PIC: cursed-generation from Rev310org
Proverbs 8:5
“O you naive or inexperienced [who are easily misled], understand prudence and seek astute common sense; And, O you [closed-minded, self-confident] fools, understand wisdom [seek the insight and self-discipline that leads to godly living].
What leads to godly living
What is it? That which leads a person to live “godly”, like Jesus, instead of getting conformed to the world and it’s ways. Are you pursuing it… living godly?
Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Mark 8:33 But turning around [with His back to Peter] and seeing His disciples, He rebuked Peter, saying, “Get behind Me, Satan; for your mind is not set on God’s will or His values and purposes, but on what pleases man.”
Romans 12:2
And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be [a]transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you].
BibleGateway Note a: From the Greek word meaning “metamorphosis.” Refers to the process that leads to an outward, permanent change.
Are You Ready, Steady and Able?
Your spiritual journey to eternal life
Being 100% given-over to Jesus
Like gold dust streaming from my heart
The Dangers of Consorting With Evil Excerpt: Sometimes discernment is tough for the professing Christian. Wanting to stay faithful to Jesus is a rough row to hoe. Sometimes life sucks. And tempting siren songs are rife (1 John 5:19).
Living the good life – with courage and confident hope
Not of this world …John 8:23, John 15:19, John 18:36, 1 Corinthians 1:20, Romans 12:2, 2 Corinthians 1:12
John 8:12 “I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.”
Is yours a sound doctrine that Jesus will approve?
Explaining the Basic Christian Experience Excerpt: Oh the wonder of passing from being “God-damned” – to being “marvelously saved by Jesus”. We then begin growing into our natural new life in Christ. Oh how marvelous this journey! Ephesians chapter 1 lists “the natural order of things” in our spiritual dimension.
Worldviews and the Battle for Meaning
“Only 6% of Christians
now hold to a biblical worldview
according to Barna,
while 88% of Christians
borrow from contradictory worldviews
for their beliefs.”
– Jan Markell: I Never Thought I Would See the Day
May 26, 2021
Why on earth will God accept you – a sinner?
The Inclusive yet Exclusive Salvation of Jesus
Jesus can save your soul for all eternity
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