False prophets, false apostles and false teaches are constantly adding their own words to their church doctrines, as if God Himself spoke them. And they claim their own words are equal to Bible words. Are you speaking your own words as if they are God’s words!? That was forbidden to do by God. Give it up – repent, and turn to what God really has said… in the Bible.
Making God Speak
It is not of God to say “this is a word from the Lord” when what you say are merely your own words. “God is against you” if you practice that.
About Being Apostate… following “another gospel”
A series about: Bethel, NAR, false teachings, being apostate, teaching “another gospel”, following a Jesus who cannot save. Do you know what they teach – which makes them so bad and leaves you on the broad road to destruction?
Contradicting Jesus
It doesn’t matter who you think you are, God is not impressed. He will judge all of us on an equal basis. And when God calls a sin, “sin”, it is. How can a deep heart and intelligent mind become so painfully befuddled, to the point that one comes to actually believe that Jesus is okay with sin? So what in the world are people thinking: Calling themselves “Christians” but contradicting Jesus?
Getting Into The Miraculous
Have you so, so wanted “the miraculous”, that you swallowed the whole lie, hook, line, and sinker… the ultimate Bethel Bill deception of following a Jesus who was not God? Scary thought.
Jesus, the second man, is the Lord from Heaven
The main point of the Bible is that God came down to earth as Jesus – to be our God and Savior. Jesus, while on earth, was absolutely God-man.
There is no other saving gospel
What “gospel” are you into? The Bible says there is no other gospel that saves us for all eternity – except the original Gospel of the early church apostles. None. The great falling away from the faith, predicted by Paul, is happening right now in the form of Bethel and other NAR-related church doctrines.
What are they teaching right in there in your church?
False teachers and prophets think of themselves as so special and bright. They “subtly introduce destructive heresies.” “By an act of human will” they make Scripture say what they very well want it to say. And shallow thinkers follow after them.
Why suckling with the mother cat does not make the piglet a kitten
Scripture uses farmers terms. It calls true believers “wheat”, and fake believers “tares”. A tare is a plant that grows up with wheat, but is not true wheat.
Tares are like the piglet that suckles with the kitten’s mother cat. The piglet thinks he’s a kitten because he likes the milk. But he’s only a pig, not a cat. The same is true of folk who like the idea of being blessed by Christ, but never yield to Him.
You are all wrong, Jesus said
Are you tipping the scales to get what you want? Maybe using the wrong scales? “You are all wrong
because you know neither the Scriptures [which teach the resurrection] nor the power of God [for He is able to raise the dead].”
Jesus is all man, and all God, for all time
The DNA of Jesus must look similar to ours, but He is both God – and man. Jesus was born on earth – as all man, and all God – for all time. Jesus most certainly did NOT at anytime give up His divine nature, His “Godness”. He was divine throughout all of His 33 years living on earth as a man. Jesus was and is now: totally God, and totally man.
Mark them which cause divisions …and avoid them
It is totally biblical to name names and call-out false teachers, phoney baloney prophets, and false movements. We are encouraged to know well the doctrines of the Bible, so that we ourselves are capable of recognizing when teachers go astray from them. We are warned that teachers will go beyond what Scripture so clearly states, (giving us “Beyond the Burger” varieties).
Words used by false teachers
This article, A glossary of new apostolic reformation terminology, is by Rick Becker over at his site, Famine In The Land. Becker’s content is shared here with the intent to further warn the Church about false teachers. Words make a difference. And these terms used by NAR teachers are leading people into false teachings.
The Feelings, Whispers & Omens of Sean Feucht
This article by Rick Becker is very spot-on. I highly agree with him. He says: “The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is a movement that denies the sufficiency of scripture. It comes as no surprise then, that adherents need extra biblical signs in order to justify their actions, or create the impression that God is guiding or speaking to them through something.” And: “It’s ironic that a movement littered with “prophets” and merchandising teachings on “how to hear the voice of God”, needs omens to guide them.”
Seeing clearly now
Seeing clearly now in these End Times is so very difficult. Misinformation floods our mind threatening to throw our thinking every which way. Sound doctrine, what God has made so very clear for us – gets distorted by false teachers. And the call of the wild beckons. The enemies of our soul are always camping at the gates.To remain faithful to the end, we followers of Jesus must regularly examine ourselves, ask penetrating questions deep inside our insides.
