Making God as I want him to be…
Are you following God, you think?
Are you following a god
made after your own understanding
– or Creator God
the One and Only?
Are you making “god”?
Would you like to die and find yourself kneeling before a different God than the one you had been following while on earth?
What if the god you worship and pay homage to, the one you claim as yours – is actually a deceiving demon; not God?
What if the real God is trying to get your attention so He can save you eternally from the coming eternal punishment of all sinners?
What if Jesus actually is the true God, and you are not following Him – and you suddenly find yourself kneeling in His presence, awaiting judgement?
What if all that you believe about God – is a deception from Satan, the one who rebelled against Creator God and now wants all men to perish with him?
Do you really want to keep on following a lie, a deceptive faith… and loose your soul to hell for eternity?
Have you examined your life closely – to prove that you truly match-up with Christ, or not – your beliefs, your standards, your “causes”, your lifestyle, your habits, your voting record, who you cheer, who you condemn, who you make fun of and revile, who you support with time or monies or votes…?
Creator God has revealed Himself to us. He has spoken directly to man throughout the ages, beginning with the first two He created, Adam and Eve. The evidences for believing this are all over the place.
Have you investigated the evidences yourself …or do you rely on your imam, or your priest, or your shaman, or whatever government happens to be in charge at this time, or the disaffected history teacher in high school, or the cool ones you hang-out with at the university?
What do they know? On what do they base their beliefs – which you so blithely follow? Check it out. Know the truth, don’t just follow someone. When this life ends for you, you’ll sure as hell want to be following the One True God. You want to be with He who holds the universe in His Hands.
– Source: There Is Only One God
“Could it be that God has revealed Himself to man? Could it be that there is enough evidence to demand a closer look into claims of divinity? Have you tried to examine the data available – to see for yourself? Don’t you think the consequences of being wrong – are motivational enough to give it a shot!?
The Bible says that those who have not accepted Christ as their personal God and Savior – will spend an eternity without God and everything good. That sound okay with you? Are you going to place your bets on some inferior philosophy or religion!?… when right now you are hearing about the Truth, the real thing, God Himself?
I am amazed by the choice of the majority of humankind: they do not choose to believe what God has revealed from heaven! God revealed Himself to mankind in the form of Jesus Christ, the Messiah of the Jews. How about it: are you going to really examine the facts, and decide for yourself based on what you can see for yourself?
Source: Who is this Jesus?
As creations by God on earth, it behooves us to read, hear, and heed what God Himself has revealed to us as His will. How can we expect this God of the Universe to accept us into His holy Kingdom, if we do not read, hear, and heed His expressed desire for us? Have you read the Bible lately?
Our busy days make it easy to leave an invisible God out in the cold – even reject Him, as an “it”, some ethereal Star Trek monster, unknowable, distant, or even not real. But the truth is that God has revealed plenty.
We just need to become interested enough to seek him out. See:
Jesus Himself declared He is God
Jesus declares He is God in 7 “I am” Statements
God is calling us to Himself. Have you read about Him? Have you truly heard His call? Have you heeded His message?
Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.
…”3 But I am afraid that, even as the serpent beguiled Eve by his cunning, your minds may be corrupted and led away from the simplicity of [your sincere and] pure devotion to Christ.” – 2 Corinthians 11:3-5
Why believe such stupididiotic things?
Ask the questions where you’ll get the truth
Is your light actually darkness?
Our perfect God and our response to Him
Jesus declares He is God in 7 “I am” Statements
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