Many articles on this site deal with the topic of “worldview”. Basically, in a nutshell –
Our worldview is:
what we believe and practice.
Our faithfulness to Jesus is being tested by Him. What is His testing showing you about your practices and faith?
Our worldview can show us that (1) we are in agreement with Jesus, or it can, tragically, (2) reveal we are on a different faith-track than what Jesus taught us. If we are off His faith-track, then we are off His Salvation-track. What track are you on?
The simple plan of God for your salvation is to actually “Believe in the name of Jesus” and follow Him (in the biblical sense of “believe” and “follow Me“).
You (1) can live the way you want – or (2) you can give your life to the gatekeeper of Heaven — Jesus. “I did it my way” (like Frank Sinatra sang it) is not going to be heard in Heaven… only in Hell.
– Source: The tragic error many live in all their life
Your beliefs make-up your worldview
Your beliefs make you. You think?
Do you truly believe in Jesus, biblically?
What you are is
what you believe
If you think
The way you think (as in — your worldview, your issues-based political leanings, your personal outlook on things) shows your agreement or disagreement with Jesus, or your rejection of what Jesus taught. If you reject His teaching, then, does that mean you reject Jesus Himself? I think Scripture says yes to that.
If you reject His teaching
– you reject Jesus Himself.
Jesus the Godman said,
“Follow Me”
Have you reviewed your beliefs lately, your — worldview? If you make a list of two columns: left column is all your beliefs on issues and such; and list in the right column what Jesus taught. Do they jibe MirWeb?
Here are some of them (worldviews) in this site-search of OMGjesus:
Is Jesus’ Worldview – your worldview
Worldviews and the Battle for Meaning
The Godman Jesus said “Follow Me”
34 Ethical Issues All Christians Should Know | from Crossway | from Wayne Grudem’s Christian Ethics: An Introduction to Biblical Moral Reasoning
Be Berean (site search)
So, what do you think? Are you conforming to the world (as in Romans 12:2), or conforming your worldview to Jesus’ worldview? It makes a Hell of a difference.
Are you “world conformed” or are you “Jesus conformed”? Your worldview divides eternity for you, as it lands you either on Jesus’ side of eternity, or …that other place.
You do not have to conform to God before you get saved, obviously (or else nobody would get saved!). But if you do not begin to conform to God after your confession of faith ….then you are most likely not saved.
Faith always has works…of one kind or another
Your acts of “conforming” are your works (as in Romans 12:2, Philippians 3:10, 1 Peter 1:14, Romans 8:29, and Job 22:21) Your “works” are of one kind or another (as in “faith without works” bible search): they either follow Jesus or they deny Jesus. See this very interesting passage on works: James 2:18-26.
What you “do” – those acts are your works. And you show yourself (your real “you”) by what you do and think and desire and run after. Those are the works that you produce.
Do your works show faithfulness to Jesus? Or, are they your shifting sand Matthew 7:26 conformation to the ways of the world? Conforming is “works”. And faith without works of righteousness is a dead faith that has the works of sinful disobedience.
26 For just as the [human] body
without the spirit is dead,
so faith without works
[of obedience]
is also dead.
– James 2:26
Get this one right: God does not accept a phony baloney confession. He knows your thoughts. So it can be tragic beyond words – – to saunter MirWeb away from your “confession of faith in Jesus” if it was not done with sincerity and truth.
Good works will not save, but they will follow true salvation.
No works – No salvation
See: What saves you
I’m striving to be a more righteous man, but, today or tomorrow I will perhaps sin as a born again follower of Jesus. However I will not make it a practice. I will confess my sin as “sin” – not excusing it nor accepting it as okay. I know I cannot take what He calls “sin” — to Heaven. Those who are not saved — will accept their sin.
Scripture clearly lets us see that our “life acts” show us — to whom are we conforming. True salvation will always show us conforming to Christ, as a matter of practice. Whereas a phony baloney Christian faith person will always practice the works of sin.
“19They went out from us [seeming at first to be Christians], but they were not really of us [because they were not truly born again and spiritually transformed]”
– Verse 19 of 1 John 2:18-19. Also (see in one link) or: 1 Timothy 4:1, 1 Timothy 6:3-5, 1 Timothy 1:3-7.
Don’t be a pagan. Truly follow Jesus.
The way you think (as in your worldview, your political leaning, your personal outlook on things) shows your agreement or disagreement with Jesus, or your rejection of what Jesus taught. If you reject His teaching, then, does that mean you reject Jesus Himself?
(“Conform”: Romans 12:2, Philippians 3:10, 1 Peter 1:14, Romans 8:29, Job 22:21)
Is Jesus’ worldview your worldview?
Your spiritual journey to eternal life
Think about it. Have you strayed from the Truth?
Being tested to know for sure your faithfulness to God
Tolerating others and being biblical
What happens when you do not know what the Bible says on a matter?
If we do not think like God Almighty thinks
Jesus can save your soul for all eternity
The one-off offer Jesus makes to everyone
What clearly saves and what obviously does not save
Jesus saves and Jesus condemns
If we do not think like God Almighty thinks
“19They went out from us
[seeming at first
to be Christians],
but they were not
really of us
[because they were not
truly born again
and spiritually transformed]”
– Verse 19 of 1 John 2:18-19.
Also (see in one link) or: 1 Timothy 4:1, 1 Timothy 6:3-5, 1 Timothy 1:3-7.
The tragic error many live in all their life

Theology of the Damned_by Pete Garcia. rev310.net
Adapted Exerpt: The simple plan of God for your salvation is to actually “Believe in the name of Jesus” and follow Him (in the biblical sense of “believe” and “follow Me”).
You (1) can live the way you want – or (2) give your life to the gatekeeper of Heaven — Jesus. “I did it my way” (like Frank Sinatra sang it) is not going to be heard in Heaven… only in Hell.
The consequences of supporting evil
Keeping sin AND getting God’s Holiness also
When on earth I’m done and gone
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