton sinfulness went worldwide – and the great flood inundated the world because of it
- Many, many wicked nations won wars, devastating other nations
- Babylon wiped-out the Jews in 70AD
- The great Roman Empire fell because of its vile sinfulness
- Hitler took over Germany – and you know the rest of that story
- Stalin enthralled Russia and communism started wreaking havoc
And America fell today, beaten down by its own voters – American voters lost in their sinfulness, unable to “discern between good and evil”, “lovers of themselves“, “ever learning but never coming to the truth”.
The future of America was stolen by American leaders sold-out to evil.
Trump and Conservatives went down in flames today
This was no ordinary election (November 2020). The majority of American peoples have so majorly rejected God with this election. So obvious when a group is Concurring with the Devil. We will see the consequences soon, in future events.
Read, see and learn more about the future coming events – from good sites like:
Jan Markell of Understanding the Times
Markell recommends: GetaLifeMedia.com
Crosswalk about End Times
Evil had it’s way this week, winning-over the majority of American voters – and beating down conservative America – forever. Believe it. America will not recover from this. With the defeat of Trump and the conservative American Way, the days ahead will be heydays for evil to blossom. I believe we will see End Time events transpiring very quickly now. The world has turned a corner – and we are finding ourselves on End Times Boulevard.
This “takeover” of America fits right into the “end days” prophecies. Believe it. I am so very excited about the next events predicted in God’s plan – much of which He had written into the Bible. God’s Home Heaven will soon be our Home.
Evil is now in firm control
As of today (January 7, 2021) – we are beginning to witness the spiraling down of America, down, down, like a jet in the sky falling to its doom. There will be no recovering from this jet crash. Evil is now in firm control of the greatest nation on earth.
In the midst of all the End Time events coming down the tube – we, as followers of Jesus need inexhaustible patience. We need to be “ready, steady and able“. Keep yourself firm in the faith. And share the Gospel.
Public policies will begin immediately to descend deeper into the dark side. Bible predictions of End Time events – are now in the daily news. And we will see more and more of them put into place. God is still controlling the events – for His purposes. Believe it.
This, what is now happening to the US of A, happened to others long ago in Old Testament times. Over 50% of American voters never learned, never heeded – the warnings God gave us in history.
Good people get ready. Turn to Jesus. He is our hope.
Stand tall and lift up your heads in joy
Jesus promised He would return to take us away from the Wrath to come. His disciples asked Him, “What will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” Read more about this in Matthew 24. Luke and James said,
28 Now when these things begin to occur, stand tall and lift up your heads [in joy], because [suffering ends as] your redemption is drawing near.”
8 You too, be patient; strengthen your hearts [keep them energized and firmly committed to God], because the coming of the Lord is near.
If He delays more, in order to fulfill more of His purposes and to allow more people to turn to Jesus, then many believers will continue to die for their faith. Ready for that? We may experience some of the End Times harshness, but — we will not be here for the wrath of God that will pour out upon the earth.
1 Thessalonians 1:10 “…and to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, that is Jesus, who rescues us from the wrath to come.
The Great Reset has begun, and it will be a growing evil. But we must realize that the great reset means the Rapture is close to us. Those who are born again will not go into the Great Tribulation. Christians are to be raptured out of the evil times of God’s wrath. (See: 1 Thessalonians 1:10 and Luke 21:36. “…to escape all these things that are going to take place…”)
We may experience some of the End Times harshness, as Christians have been experiencing all over the world these past years, even dying as martyrs, but –the promise of God is that His Wrath is not to fall on His redeemed. We will “escape all these things that are going to take place….”
“Wait for… Jesus, who rescues us from the wrath to come”
We may suffer for taking God at His Word, for “obeying God rather than men”. But when God decides it is time to pour out His Wrath, then the Rapture will snatch us up. Fear not.
Christians must take a stand that is different than the almost desperate resistance of those who have no hope in Christ. America as we know it — is dying. Believe it. Accept this as part of the End Time events. The Rapture will happen soon. Resist worry. Resist hopelessness. Resist the Devil and sin. Resist compliance with the world. Be willing to lose your life – to comply with Jesus. Stand strong in the faith. Act with love, with all peoples. Share the Gospel.
The imminent return of Christ is now truly near. Jesus will win it all in the end. A most important thing at this time of the End Times is to…
“live daily with the expectation that the hand of God is upon you”
Small as we may be in the grand scheme of things, what’s done by us – in His Spirit – will be rewarded in Heaven. Live daily with the expectation that the hand of God is upon you. – Source: The Hand of God
While they are saying,
“Peace and safety
[all is well and secure!]”
then [in a moment – unforeseen]
destruction will come upon them suddenly
like labor pains
on a woman with child,
and they will absolutely not escape
[for there will be no way to escape
the judgment of the Lord].
– 1 Thessalonians 5:3
Romans 8:25-28. Hope in Christ
Yes I can – I can stand strong
Are you one of the 18 percenters? – see section “The Dems are not the Dems of yesteryear”
Good policies vs. Bad policies
What will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?
We are now in “Birth Pangs” times, and then – the End
The Great Reset for the Beast is just around the corner
We are inside the time frame Jesus gave for the Rapture
Jesus will return soon, just as He left
Being wise in a very unwise world during these end times
Jan Markell of Understanding the Times recommends: getalifemedia.com
When we face difficult times in our life
What God has going on with us here on this planet
but [imitate] what is good.
The one who practices good
[exhibiting godly character,
moral courage and
personal integrity]
is of God;
the one who practices
[or permits or tolerates] evil
has not seen God
[he has no personal experience with Him
and does not know Him at all].
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