As in our centuries past, folks nowadays are loudly claiming to follow Jesus – but their actions and belief system unmask them as actually being against what Jesus Himself taught us in the Bible. Fakers.
How fake is that? – to claim to be a follower of Jesus Christ, but actually be living a life that shouts down the Lord of the Universe! Jesus will surely surprise them on That Day, saying,
‘I never knew you;
depart from Me
[you are banished from My presence],
you who act wickedly
[disregarding My commands].’
– Matthew 7:21-23
What Jesus Stands For
If Jesus taught for it – then He is for it still.
If Jesus taught against it – then He is against it, still.
How ’bout you?
Quite simple: You are either pro-Jesus, or anti-Jesus. Think about it. You can choose now. What’s it going to be? It’s your choice: forever with Him, or forever without Him.
“For” and “Against”
- pro-Jesus: Are you “for” what Jesus taught “for”,
and “against” what Jesus taught “against”?
Or: - anti-Jesus: Are you “against” what Jesus was “for”,
and “for” what Jesus taught “against”?
It is not sincere and truthful to claim you are “following” Jesus if you are AGAINST anything Jesus taught — or FOR what He taught against. You think?
A huge way to see where you are at with this, is to examine how you vote. Do you stand for Jesus while voting?
- Are you defending the views of “the world, the flesh, and the Devil” by how you vote?
- Are you voting for a party because they give you what you really want, even though many agenda items are evil in Jesus’ eyes?
- Do you hate Trump so much that you will vote-in the opposition and all their evil agendas?
- Source: Voting Dichotomously (Also see: Exposing a dichotomous heart)
I’d say voting-in evil agendas – because you hate Trump… is a double-duty evil.
Totally Given-over
I must give God all of me, not bits and pieces. I cannot live flippantly 1 blithfully unaware like some yo-yo head – up and down and all “around the world”, going wherever I am thrown (by yet another “doctrine”), totally absorbed by my own interests and thoughts, and giving God “short shrift“.
If I am serious about the salvation message of grace by Jesus, I will totally immerse myself in His ways, let Him change my ways.
Source: What God Wants
Don’t be a “bits and pieces” person of fake faith. Jesus sees that.
A faker follows his/her… own ways, stubborn heart, personal preferences, the world, the flesh, the Devil. A real follower of Jesus seeks to conform to Jesus little by little, day by day… seeking Him:
And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you]. – Romans 12:2
We are most certainly NOT saved by “doing”, however, by doing His will we are proving ourselves (see verse above). If you are not proving yourself a follower – then your faith is dead, and you are a faker to the inth.
What is the will of God?
- “…that which is good and acceptable and perfect”
- “focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes”
Jesus taught: you are either for Him, or you are against Him. Just calling Him “Lord”… does not cut it 2 with Jesus:
21 “Not everyone who says
to Me,
‘Lord, Lord,’
will enter the kingdom of heaven,
but only
he who does
the will of My Father
who is in heaven.
– Matthew 7: verse 21
What Jesus Stands For:
- Protection of the innocent (Jesus is pro-Life, 100% anti-abortion)
- What is natural as opposed to unnatural (Jesus is 100% against gay sex)
- What is natural: Sex between a male and a female (Jesus is 100% against homosexuality)
- Marriage between a man and a woman (Jesus is 100% against gay marriage)
- Fidelity in Marriage (Jesus is 100% against sex outside of marriage – adultery, pre-marital sex, “dating sex”)
- Freedom to worship Him; Freedom to not fear being arrested for going to church
- Freedom from oppression and persecution
- And many more issues were taught by Jesus, but they require discussing and dissecting to list them here….
There are only two types of “believers” in the world:
(1) those who act on the words of Jesus, and
(2) those who do not do the words of Jesus. Faith without works is dead. As Jesus commented — you really don’t want to be a stupid builder when it comes to building-out your life:
Matthew 7:verses 24-27 24 “So everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, will be like a wise man [a far-sighted, practical, and sensible man] who built his house on the rock. 25 And the rain fell, and the floods and torrents came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.
26 And everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not do them, will be like a foolish (stupid) man who built his house on the sand. 27 And the rain fell, and the floods and torrents came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it fell—and great and complete was its fall.”
Two types of believers
(Type 1) True. Those who act on the words of Jesus… Follow Jesus. Agree with Jesus. They give 100% of their soul to Jesus, accepting Jesus as Savior by repenting of their sinfulness, and declare Jesus as Lord. Those who are truly saved go on to produce “works”. They truly follow what He has said. They cooperate with the Holy Spirit in a lifelong lifestyle of growing to be more and more like their Lord.
(Type 2) Fake. Those who do not do the words of Jesus... Hold back.
What type of “believer” are you? Both are side-by-side in churches today (wheat and tare).
God does not demand nor expect perfection in order to become born again. We come to him with all our sins, just as we are. Two examples of this:
1. The thief on the cross hanging with Jesus (Luke 23:39-43). He lived the life of a criminal. But at the very end, hanging on a cross, he confessed his sin and acknowledged Jesus as God. That is all he did before the cross killed him. And Jesus accepted him into His Kingdom that day.
2. Saul, who became the Apostle Paul, was out chasing down Christians to imprison and kill them — when he met Jesus on the road to Damascus. Right on the spot Saul accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord… and soon after began proclaiming Jesus in the synagogues, saying, “This Man is the Son of God [the promised Messiah]!”
All who are bound for Heaven were lost sinners first (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). Those sinners chose Him. They were sinners “who recognize their sin and humbly seek forgiveness“. They became “saved sinners“.
He accepted them into His Kingdom — when they bowed the knee, surrendered their will, confessed their sinfulness and accepted Him as Lord and Savior of all that is in them. A simple prayer of repentance with sincerity and truth… is all He asks for.
We don’t wait till we get better before we go to the Physician. We take it all to Him.
17 When Jesus heard this, He said to them, “Those who are healthy have no need of a physician, but [only] those who are sick; I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners [who recognize their sin and humbly seek forgiveness].” – Mark 2:17
Print this now: Your Guide for after the Rapture takes place
Coming soon for you, if you miss the Rapture, will be a day when you must either stand or kneel. You will be required to either kneel for the Antichrist or stand for Jesus. It will be absolutely demanded of you.
I hope you’ll be taken in the Rapture. But if not, I hope you will stand for Jesus, and not kneel for the Mark of the Beast. One is a blessing. The other is an eternal damning.
Don’t kneel to the Antichrist. Stand for Jesus.
As in our centuries past, folks nowadays are loudly claiming to follow Jesus – but their actions and belief system unmask them as actually being against what Jesus Himself taught us in the Bible. Fakers. How fake is that? – to claim to be a follower of Jesus Christ, but actually be living a life that shouts down the Lord of the Universe! Jesus will surely surprise them on That Day.
Born Again – reborn from above
Me, When I Die…still in my sin not forgiven by Christ
When I reconcile with God everything changes!
Being faithful, little by little
Why might many Charismatics not be saved
Print this now: Your Guide for after the Rapture takes place
About Being Apostate… following “another gospel”
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