I am surprised that the majority of humans reject Jesus, leaving Jesus aside, choosing some other alternative belief or unbeliefism. For so, so many – Jesus is Savior no more.
God spoke through prophets and Jesus – the greatest of all
Prophets, including Jesus, the greatest prophet of all – spoke the exact words of God for us. They spoke of salvation through the coming Messiah.
In Christ I am a strong person
Are you strong? Have you proven yourself?
We know Jesus will return
How do you know Jesus is returning to earth some day? We know because Scripture speaks on the topic. Jesus Himself said, “…I will come again and take you to be with me….”
The New Covenant
What is it, this New Covenant in the New Testament? Where do we find it explained? Do you understand it’s impact?
Called by Jesus to be forever on a higher level
Getting saved does not leave us kneeling there — still a common puny human. At that moment of salvation we are made brand new, and are called by Jesus to be forever on a higher level. We have more than “eternity”. We have an extreme, high calling from our extreme High God.
Think like God Almighty
God is so high above us. If you stick to your own level of thought you’ll never make it to Heaven. You have to think like God — in order to get saved.
Coming from God?
Are you prone to claiming “God gave me these words to share”?
The non-stop work of God inside you and me
Did you know that God is at work? He is working non-stop inside you and me and all us puny mud men humans that He keeps creating.
Who you going to call?
In times of trouble, of worry and doubt — “Who you going to call?” I call on the name of the Lord Jehovah
Every believer’s new life in Christ [Part One]
Because God is extreme to the nth degree – God requires an extreme type of relationship from us. Once we get born again, we will continue growing deeply, naturally, into further maturity in Christ. The wonder of passing from being “God-damned” to being “marvelously saved by Jesus”. Oh how marvelous this journey!
Jesus is all man, and all God, for all time
The DNA of Jesus must look similar to ours, but He is both God – and man. Jesus was born on earth – as all man, and all God – for all time. Jesus most certainly did NOT at anytime give up His divine nature, His “Godness”. He was divine throughout all of His 33 years living on earth as a man. Jesus was and is now: totally God, and totally man.
What a privilege God gives us
It cost God to make us His children of privilege. Jesus made this privilege possible for all who come to Him – not just to some, but to all peoples. Some do reject Him (Hebrews 4:6). Their choice. It is a choice, to receive Him or not. Have you accepted salvation in Christ?
Body by God
Understanding my life’s Care and Content label. It’s like I have a tag on me – Body by God.
My faith
“I assure you and most solemnly say to you, whoever does not receive and welcome the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all.” – Mark 10:15 Excerpt from: More Than Conquerors – In Christ My faith is in Jehovah God, Yahweh, the great “I AM,” the God of forgiveness and […]
When I reconcile with God everything changes!
When I reconcile with God, everything changes. Count the ways….
Who is this God?
Most people believe there is a God. What about you? Who is your god? Is He truly the God of the Universe? Or, have you just sort of ended-up with this made-up creation of yours that you call “my God”? Or maybe you’ve allowed some other people to sort of lure you into their version of god? If I end up following some “god” of my own making – how stupid will that be in the end when I am face to face with the One who is really God?
About Satan… a series on our Enemy
Series about Satan based on OMG search results: Satan
Getting Right With God
-excerpt from the article What God Did for Man (February 19, 2018) What happens if/when I finally reconcile with God? When I reconcile with God everything changes! Instant Forgiveness 1 John 1:9 Condemnation Voided Romans 8:1 Legally Declared Perfect Colossians 3:3 Promised Eternal Life John 3:16 His Forever Child – Now 1 John 5:13 Eternity […]
About the Holy Spirit
What does the Bible teach us about the Holy Spirit? He came to earth to work powerfully – after Jesus was resurrected and returned to Heaven.
An unguarded life
No matter who you be… you are unwise to be that Dumbass Lamb “alone in green meadows surrounded by giant forests where wolves lurk”. Guard your life.
God as Man – the short version
The chronology of God the Son…. Of course – God is eternal, and existed, well, since forever. Try wrapping your mind around that!
Are You Ready, Steady and Able?
In our walk as believers, the biblical norm we aspire towards as Christians is an extremely high standard. In fact, it is an impossible norm – unless we are consistently filled with the Holy Spirit. Are you? The only way we can be who we truly are in Christ – is to be filled by His Spirit.
The Holy Spirit in You?
When we accept Christ, the whole universe becomes our family domain! We become a child of Creator God. Our new life, spirit and soul, begins eternal life as the Holy Spirit of God, part of the “three in one” mysterious Triune God, takes up residence in our body.
Inexhaustible Patience
“…with inexhaustible patience and [faithful] teaching.” You got it? INexhaustible patience? In our relations with other people, and especially those of the faith, the norm we aspire towards as Christians — is totally unreachable without the power of the Holy Spirit working in and through us. Quite a high standard! 2 Timothy 4:2 Amplified Bible […]
More Than Conquerors – In Christ
What kind of faith are you experiencing as a follower of Jesus Christ? What is your daily experience? How can you become “more than conquerors?
Mold me as an instrument of use
Want to be put to good use – by God? Pray like this…
God is there
His will inserted history
and words for all to read and know
When with willing heart I read His words
I know and understand Him more and more
In power He will guide His ageless plan ahead
yet lovingly He’s active in this speck of life called me
He’s forming me to be and be and be all for Him alone
God Is Not Distant
God is not some far away, distant-from-you, dis-concerned bubble of energy, inside some aura of mist on a mysterious planet far far away in a different galaxy. Star Trek might lead one to believe that! But the Bible says that Creator God created us to walk and talk with us, to commune with us, like He did with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:8).
God – The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is One in the Triune God. As born-again believers, followers of Christ… we have God Himself in us. The Holy Spirit, God in the form of a Spirit, was promised by Jesus as he left the earth after His resurrection from the dead.