What trumps what?
Are you careful to closely examine what your pastor teaches, comparing what is said — with what you read in the Bible? It should be a weekly habit.
Many pastors and common folk equate experiences they have – with Scripture given to us by God. This leads to false assumptions about God – resulting in false teachings and false expectations about God.
We must elevate the Word of God over the extremely subjective experiences claimed by others. Do we believe Jesus — or do we believe contrary experiences reported by others?
We are seeing false prophets appearing on the scene now, and we will begin seeing their deceptive signs and wonders more and more. More and bigger are coming.
Signs and wonders to deceive
Matthew 24:24 and Mark 13:22 are warnings about the deceptions of these End Days.
24 For false Christs and false prophets will appear and they will provide great signs and wonders, so as to deceive, if possible, even the elect (God’s chosen ones). – Matthew 24:24
New and strange “winds of doctrine” (Hebrews 13:9) are being spread by apostate church leaders, pastors and their “prophets”. In the NAR type charismatic churches they even go as far as to pretend “their word is God’s word” (Zephaniah 3: verse 4). Then they conveniently misinterpret what the Bible actually says to us… in order to create their false doctrine.
God is against false teachers
God is against them. You don’t want Him to be against you. I’d say it is quite sound, the advice: Do not attend apostate churches.
See: Why the tears, Paul?
In Luke 13:27 we are warmed: Keep your faith unadulterated by evil. Who have adulterated their faith (getting into a faith that does not save)? If you add something else to Jesus – you create a sterile religion.
27 but He will say to you, ‘I do not know where you are from; depart from Me, all you evildoers!’ – Luke 13:27
These passages, (one link), Colossians 2:18; 2 Peter 2:13; Jude 1:11, warn us that these apostate leaders will take their church folk into heresies that actually have their people following “a salvation that does not save them”. Yikes! That is eternally life changing… getting into that.
See: Following the Jesus who was not God – and does not save
The Bible is our standard
The Word of God must be our standard for truth – not experience. Or do you trust the words of mere puny humans – the ones pretending their word is God’s Word? Are you going to elevate puny human experience — over God inspired Scripture, preserved over 100s of years?
Experience can be phony, worked-up to deceive. (People even “see Jesus” in the foam of a cup of coffee!) It is especially important to protect ourselves from deception in these End Times. Warnings are strong, written by God to steel us against the crises:
Are you going to fall to “the gullibility factor“? What do you do when your prophet is wrong?
See: When your prophet is wrong
Negating Truth
We must elevate the actual Word of God – not some mere experience someone has. Godly experience follows God’s Word, not the other way around.
If experience contradicts Scripture, then that experience is bogus. We don’t add “new revelations”, new prophetic words, in order to follow our experience and “have it your way”.
NAR churches are dominated by what they call “a culture of honor”, whereby they actually negate God’s previously revealed truth in order to hold to their newly espoused beliefs supposedly revealed to their false apostles, false prophets, and their phony word of faith pew sitters, and such.
Does emotion trump biblical accuracy?
We can easily get emotionally moved by songs written by apostate writers. So we use them and sing them. Exciting worship songs, written by shallow, not-deeply-biblical, wandering from-the-Word authors… teach us all kinds of errors and outright heresies.
It’s not a simple boo-boo. We teach through the songs we sing. It is careless, to say the least — to call God anything less than who He truly is. Heresies start with simple errors of misinterpretation.
For example there is a song that teaches us God is reckless (untrustworthy) — and church pew sitters sing it loud, with gusto! What’s up with that? And they explain it all away (like is commonly done routinely by those who attend apostate churches). That is a dangerous practice.
See: | God is not reckless in any way |
| Should We Use Bethel Songs in Worship? 4 Diagnostic Questions – Source: |
Do you really want to sing emotionally satisfying but heretical songs? The very biblical pastor Todd Wagner shares a sign he made – which is applicable here.
Divine Physician’s
General Warning:
Ingesting false teaching will complicate your life, possibly eternally. Examine the Scriptures to see if the things you hear are true.

Folk singing at worship
21 But test [a]all things carefully [so you can recognize what is good]. Hold firmly to that which is good. – 1 Thessalonians 5:21. And as this verse implies – a message for us today: Firmly hold the line against exposing your congregation to the barbed hooks of false teachings put out so sweetly by apostate song writers; and reject the influences of apostate churches like Bethel.
As these End Days worsen, we must guard against falling for the errors of unscrupulous leaders – in the church and out.
20 Now may the God of peace [the source of serenity and spiritual well-being] who brought up from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood that sealed and ratified the eternal covenant,
21 equip you with every good thing to carry out His will and strengthen you [making you complete and perfect as you ought to be],
accomplishing in us that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
Reject Apostates
Just walk away when you hear a sermon that is not supported by Scripture. And warn the friends around you.
The Bible is the standard for Christian thought and practice. Not me. Not you.
Words of Mere Men Are Not God’s Words
Why God is against me if I claim my words are God’s own
Pretending their word is God’s word
God is not reckless in any way
“Her prophets are reckless and treacherous men; Her priests have profaned the sanctuary; They have done violence to the law [by pretending their word is God’s word].
– Zephaniah 3: verse 4
Does God give new revelations or is the Bible enough?
There Is No New Revelation: What Jesus Would Say To The New Apostolic Reformation – by Amir Tsarfati
Also see in video format: Amir Tsarfati: There is no New Revelation
About Being Apostate… following “another gospel”
The music hook of today’s apostates
The Bethel Johnson’s unbiblical teachings
Why listen to a false teacher?
‘Show Me the Toes’: Two Lessons Learned from John Lindell and Bill Johnson’s Stunning Miracle Claim – Written By Holly Pivec and Doug Geivett | Apr 5, 2023
The gullibility of the common person
Praying for the world to get better?
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