We find this in Joshua 24:15 – “Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve.” Are you choosing your practices by what God has told us in the Bible?
What is your brand?
What are you known for? That is your brand. Will God accept your confession — with that brand? God will reject all but those with the brand of Jesus.
Misrepresenting God
Are you misrepresenting God with your practice of spiritual gifts? Oftentimes the pewsitter, the apostle, the prophet, the teacher… misrepresent God. Do you know what they do?
Speaking with love about what is true and what is false
If we carefully read Scripture, we are sure to see horribly false teachings are rampant in many churches today. They form a NARcissistic gospel. It is incumbent upon us to warn others of the actual false teachers and their false teachings. Paul and John and Jude warned about this (2 Corinthians 11:4). Let’s examine where Jude urges us to “contend for the faith”, “fight strenuously for the faith”, defend the faith.
Getting to Heaven with no Left Foot
Today, what is Right is wrong. What is wrong, is on your Right. The Left is full of it. Are you trying to get to Heaven with your Left foot? Jesus had no Left foot, so where do you think your Left foot leads?
Shincheonji – a highly controlling pseudo-Christian cult
Founded in 1984, Shincheoniji is a false teaching movement from South Korea that is all over the world now. Like the NAR, Shincheoniji misleads with many false doctrines, promoting a false salvation. Beware of this dangerous cult.
Think about it. Have you strayed from the truth?
The “godly truth” You got it? The truth that is godly? It takes a lot of careful thinking to keep safe the “godly truth entrusted to” us who follow Jesus. 1 Timothy 6:20-21 The Apostle Paul tells us we must constantly be discerning, like a judge with a gavel, passing judgement right and left — […]
NAR-types are changing God’s Way, denying the Old Testament
NAR-type: We know what you’ve been doing. Look at all the YouTube videos by Berean-types who have spilled the beans about you. Christians: Take heed. The Bible warns us about apostates in the End Times.
“By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error”
How can we know a teaching is truly from God? John gives us a simple test we can use. Want to follow God Himself, or some heretic false teacher?
The Complete Pentecost Experience?
An appeal to NAR-type Charismatic people. Scripture gives the ultimate grim outlook for so-called Christians that adhere to the apostate NAR-type doctrines and practices. The scariest thing about them? “Another Gospel” from wayward false teachers does not get you to Heaven!
As if your mindset is protected by God
PIC: Chicago1Ray.twitter Are you living as if your mindset is protected by God? Convinced of it? Is your thinking following God’s Think? Think again – might save you an eternity of regret. A worldview that conflicts with His You may have played in church since a toddler, but that does not translate into God accepting […]
Jesus will reject many “Christians”
Jesus Himself said many that come to Him in the end times will be rejected. Wow. This is not expected! Why will He reject so many? These that He rejects are nice people, loving people. They each call themselves Christians. So much for getting to Heaven by being nice and loving! “Loving” does not save.
Elevating the Word over experience
What trumps what? Are you careful to closely examine what your pastor teaches, comparing what is said — with what you read in the Bible? It should be a weekly habit. Many pastors and common folk equate experiences they have – with Scripture given to us by God. This leads to false assumptions about God […]
Does God give new revelations or is the Bible enough?
False prophets, false apostles and false teaches are constantly adding their own words to their church doctrines, as if God Himself spoke them. And they claim their own words are equal to Bible words. Are you speaking your own words as if they are God’s words!? That was forbidden to do by God. Give it up – repent, and turn to what God really has said… in the Bible.
The music hook of today’s apostates
Music by Bethel, Jesus Culture, Hillsong, and Elevation – hooks uninitiated church folk into false teaching churches. Beware.
Ways to lose it with God
Living and leaving God behind? That is easy. Try something a little more challenging: Live to please God Almighty – in everything you do! Now that is a worthy challenge. And the prize at the end is more than adequate for your focus.
The Dangers of Consorting With Error
To be faithful to Christ, we cannot mix Jesus plus something. It’s like mixing water with oil. That’s a messy mix. There is contradiction and opposition between the two.The same goes for anything in life: To stay true and faithful to Jesus we absolutely must deny that which denies Christ.
Making God Speak
It is not of God to say “this is a word from the Lord” when what you say are merely your own words. “God is against you” if you practice that.
How a tare thinks
Jesus gave us the parable of the Wheat and the Tare. There are unrepentant “tares” all around us at church. That is what Jesus Himself taught.
Defining who is a false teacher – versus – just a dumbhead who got it wrong
Who is a false teacher, as contrasted with just a dumbhead who got it wrong? God is against the false teacher, but He forgives dumbheads like me who sometimes get it wrong. What is your definition of “false teacher”?
Satan Knows
Satan “knows that he has a short time.” God is at work – accomplishing His plan of the ages. Are you ready for Him?
About Being Apostate… following “another gospel”
A series about: Bethel, NAR, false teachings, being apostate, teaching “another gospel”, following a Jesus who cannot save. Do you know what they teach – which makes them so bad and leaves you on the broad road to destruction?
What is “sound doctrine” and what is “a different doctrine”?
Believe in the Name of Jesus – and you will be saved. “A whole lot of “accepting” is going on there in that moment in time… “when you (if you did), or I, said, “I accept Christ as my Lord and Savior”. Are you aware of what-all it actually requires to truly “accept Christ”? Who do you believe?
Contradicting Jesus
It doesn’t matter who you think you are, God is not impressed. He will judge all of us on an equal basis. And when God calls a sin, “sin”, it is. How can a deep heart and intelligent mind become so painfully befuddled, to the point that one comes to actually believe that Jesus is okay with sin? So what in the world are people thinking: Calling themselves “Christians” but contradicting Jesus?
Getting Into The Miraculous
Have you so, so wanted “the miraculous”, that you swallowed the whole lie, hook, line, and sinker… the ultimate Bethel Bill deception of following a Jesus who was not God? Scary thought.
The NAR – “A New ‘Reformation’ That Many Don’t Realize They’ve Joined
NAR “associated” churches continue to flourish. Many people who are part of this movement don’t know it’s called the New Apostolic Reformation. In fact, they may not even know they are part of a movement at all. And they may not be fully aware of all the extreme teachings associated with it. Do you?
Jesus, the second man, is the Lord from Heaven
The main point of the Bible is that God came down to earth as Jesus – to be our God and Savior. Jesus, while on earth, was absolutely God-man.
Following the Jesus who was not God
There is no other saving Gospel of Christ.
There is no other saving gospel
What “gospel” are you into? The Bible says there is no other gospel that saves us for all eternity – except the original Gospel of the early church apostles. None. The great falling away from the faith, predicted by Paul, is happening right now in the form of Bethel and other NAR-related church doctrines.