Examples of false doctrines
Examples of false doctrines to stay away from.
Biblical Commentary About Daily News (1)
So sad, that (in some churches) 30% of those around you in church — are not going to heaven. We cannot assume our fellow attendees believe the truth that God came to earth as a man. And THAT is an integral part of the Gospel of Jesus. In fact, many pastors outright teach false doctrines like this from the pulpit, saying “Jesus isn’t God”. Unbelievable! Why worship Jesus, if He is a mere puny man? His death on the cross would then mean nothing.
The Passion Translation (TPT) and why not to use it
The translation done by Brian Simmons, called The Passion (TPT), is not a faithful translation of the original. It is very much fraught with misleading words Simmons adds into the text (…”it is at least 50% longer than the original”). Good Christians should want to go to more accurate translations, and not ever use this deviant version. It has been so adulterated that it is not God’s Word.
Why “not kneeling” is the correct Christian response, this time
You don’t always want to kneel – just because “the whole world” is kneeling, not now at stadiums during the singing of our national anthem — and certainly NOT when the Antichrist is asking you to kneel during The Great Tribulation (which is coming to the entire planet sooner than you think). Nowadays there’s a […]
The Antichrist is soon to be revealed to us
Jan Markell, for many years now, has been keeping tabs on End Times events. She sees. She knows. She’s done the research. From her observations, it is quite striking how prophetic events have accelerated so much since 2010. Jan Markell gives very interesting details. Things are heating up! I say: Get ready for the Rapture. It’s a’comin’ round the corner. Are you ready this moment to kneel in person, before your Savior?
2 Timothy 4:3
2 Timothy 4:3. Amplified Bible (AMP) “For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine….”
Delusion is absolutely irrational, stupid and foolish
No sane person (you and me) would allow themselves to be deceived and tricked, fooled. Right? We would see it coming and avoid being “deluded”. Right? Wrong.There is a predicted end times great Delusion coming, called the Apostasy, “the great rebellion, the abandonment of the faith by professed Christians”. This delusion will happen to sane, “professing Christians”. Beware, Paul says.
The Bethel Johnson’s Unbiblical Teachings
Have you studied the Bible enough to know what is biblical? Do you care enough to study the Bible so you recognize unbiblical ways, in order to stay faithful to God? Or are you unfaithful to God, wandering further away from God’s truth, further into heresies?
They in fact have seen nothing
“Woe (judgment is coming) to the foolish prophets who are following their own spirit [claiming to have seen things] but have [in fact] seen nothing. – Ezekiel 13:3. This is the Lord God talking, from a passage in Ezekiel. He wanted us to know about the dangers of foolish false prophets today.
Trace your God back to the origins of your faith
When it comes to God and your faith: What’ you got? I’ve got real, actual, tangible, historical and scientific evidences for my faith in Jesus. Jesus wins-out over all other contenders.
The Apostle Paul’s Criticisms
What’s the difference between a critical spirit – and the Apostle Paul’s Pauline criticisms (or Berean thinking). When is criticism okay?
Fight the good fight
What does it mean to “fight the good fight”? What fight are we in, as believers? Of course, if we are not truly following Christ, then it doesn’t change things one way or the other – whether we fight the good fight or not. But, for those who follow Christ sincerely, it is incumbent upon us to fight, as 1 Timothy 1:18-19 shows us.
Your Thinking or God’s Word?
Vain, puffed up minds vs. God’s clear Word. What’s it going to be — for you? Have you closely examined your beliefs? Do you believe it really matters – what you believe? What matters? Does it make a difference with God, what you think? Is your belief about God really from God – or have you fallen for the tricky, deceptive words of the Serpent?
Show me actual false teachings
False teachers don’t come looking like The Walking Dead! If they did – we’d know to stay away from their teachings! They come to churches “dressed as sheep [appearing gentle and innocent]” but actually on the inside they are horrible, “ravenous wolves”. What are actual false teachings “out there”? What are the teachings contrary to what Jesus and the Apostle Paul taught?
The Confuscating John Pavlovitz
This post is a warning to the Church against false teachers. In this day of instant communication, rarely deeply thought through, we need to be careful who we listen to. We need to be warned about these wolves in sheep’s clothing.Jesus named names. The Apostle Paul named names. False teachers spout a lot of their own words, trying to maintain a “Christian” look and feel. I stay away from dishonest wolves in sheepskins.